Today: “The power of the circumvent force is a protective shield” – Yogi Bhajan

The power of the circumvent force is a protective shield. It will attract God consciousness and Mother Nature will serve you. You will have all that you need.” Yogi Bhajan




Today: “Give the fool enough space to fall on his face” – From the I Ching

Give the fool enough space to fall on his face.  Your weighing in too much only adds to the chaos.  Be careful and mindful of what you are communicating.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's and subsequent translations of the I Ching

#4, line 6, #37

The best way to prove a fool wrong is to let him have his way.
To severely restrict his folly will invite him to always believe that his way would have been right.
The Superior Person weighs his words carefully and is consistent in his behavior.
One in this situation must be keenly aware of his influence on others.
Maintain a healthy respect for the ripple effect of your words and deeds.
To some you serve as a role model.
You can either help shape their world or tilt them into chaos.
Show temperance and consideration to all.


Tao Te Ching – Verse 28

Previous readings
Today: I Ching


Today: “The Eighth Chakra is located in the aura” – Yogi Bhajan

“The Eighth Chakra is located in the aura, the magnetic field generated by a human being that surrounds him or her up to nine feet in every direction. The quality of the aura reveals the personality in the projection of power or the depression of defeat.” Yogi Bhajan



Meditation: KWTC-930407 Childhood Patterns – Aura

“Kundalini Yoga is… a practice of experience of a person s own excellence which is dormant and which is awakened.”‘-Yogi Bhajan 7/26/96 Continue reading “Meditation: KWTC-930407 Childhood Patterns – Aura”

Today: “Understand your own true nature first” – From the I Ching

Understand your own true nature first.  Then you may apply that outwardly in the world.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's and subsequent translations of the I Ching


The wind blows over the lake and stirs the surface of the water. Thus visible effects of the invisible manifest themselves. The hexagram consists of firm lines above and below, while it is open in the centre. This indicates a heart free of prejudices and therefore open to truth. On the other hand, each of the two trigrams has a firm line in the middle; this indicates the force of inner truth in the influences they present.
The subject of this hexagram discovers a key to Tranquility by first gaining insight into his own nature, then turning that vision outward.
By resolving inner conflicts and being at peace with himself, he learns to gain insight into others.
In effect, he enters another, sees with the other’s eyes, listens with the other’s ears, feels with the other’s heart.
He then returns to his own center, with new perspective and understanding.


Tao Te Ching – Verse 28

Previous readings
Today: I Ching


Today: “…concentrating on yourself as a part of the Universe and meditating on the Holy Nam” – Yogi Bhajan

“The circumvent force can be straightened out by concentrating on yourself as a part of the Universe and meditating on the Holy Nam. It can straighten out any pit in your life. It can plug any deficiency. It is the highest, most powerful method a man has ever developed or known.” Yogi Bhajan



Today: “Stay strong.  Keep up for the long haul.” – From the I Ching

Stay strong.  Keep up for the long haul.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's and subsequent translations of the I Ching


Arousing Thunder and penetrating Wind.
Close companions in any storm:  The Superior Person possesses a resiliency and durability that lets him remain firmly and faithfully on course.
Such constancy deserves success.
Endurance is the key to success in this situation.  However, durability is not synonymous with stone-like rigidity.  True resilience requires a flexibility that allows adaptation to any adverse condition, while still remaining true to the core.


Tao Te Ching – Verse 27

Previous readings
Today: I Ching


Today: “Your aura is determined by what you vibrate” – Yogi Bhajan

“Your aura is determined by what you vibrate. Whatever your mental thoughts are, that is your aura and that is the color of your aura.” Yogi Bhajan


Today: “From a position of safety, gently share your wisdom to effect change.” – From the I Ching

From a position of safety, gently share your wisdom to effect change.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's and subsequent translations of the I Ching

#57, line 4, #28

Wind follows upon wind, wandering the earth, penetrating gently but persistently:  The Superior Person expands his influence by reaffirming his decisions and carrying out his promises.
Small, persistent, focused effort brings success.
Seek advice from someone you respect.
Gentle persuasion is the key in this instance.
Though the words are soft, their speaker must be firm, calm and confident.
Gentle words are worthless if spoken with trepidation.
Wordless influence by example is also effective in this situation.
All persuasion should be almost unfelt, yet consistent and persistent.
Ask for feedback from someone you know to be an effective persuader.
When a responsible position and accumulated experience lead one to combine innate modesty with energetic action, great success is assured. The three kinds of animals referred to served for offerings to the gods, for feasting guests, and for everyday consumption. When the catch answered all three purposes, the hunt was considered especially successful.
Amidst a rising tide of human folly, the Superior Person retires to higher ground, renouncing his world without looking back.
Any direction is better than where you now stand.
Several high-priority concerns demand immediate attention.
All are crucial.
None will be denied.
Yet some demand the denial of others.
Like two atoms seeking to occupy the same space, these irresistible forces and immovable objects threaten to ignite a cataclysm that could irreversibly alter your world.
This is no time for fatal heroics.
You are at Ground Point Zero.
Remove yourself from this situation without delay.
Find sanctuary.
Later you may deal with these concerns on your own


Tao Te Ching – Verse 26

Previous readings
Today: I Ching


Today: “Those who sleep North/South” – Yogi Bhajan

“Those who sleep North/South—their magnetic field and the magnetic field of the Earth become one and they become zero and lose all initiative. That is why man has always been advised to sleep East/West.” Yogi Bhajan


Today: “You just have to wait” – From the I Ching

You just have to wait.  See yesterday’s reading.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's and subsequent translations of the I Ching


Thunderclouds approaching from the West, but no rain yet.  The Superior Person nourishes himself and remains of good cheer to condition himself for the moment of truth.
Great Success if you sincerely keep to your course. You may cross to the far shore.
You must now endure this Dangling — either a carrot before your nose, or a sword above your head.
This strange mix of apprehension and anticipation is a Purgatory.
There is nothing more you can do to affect the outcome.  You must now submit to the Fates.


Tao Te Ching – Verse 24

Previous readings
Today: I Ching


Today: “Your own vibration feeds the circumvent force” – Yogi Bhajan

“Your own vibration feeds the circumvent force, and the weaker it is, the weaker the vibration you relate to.” Yogi Bhajan


Today:allow the indignities, injustices and transgressions being thrown about randomly, for now”

Hold firm, keep to your responsibilities and just allow the indignities, injustices and transgressions being thrown about randomly, for now.  A storm is coming, having full popular support, which will sweep clean the evil as if it never existed.   See yesterday’s reading.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's and subsequent translations of the I Ching

#36 Line 5, #49

This time calls for a saintly effort to turn the other cheek.
You have been deliberately injured.  Going blow-for-blow will only escalate this war.  Abstain from vengeance.  Show all watching that you are above it.
Sidestep your aggressor’s headlong charge, giving him the opportunity to fall on his face.
Prince Chi lived at the court of the evil tyrant Chou Hsin, who, although not mentioned by name, furnishes the historical example on which this whole situation is based. Prince Chi was a relative of the tyrant and could not withdraw from court; therefore he concealed his true sentiments and feigned insanity. Although he was held a slave, he did not allow external misery to deflect him from his convictions.
This provides a teaching for those who cannot leave their posts in times of darkness. In order to escape danger, they need invincible perseverance of spirit and redoubled caution in their dealings with the world.
The Superior Person reads the Signs of the Times and makes the Season apparent to all.  
The support you need will come only after the deed is done.  Renewed forces, however, will provide fresh energy for exceptional progress.
Persevere.  All differences vanish.
A revolutionary Change must be made forcibly.
There is no negotiating with the Established Order.
Perfect timing is essential.
Let the abuse of power become apparent and oppressive to those around you before making your move.  Lay the groundwork, sow the seeds for Revolution without tipping your hand prematurely.  You will need a strong foundation, because you will have to bring about this necessary change alone.  You cannot count on popular support, so you must wait until there is massive dissent.  Then the avenue for your assault will be cleared.


Tao Te Ching – Verse 24

Previous readings
Today: I Ching


Today: “There is one center of consciousness beyond the thousand-petal lotus ” – Yogi Bhajan

“There is one center of consciousness beyond the thousand-petal lotus called circumvent force. When the consciousness lives in that, then one becomes a human being, totally serviceful, and absolutely one-pointed.” Yogi Bhajan


Today: “There is no common ground where compromise can occur.  The traitor must be removed. ” – from the I Ching

There is no common ground where compromise can occur.  Whenever unity cannot be established, the obstruction is due to a talebearer and traitor who is interfering and blocking the way. To prevent permanent injury, vigorous measures must be taken at once.   The traitor must be removed.  Justice must be done.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's and subsequent translations of the I Ching

#38 Line 2, #21

You are working at cross-purposes with another.
The distance between you is very wide.
The gap can be closed, however, with no compromise of your integrity.
You are not adversaries in this case — just two persons addressing individual needs.
As a result of misunderstandings, it has become impossible for people who by nature belong together to meet in the correct way. This being so, an accidental meeting under informal circumstances may serve the purpose, provided there is an inner affinity between them.
When an obstacle to union arises, energetic biting through brings success. This is true in all situations. Whenever unity cannot be established, the obstruction is due to a talebearer and traitor who is interfering and blocking the way. To prevent permanent injury, vigorous measures must be taken at once. Deliberate obstruction of this sort does not vanish of its own accord. Judgement and punishment are required to deter or obviate it.
A terrible reckoning is due.

A wrong will be righted — and even if it has been you who has been wronged, you will tremble at the terrible power of Justice untempered by Mercy.
Pray for your oppressor, that his punishment will fit his crime.


Tao Te Ching – Verse 23

Previous readings
Today: I Ching


Today: “Every piece of matter has a foot and a half aura” – Yogi Bhajan

“Every piece of matter has a foot and a half aura. Every animal has a three and a half foot aura. Every human has a nine foot aura. And if we wear cotton and we wear white, this color therapy gives us one extra foot of aura.” Yogi Bhajan
