Today: “Whatever you are, you’re a piece of garbage if you have not awakened your own dormant power to become totally excellent.” – Yogi Bhajan

“I hope you fully understand. If you see you are rich, you are rich. If you see you are poor, you are poor. If you see you are great, you are great. If you see you are not, you are not. If you are a pimp and a prostitute, bless you. And if you are very saintly and divine and humble and great, fine. Whatever you are, you’re a piece of garbage if you have not awakened your own dormant power to become totally excellent. By rowing a boat you can reach the ocean, but you will never know the power of swimming through it. That is what it is.” Yogi Bhajan


Today: “When the social structure devolves into tribalism, what binds it is too strong to fight directly.” – From the I Ching

When the social structure devolves into tribalism, what binds it is too strong to fight directly.  Still a member, you can have an impact if you keep your personal dignity intact and gently teach through your presence and example.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's and subsequent translations of the I Ching

#45, line #3, #62

The gathering together of people in large communities is either a natural occurrence, as in the case of the family, or an artificial one, as in the case of the state. The family gathers about the father as its head. The perpetuation of this gathering in groups is achieved through the sacrifice to the ancestors, at which the whole clan is gathered together. Through the collective piety of the living members of the family, the ancestors become so integrated in the spiritual life of the family that it cannot be dispersed or dissolved.
Where men are to be gathered together, religious forces are needed. But there must also be a human leader to serve as the centre of the group. In order to be able to bring others together, this leader must first of all be collected within himself. Only collective moral force can unite the world. Such great times of unification will leave great achievements behind them. This is the significance of the great offerings that are made. In the secular sphere likewise there is need of great deeds in the time of GATHERING TOGETHER.
Often a man feels an urge to unite with others, but the individuals around him have already formed themselves into a group, so that he remains isolated. The whole situation proves untenable. Then he ought to choose the way of progress, resolutely allying himself with a man who stands nearer to the centre of the group, and can help him to gain admission to the closed circle. This is not a mistake, even though at first his position as an outsider is somewhat humiliating.
Exceptional modesty and conscientiousness are sure to be rewarded with success; however, if a man is not to throw himself away, it is important that they should not become empty form and subservience but be combined always with a correct dignity in personal behavior. We must understand the demands of the time in order to find the necessary offset for its deficiencies and damages. In any event we must not count on great success, since the requisite strength is lacking. In this lies the importance of the message that one should not strive after lofty things but hold to lowly things.

Personal I Ching readings
Tao Te Ching – Verse 65
Previous readings
Today: I Ching


Today: “The one who practices Kundalini Yoga commands the five tattvas, the three gunas, the seven chakras, and all 108 elements in the universe” – Yogi Bhajan

“Kundalini Yoga is not a yoga for everybody or anybody. The one who practices Kundalini Yoga commands the five tattvas, the three gunas, the seven chakras, and all 108 elements in the universe, including a conscious creation of the Creator. Let’s be clear about it. Kundalini Yoga is not a religion. Religions came out of it. Kundalini Yoga is not a fad, and it’s not a cult. It’s a practice of experience of a person’s own excellence which is dormant and which is awakened.” Yogi Bhajan


Today: “On the verge of hard won success, do not turn back.  Success enables you to enjoy an expansion of your goals.” – From the I Ching

On the verge of hard won success, do not turn back.  Success enables you to enjoy an expansion of your goals.  Seize the moment.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's and subsequent translations of the I Ching

#63, line #6, #42

The transition from the old to the new time is already accomplished. In principle, everything stands systematised, and it is only in regard to details that success is still to be achieved. In respect to this, however, we must be careful to maintain the right attitude. Everything proceeds as if of its own accord, and this can all too easily tempt us to relax and let things take their course without troubling over details. Such indifference is the root of all evil. Symptoms of decay are bound to be the result. Here we have the rule indicating the usual course of history. But this rule is not an inescapable law. He who understands it is in position to avoid its effects by dint of unremitting perseverance and caution.
Here in conclusion another warning is added. After crossing a stream, a man’s head can get into the water only if he is so imprudent as to turn back. As long as he goes forward and does not look back, he escapes this danger. But there is a fascination in standing still and looking back on a peril overcome. However, such vain self-admiration brings misfortune. It leads only to danger, and unless one finally resolves to go forward without pausing, one falls a victim to this danger.
Sacrifice on the part of those above for the increase of those below fills the people with a sense of joy and gratitude that is extremely valuable for the flowering of the commonwealth. When people are thus devoted to their leaders, undertakings are possible, and even difficult and dangerous enterprises will succeed. Therefore in such times of progress and successful development it is necessary to work and make the best use of the time. This time resembles that of the marriage of heaven and earth, when the earth partakes of the creative power of heaven, forming and bringing forth living beings. The time of INCREASE does not endure, therefore it must be utilised while it lasts.

Personal I Ching readings
Tao Te Ching – Verse 64
Previous readings
Today: I Ching


Today: “I am not, folks, tying a turban because I’m a Sikh, and I’m not tying a turban because I’m running a boutique business.” – Yogi Bhajan

“I am not, folks, tying a turban because I’m a Sikh, and I’m not tying a turban because I’m running a boutique business. Not at all. I’m not teaching a religion, minus reality. I’m a scientist. I came to these United States to be in the United States. I am not seeking students. I don’t initiate. But I am obligated. Somebody touched me and taught me. I’m willing to touch somebody.” Yogi Bhajan



Today: “Be especially aware when you find yourself in a new situation.  Do not forget where you are.” – From the I Ching

Be especially aware when you find yourself in a new situation.  Do not forget where you are.  Keep your manners.  Do not call too much attention to yourself. Familiarize yourself with the new surroundings.  Act from intuition.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's and subsequent translations of the I Ching

#56, line #6, #62

WHEN A man is a wanderer and stranger, he should not be gruff nor overbearing. He has no large circle of acquaintances, therefore he should not give himself airs. He must be cautious and reserved; in this way he protects himself from evil. If he is obliging toward others, he wins success.
A wanderer has no fixed abode; his home is the road. Therefore he must take care to remain upright and steadfast, so that he sojourns only in the proper places, associating only with good people. Then he has good fortune and can go his way unmolested.
The picture of a bird whose nest burns up indicates loss of one’s resting place. This misfortune may overtake the bird if it is heedless and imprudent when building its nest. It is the same with a wanderer. If he lets himself go, laughing and jesting, and forgets that he is a wanderer, he will later have cause to weep and lament. For if through carelessness a man loses his cow — i.e., his modesty and adaptability — evil will result.
Exceptional modesty and conscientiousness are sure to be rewarded with success; however, if a man is not to throw himself away, it is important that they should not become empty form and subservience but be combined always with a correct dignity in personal behavior. We must understand the demands of the time in order to find the necessary offset for its deficiencies and damages. In any event we must not count on great success, since the requisite strength is lacking. In this lies the importance of the message that one should not strive after lofty things but hold to lowly things.

Personal I Ching readings
Tao Te Ching – Verse 63
Previous readings
Today: I Ching


Today: “You must understand. Ten percent of you is projection and ten percent of you is object and subject. You can’t be more than that.” – Yogi Bhajan

“You must understand. Ten percent of you is projection and ten percent of you is object and subject. You can’t be more than that. There’s no way. Eighty percent is unknown. The idea of intuition is not to not know. The idea of the development of intuition is that you have to know that eighty percent. You are missing eighty percent.” Yogi Bhajan



Today: “Accept that you don’t see eye to eye.  Keep your integrity. Exercise kindness.” – From the I Ching

Accept that you don’t see eye to eye.  Keep your integrity. Exercise kindness.  Recognize that there is no end to challenges arising before us.  Just master this one.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's and subsequent translations of the I Ching

#38, line #1, #64

You are working at cross-purposes with another.  The distance between you is very wide.  The gap can be closed, however, with no compromise of your integrity.  You are not adversaries in this case — just two persons addressing individual needs.
Don’t search after the horses you’ve lost; They will return in seven days.
Acknowledge the presence of evil people: keep a close eye on them, but don’t be baited into dealing with them.
Resist the rush to completion.  Anticipation of fulfillment may callous you before you have fully absorbed the lessons of the journey.  The endpoint of this Quest will only prove to be the threshold for another.  You are short steps from Mastery on this plane, yet you stride toward Ignorance of the challenges lying beyond.  Savor this accomplishment.  Fully Become.  Take full possession of your world before embarking to discover the next one.  That voyage begins soon enough, and you will reminisce about this one.
These are the Good Old Days.

Personal I Ching readings
Tao Te Ching – Verse 62
Previous readings
Today: I Ching


Today: “So the most insane person has some sanity somewhere, and the most sane person has the equivalent insanity somewhere. ” – Yogi Bhajan

“So the most insane person has some sanity somewhere, and the most sane person has the equivalent insanity somewhere. But the sanity or insanity doesn’t matter. The question is: Do you have the width to open up, to accommodate, to listen, to understand, from another point of view, so you may not end up screwing up the whole thing? Do you have a little one minute of patience?” Yogi Bhajan


Today: “Accept others’ offers of gratitude toward you with gratitude.  Give up your expectations of how others should be or behave.” – From the I Ching

Accept others’ offers of gratitude toward you with gratitude.  Give up your expectations of how others should be or behave.  Doing this, you will be liberated.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's and subsequent translations of the I Ching

#35, line #2, #40

The Sun shines down upon the Earth:
Constantly honing and refining his brilliance, the Superior Person is a Godsend to his people.
This is a time of reward for good works.  Those you have helped want to show their gratitude.  Benefits come both from on high and from the humble you uplifted.  Accept all gifts graciously, though the reward may not be what you truly need or hoped for.  Some may bestow more than they can afford to give, but you must realize that they need to feel that they have repaid you.
You advance in sorrow, but this path leads to good fortune.  Accept the boon of a wise woman.
The Superior Person knows the release in forgiveness, pardoning the faults of others and dealing gently with those who sin against him.  It pays to accept things as they are for now.  If there is nothing else to be gained, a return brings good fortune.  If there is something yet to be gained, act on it at once.
The relief you experience here is not your own personal pardon, but the release of others from your rigid expectations.  Feel the lightness of being that results from forgiving others and accepting them as they are.  Free yourself of the endless vigil of policing the behavior of others.  See them for who they are, not what they can or can’t do for you.

Personal I Ching readings
Tao Te Ching – Verse 61
Previous readings
Today: I Ching


Today: “Your faculty of projection with your personal reverence will win all for you” – Yogi Bhajan

“Your faculty of projection with your personal reverence will win all for you. That is the path of victory.” Yogi Bhajan


Today: “The power of God’s manifestation causes either fear or reverence.  Reverence dispels fear. ” – From the I Ching

The power of God’s manifestation causes either fear or reverence.  Reverence dispels fear.  Be ready for the coming reckoning.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's and subsequent translations of the I Ching


The shock that comes from the manifestation of God within the depths of the earth makes man afraid, but this fear of God is good, for joy and merriment can follow upon it.
When a man has learned within his heart what fear and trembling mean, he is safeguarded against any terror produced by outside influences. Let the thunder roll and spread terror a hundred miles around: he remains so composed and reverent in spirit that the sacrificial rite is not interrupted. This is the spirit that must animate leaders and rulers of men – a profound inner seriousness from which all terrors glance off harmlessly.
The shock of continuing thunder brings fear and trembling. The superior man is always filled with reverence at the manifestation of God; he sets his life in order and searches his heart, lest it harbour any secret opposition to the will of God. Thus reverence is the foundation of true culture.

Personal I Ching readings
Tao Te Ching – Verse 60
Previous readings
Today: I Ching


Today: “Suppose you have enough breath of life at the rate of one breath for one year” – Yogi Bhajan

“Suppose you have enough breath of life at the rate of one breath for one year, so you take one breath a minute, you can live fifteen years. Suppose you have breath of life for one hundred years. At fifteen breaths a minute, at that rate, you can live 1500 years. That’s how yogis extend their life—by practicing one breath a minute. When you practice one breath a minute, then you become Pavan Guru— you become the light and knowledge of the prana, and then you know the universe, the universe knows you.”


Today: “Do not fight difficulties in your path.  Do not give up your quest, rather give up your assumptions and your viewpoint.” – From the I Ching

Do not fight difficulties in your path.  Do not give up your quest, rather give up your assumptions and your viewpoint.  Find a new way to deal with them.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's and subsequent translations of the I Ching

#3, Line 3, #39

Supreme Success if you keep to your course.  Carefully consider the first move.  Seek help.
New ventures always pack along their inherent chaos.  Though this is an annoyance at best, and can even imperil or downright doom an endeavor, it is also the friction needed to polish your project to jewel brilliance.  Learn from these early obstacles.
A hunter who pursues his prey without a guide will lose his way in the deeps of the forest.  The Superior Person knows his limitations and gives up the chase.  To advance brings regret.  
The Obstacle lies in obstinance.
An insistence on only one way of proceeding has brought things to an impasse.  You may either continue banging your head with irresistible force against this immovable object, or you might step back and survey this situation from a fresh perspective.

Personal I Ching readings
Tao Te Ching – Verse 59
Previous readings
Today: I Ching


Today: “Your genetic self contains the Infinite Self” – Yogi Bhajan

“If you remember this line, you’ll project correctly: Your genetic self contains the Infinite Self.” Yogi Bhajan


Recap: Healing and Meditation Class at Yoga West with Hari Nam Singh 2018-09-18 – Inner Projection

Inner Projection

We project our radiance with our tenth body, the Radiant Body.  When your Radiant Body is shiny, you have a profound impact on those who perceive you.  If it is dull, you have little impact.  A strong Radiant Body can heal through your mere presence.
The Radiant Body projects outwardly and inwardly.  A strong inner projection gives you strength and confidence.  It gives you absolute acceptance of your self.  A weak inner projection makes you insecure.
In this class we will work with the radiant body in resonance with the inner projection.  We will relate through the third eye.  That will give the healer (and the patient) an intuitive introspection of the function of the Radiant Body and how it can enhance the inner projection.

NM345- Strengthen and Enhance the Radiant Body
m043-See Your Soul through the Third Eye

NM345- Strengthen and enhance the radiant body
M043-19890623 See Your Soul Within Your Third Eye

Class Audio: