Disengage from the petty squabbles and false controversies posed by small people. Regroup and mount an assault that come from your inner convictions. Become action in action. You will enjoy success.
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Today: I Ching
Healer, Teacher, Yogi
Disengage from the petty squabbles and false controversies posed by small people. Regroup and mount an assault that come from your inner convictions. Become action in action. You will enjoy success.
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Today: I Ching
“Those people who have a very strong magnetic field—electric charge, life force, circumvent force—can liberate others with touch and mental projection, and where their steps shall be, there truth shall be.” Yogi Bhajan
The usual suspects are pressing forward to impose their agenda. It’s just the time that we are living in. No immediate action is necessary, except to be aware of any hidden designs. Do not fall into their traps.
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Today: I Ching
“Now suppose there is something you want to move and it’s not moving. There is a block and it’s not movable. Then chant this mantra (Ad Such, Jugad Such, Hai Bhay Such, Nanak Hosee Bhay Such). It’s a lever. It is the biggest lever available to you as a mantra.” Yogi Bhajan
Press forward with what you are committed to, despite the danger. You will inspire others to do the same.
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Today: I Ching
“When you are conscious that you are breathing the charge of the Divine energy, the Cosmos, there is nothing more you require.” Yogi Bhajan
Be yourself. Deal with reality as it is. Keep a low profile. Allow your influence in public matters to be felt, not seen.
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Today: I Ching
“If you can get up at 3:00 a.m. and you feel that you are part of the Cosmos and Cosmos is part of you, then you lean on the vibratory effect of your self-creativity as an individual in finite mind to relate to the infinite mind. And you feel those vibrations in you. As a unit light, you feel the beam of the light around you. Then energy-wise you are not going to get weaker; your mind will be very sharp. You will reach the stage of knowing the unknown.” Yogi Bhajan
If there is anything you need to accomplish, the time is now. You have every means of power at your disposal.
Do not confront opposition on its own terms. Stay connected with your cause and focused on the goal. Do not react to those who would resist or demean you.
Not compromising, you will be an inspiration to all.
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Today: I Ching
“God is not what you think, God is not going to change things because you want to change things. There is a total little tinker in you called soul and when you do the prayer it is called concentrated computed code message to the higher Cosmos that is your orbit. You can change your orbit easily provided you understand you are part of Infinity and Infinity is part of you.” Yogi Bhajan
The first steps to dissolving tribalism are to meet with a kindred spirit of another tribe and then to begin to understand the psyche of the other. That understanding must come from an inward examination of the self, which can then be extended outward.
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Today: I Ching
“Mantras have power. They are the mind vibration in relationship to the Cosmos. The science of mantra is based on the knowledge that sound is a form of energy having structure, power, and a definite predictable effect on the human psyche.” Yogi Bhajan
Abuse of power must be called out. The bad actors must be exposed for their misdeeds and replaced. Wait for massive dissent. Then the way will be clear for change.
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Today: I Ching
“Committed language is when you speak directly, with your heart, with all parts of your mind supporting what you say.” Yogi Bhajan
Oppressors are making things difficult. Be cautious in your endeavors, particularly with your communications. The messages are being twisted and confused. Chaos rules. Beware of a potential hostile strike that will come from this chaos.
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Today: I Ching
“When you lose your elevation and have no habit to listen to your consciousness, then it seems like you have no choice. You do not understand it because your mind is doing this to you. Your mind is not supposed to do anything to you. Your mind is supposed to do things for you. Now you are caught in the game of mind and ego. Between the two you can be stretched until nothing is left.” Yogi Bhajan