“To win the game of life you must have caliber. To have caliber you must have an Applied Mind. An Applied Mind is a mind that processes everything positive and negative then acts from the Neutral Mind to express you. The Applied Mind uses the Neutral Mind to assess all positive and negative, but does not react on that basis. It acts to cause a cause that leads to the fulfillment of you and your destiny, you andyour highest identity.” Yogi Bhajan
Today: ”Do not rush the fulfillment of your intentions. Exercise patience.” – a reading from the I Ching
Do not rush the fulfillment of your intentions. Exercise patience. Recognize that what is anticipated now is one of many milestones you will experience in your life. Keep getting better. Improve your intuition.
Meditation: NM374 – 20001128 – Patience and Intuition
Today: I Ching – Previous Readings
Today: “I want to share with you the beauty, the wonders of the human mind. I want you to understand that your mental faculty is not only a power, it is the greatest power, and it is at your call.” – Yogi Bhajan
“I want to share with you the beauty, the wonders of the human mind. I want you to understand that your mental faculty is not only a power, it is the greatest power, and it is at your call. I am not sharing this to be a professional lecturer or even to start some industry. I want to share some simple truths, which are timeless, and which let you live wonderfully as a human being under all the challenges we have to face. I know for all my best efforts, many of you will not understand the depth and effectiveness of these truths now. You were trained to prefer emotions and your own fears above simple truth. When you clear your mind and come to the state of fearlessness, then you will understand these truths, their applications, and implications.” Yogi Bhajan
Today: ”Help others along their journey. Recognize in them the attraction they feel towards you.” – a reading from the I Ching
Help others along their journey. Recognize in them the attraction they feel towards you. Use that to be a better person. Feel the stillness and silence in all your relations. Let you become you.
Meditation: Contemplate in Shuniya from the Spine
Today: I Ching – Previous Readings
Today: “The Age is shifting. We had the Industrial Age, then the Information Revolution, and now we are crossing into the Aquarian Age. ” – Yogi Bhajan
“The Age is shifting. We had the Industrial Age, then the Information Revolution, and now we are crossing into the Aquarian Age. This will be the Age of Awareness. We will be overloaded with information and our psyches will become more sensitive. It will be essential for each of us to know our mind and command it with our meditative mind. Without control of those many facets, the undirected mind will create depressions, delusions, identity splits, and a deep core feeling of emptiness. It will be our duty, and a fundamental requirement of our future lives, to meditate and to command the mind.” Yogi Bhajan
Today: ”Keep up the pressure despite the danger. Keep your manners and you will be OK.” – a reading from the I Ching
Keep up the pressure despite the danger. Keep your manners and you will be OK.
Meditation: LA046 – 780614 – Hari Shabad Meditation
Today: I Ching – Previous Readings
Today: “Periodic fasting is well known to clear the mind and to adjust our relationship to many of our emotions and impulses.” – Yogi Bhajan
“Periodic fasting is well known to clear the mind and to adjust our relationship to many of our emotions and impulses. Take the example of Mahatma Ghandi. He fasted, lived simply, and when he died the entire world acknowledged him. Right or wrong, his mind was coherent and his mind awakened the acknowledgement of the psyche of the entire globe.” Yogi Bhajan
Today: ”Keep your innocence. Hold your light giving potential within you until it will be received enthusiastically.” – a reading from the I Ching
Keep your innocence. Hold your light giving potential within you until it will be received enthusiastically. Don’t try to counter the trends toward darkness in the environment.
Meditation: LA907 – Kriya for Non-Reaction
Today: I Ching – Previous Readings
Today: “Normally, your mind doesn’t work that well. You forget to develop the meditative mind and your awareness.” – Yogi Bhajan
“Normally, your mind doesn’t work that well. You forget to develop the meditative mind and your awareness. You forget to care for this body as a temple and as a most sophisticated creation and instrument. Your brain cannot compute well because your hormonal and neurochemical base is poor. Then your power, which is in your basic structure and brain, is not facilitated to understand, to analyze in depth, to compute, and reconstruct the thought forms of your entire psyche. Further, you are not trained to use your mind to synchronize your own magnetic field with the cosmic magnetic field, which has a complete interconnection with all other humans, other existences, and realms of material existence. That synchronization gives you guidance and pathways through every problem. Did you know that? Do you know that as an experience, as a practical skill?” Yogi Bhajan
Today: ”In a dangerous time, do not be goaded into premature action. Rather, be still and contemplate the appropriate way to relate with the situation.” – a reading from the I Ching
In a dangerous time, do not be goaded into premature action. Rather, be still and contemplate the appropriate way to relate with the situation. Your intuition will tell you when to act and in what direction to move.
Meditation: LA907 – Kriya for Non-Reaction
Today: I Ching – Previous Readings
Today: “In any exercise which touches the mind, a person starts getting upset in exactly two and half minutes.” – Yogi Bhajan
“In any exercise which touches the mind, a person starts getting upset in exactly two and half minutes. That’s the rule of thumb. The mind doesn’t want to be caught. It wants to swing. But there are some people like us who feel that it’s hard work to control the mind, but once we control the mind, then we can control the whole world.” Yogi Bhajan
Today: ”Be a source of nourishment for your brothers and sisters. ” – a reading from the I Ching
Be a source of nourishment for your brothers and sisters. Remember to nourish yourself.
Meditation: LA873 Nao Niddh Kriya
Today: I Ching – Previous Readings
Today: “Now you will ask me if a mind can be controlled. Yes. Not only can your mind be controlled, your life can be controlled.” – Yogi Bhajan
“Now you will ask me if a mind can be controlled. Yes. Not only can your mind be controlled, your life can be controlled. A situation can be controlled. Sometime you get into very, very, very ugly situation. If you have the practice to switch your breath to the left nostril you will get out of it in two seconds. The moment you start breathing with your left nostril, your elementary self will come in play. Moment your elementary self comes in play, your totality of the mind becomes one unit to confirm and it puts the radiance shield of your body and you will immediately become very pleasant and positive rather than angry and reactive. Some people train themselves to breathe through any nostril they choose. But many of you have not practiced that, and therefore you use your hand to close your right nostril. Long, deep breathing through the left nostril is good for the heart and good for the health. It will calm you down.” Yogi Bhajan
Yogi’s De-Stress And Sleep Routine.
Yogi’s De-Stress And Sleep Routine.
Most of us never truly relax, even when we sleep. This bedtime routine will enable you to deeply relax and enter deep sleep at your will. Continue reading “Yogi’s De-Stress And Sleep Routine. “
Today: ”The situation must be rectified without delay. The last of the bad actors must be discredited and marginalized before things can turn completely for the better.” – a reading from the I Ching
The situation must be rectified without delay. The last of the bad actors must be discredited and marginalized before things can turn completely for the better. Doing so must be accomplished with an abundance of caution lest they make a comeback.
Meditation: TCH2012 960727 – Warrior’s Exercise
Today: I Ching – Previous Readings
Today: “Mind is a link between Infinity and you.” – Yogi Bhajan
“Mind is a link between Infinity and you. When the soul got the body, the soul asked God, ‘What is my link with you, my Lord?’ And God said, ‘Mind.’ Mind can take you into any thought, beyond thought, and unto Infinity. Mind can take you into any dungeon, any pit, and any negativity. Mind has no limit in its own self. But mind is your servant. If the mind becomes your master, you don’t have a chance. It is very essential in yoga that we know our own mind.” Yogi Bhajan