Today: “Your faculty of projection with your personal reverence will win all for you” – Yogi Bhajan

“Your faculty of projection with your personal reverence will win all for you. That is the path of victory.” Yogi Bhajan


Today: “The power of God’s manifestation causes either fear or reverence.  Reverence dispels fear. ” – From the I Ching

The power of God’s manifestation causes either fear or reverence.  Reverence dispels fear.  Be ready for the coming reckoning.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's and subsequent translations of the I Ching


The shock that comes from the manifestation of God within the depths of the earth makes man afraid, but this fear of God is good, for joy and merriment can follow upon it.
When a man has learned within his heart what fear and trembling mean, he is safeguarded against any terror produced by outside influences. Let the thunder roll and spread terror a hundred miles around: he remains so composed and reverent in spirit that the sacrificial rite is not interrupted. This is the spirit that must animate leaders and rulers of men – a profound inner seriousness from which all terrors glance off harmlessly.
The shock of continuing thunder brings fear and trembling. The superior man is always filled with reverence at the manifestation of God; he sets his life in order and searches his heart, lest it harbour any secret opposition to the will of God. Thus reverence is the foundation of true culture.

Personal I Ching readings
Tao Te Ching – Verse 60
Previous readings
Today: I Ching


Today: “Suppose you have enough breath of life at the rate of one breath for one year” – Yogi Bhajan

“Suppose you have enough breath of life at the rate of one breath for one year, so you take one breath a minute, you can live fifteen years. Suppose you have breath of life for one hundred years. At fifteen breaths a minute, at that rate, you can live 1500 years. That’s how yogis extend their life—by practicing one breath a minute. When you practice one breath a minute, then you become Pavan Guru— you become the light and knowledge of the prana, and then you know the universe, the universe knows you.”


Today: “Do not fight difficulties in your path.  Do not give up your quest, rather give up your assumptions and your viewpoint.” – From the I Ching

Do not fight difficulties in your path.  Do not give up your quest, rather give up your assumptions and your viewpoint.  Find a new way to deal with them.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's and subsequent translations of the I Ching

#3, Line 3, #39

Supreme Success if you keep to your course.  Carefully consider the first move.  Seek help.
New ventures always pack along their inherent chaos.  Though this is an annoyance at best, and can even imperil or downright doom an endeavor, it is also the friction needed to polish your project to jewel brilliance.  Learn from these early obstacles.
A hunter who pursues his prey without a guide will lose his way in the deeps of the forest.  The Superior Person knows his limitations and gives up the chase.  To advance brings regret.  
The Obstacle lies in obstinance.
An insistence on only one way of proceeding has brought things to an impasse.  You may either continue banging your head with irresistible force against this immovable object, or you might step back and survey this situation from a fresh perspective.

Personal I Ching readings
Tao Te Ching – Verse 59
Previous readings
Today: I Ching


Today: “Your genetic self contains the Infinite Self” – Yogi Bhajan

“If you remember this line, you’ll project correctly: Your genetic self contains the Infinite Self.” Yogi Bhajan


Recap: Healing and Meditation Class at Yoga West with Hari Nam Singh 2018-09-18 – Inner Projection

Inner Projection

We project our radiance with our tenth body, the Radiant Body.  When your Radiant Body is shiny, you have a profound impact on those who perceive you.  If it is dull, you have little impact.  A strong Radiant Body can heal through your mere presence.
The Radiant Body projects outwardly and inwardly.  A strong inner projection gives you strength and confidence.  It gives you absolute acceptance of your self.  A weak inner projection makes you insecure.
In this class we will work with the radiant body in resonance with the inner projection.  We will relate through the third eye.  That will give the healer (and the patient) an intuitive introspection of the function of the Radiant Body and how it can enhance the inner projection.

NM345- Strengthen and Enhance the Radiant Body
m043-See Your Soul through the Third Eye

NM345- Strengthen and enhance the radiant body
M043-19890623 See Your Soul Within Your Third Eye

Class Audio:

Today: “Responsive devotion.  Receptive influence.  Develop your discipline.  Give your attention to priorities.” – From the I Ching

Responsive devotion.  Receptive influence.  Don’t take the initiative.  Deal with reality as it is.  Develop your discipline.  Give your attention to priorities.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's and subsequent translations of the I Ching

#2, Line 2, #60

In this situation, the Superior Person should not take the initiative; he should follow the initiative of another.  Responsive devotion.  Receptive influence.
This is a time for dealing with reality as it is, not as you would have it be.
If you realize that in this situation you are the receptor, not the transmitter of the stimulus, you will find yourself reaching goals that seemed unattainable under your own steam.
If you persist in futile efforts to be the Shaper rather than the Shaped, you will completely miss this unique opportunity.
Straight, square, and true.
By being instead of doing, nothing is left undone.
Cultivating the proper disciplines and the proper degree of discipline are the concerns of this hexagram.
By limiting options, you may give more attention to priorities.
One who is all over the map is no less lost than one without a map.

Personal I Ching readings
Tao Te Ching – Verse 58
Previous readings
Today: I Ching


Today: “It is very difficult for people to admit they are wrong” – Yogi Bhajan

“It is very difficult for people to admit they are wrong, because once you admit you are wrong, then you have a chance that you will be right. And it’s not as though I can be your judge, and judge you right or wrong. You know you are right or wrong.” Yogi Bhajan



Today: “Be aware of how you are being seduced into doing things that are against your nature.” – From the I Ching

Be aware of how you are being seduced into doing things that are against your nature.  To prevent long term damage, acquire the discipline to recognize the faults in your character that are being exploited, then eradicate them.  Saying no can produce consequences of its own.  The gangster mentality of controlling people reacts harshly to non-cooperation.  Be prepared to meet the danger posed by powerful people.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's and subsequent translations of the I Ching

#44, Line 1, #10

A strong, addictive temptation, much more dangerous than it seems.
You are ignoring a clear and present danger to your well-being.  If this threat emanated from a heavy-handed oppressor, you would see it coming.  But this danger comes to you in the form of a seduction, an amusement, a diversion, an indulgence that is eating away at the fiber of your secure little world.  You are too cocksure.  You underestimate the tribute this dalliance will demand.
If an inferior element has wormed its way in, it must be energetically checked at once. By consistently checking it, bad effects can be avoided. If it is allowed to take its course, misfortune is bound to result; the insignificance of that which creeps in should not be a temptation to underrate it.
The situation is really difficult. That which is strongest and that which is weakest are close together. The weak follows behind the strong and worries it. The strong, however, acquiesces and does not hurt the weak, because the contact is in good humor and harmless.
In terms of a human situation, one is handling wild, intractable people. In such a case one’s purpose will be achieved if one behaves with decorum. Pleasant manners succeed even with irritable people.

Personal I Ching readings
Tao Te Ching – Verse 57
Previous readings
Today: I Ching


Today: “Infinity cannot be measured. Reverence cannot be explained, because reverence is Infinity” – Yogi Bhajan

“Infinity cannot be measured. Reverence cannot be explained, because reverence is Infinity. Reverence has such a power that it becomes Infinity, and for you to become Infinity, you have to have self-reverence, not reference.” Yogi Bhajan



Today: “Keep your manners and grace.  Be polite.  Allow everything as it comes.  You are a guest.” – From the I Ching

Keep your manners and grace.  Be polite.  Allow everything as it comes.  You are a guest.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's and subsequent translations of the I Ching


WHEN A man is a wanderer and stranger, he should not be gruff nor overbearing. He has no large circle of acquaintances, therefore he should not give himself airs. He must be cautious and reserved; in this way he protects himself from evil. If he is obliging toward others, he wins success.
A wanderer has no fixed abode; his home is the road. Therefore he must take care to remain upright and steadfast, so that he sojourns only in the proper places, associating only with good people. Then he has good fortune and can go his way unmolested.

Personal I Ching readings
Tao Te Ching – Verse 56
Previous readings
Today: I Ching


Today: “So all your headings of life are by reference, not by reverence. You don’t project that you are born to be.” – Yogi Bhajan

“So all your headings of life are by reference, not by reverence. You don’t project that you are born to be. You are born, and you are divine, and you are you. You don’t have to become a human. You are human. Being a human is better than being an angel, and better than a sage, and better than any power of God that there is. You are human, therefore, you are in the image of God. You want to look like your own image, therefore, you are stupid. You are not being like the one who made you. Do you understand?” Yogi Bhajan


Today: “Tune your awareness to the needs of the time” – From the I Ching

Tune your awareness to the needs of the time.  Trim any unnecessary actions or expenditures until they are needed.  Pay attention, don’t miss the optimum time to begin.  Then, proceed cautiously with laser focus.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's and subsequent translations of the I Ching

#60, line 2, #3

Limitations are troublesome, but they are effective. If we live economically in normal times, we are prepared for times of want. To be sparing saves us from humiliation. Limitations are also indispensable in the regulation of world conditions. In nature there are fixed limits for summer and winter, day and night, and these limits give the year its meaning. In the same way, economy, by setting fixed limits upon expenditures, acts to preserve property and prevent injury to the people.
But in limitation we must observe due measure. If a man should seek to impose galling limitations upon his own nature, it would be injurious. And if he should go too far in imposing limitations on others, they would rebel.
Therefore it is necessary to set limits even upon limitation.
When the time for action has come, the moment must be quickly seized. Just as water first collects in a lake without flowing out, yet is certain to find an outlet when the lake is full, so it is in the life of man. It is a good thing to hesitate so long as the time for action has not come, but no longer. Once the obstacles to action have been removed, anxious hesitation is a mistake that is bound to bring disaster, because one misses one’s opportunity.
TIMES OF GROWTH are beset with difficulties. They resemble a first birth. But these difficulties arise from the very profusion of all that is struggling to attain form. Everything is in motion: therefore if one perseveres there is a prospect of great success, in spite of the existing danger. When it is a man’s fate to undertake such new beginnings, everything is still unformed, dark. Hence he must hold back, because any premature move might bring disaster. Likewise, it is very important not to remain alone; in order to overcome the chaos he needs helpers. This is not to say, however, that he himself should look on passively at what is happening. He must lend his hand and participate with inspiration and guidance.

Personal I Ching readings
Tao Te Ching – Verse 55
Previous readings
Today: I Ching


Today: “If you have all the life, all the wealth, all the ecstasy, everything, if you have not found your Master, you have lost it.” – Yogi Bhajan

“If you have all the life, all the wealth, all the ecstasy, everything, if you have not found your Master, you have lost it. We are not asking you to find the Master. BE the Master. That’s your chance. You are a Hu-Man-Being—you are Light Now.” Yogi Bhajan


Today: “Rid yourself of excesses that do not serve you.  You will see who your friends are, who will assist you willingly.” – From the I Ching

Rid yourself of excesses that do not serve you.  You will see who your friends are, who will assist you willingly.  It will bring balance to your life and things will fall into place.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's and subsequent translations of the I Ching

#41, line 4, #63

Decrease does not under all circumstances mean something bad. Increase and decrease come in their own time. What matters here is to understand the time and not to try to cover up poverty with empty pretence. If a time of scanty resources brings out an inner truth, one must not feel ashamed of simplicity. For simplicity is then the very thing needed to provide inner strength for further undertakings. Indeed, there need be no concern if the outward beauty of the civilisation, even the elaboration of religious forms, should have to suffer because of simplicity. One must draw on the strength of the inner attitude to compensate for what is lacking in externals; then the power of the content makes up for the simplicity of form. There is no need of presenting false appearances to God. Even with slender means, the sentiment of the heart can be expressed.
A man’s faults often prevent even well-disposed people from coming closer to him. His faults are sometimes reinforced by the environment in which he lives. But if in humility he can bring himself to the point of giving them up, he frees his well-disposed friends from an inner pressure and causes them to approach the more quickly, and there is mutual joy.
The transition from the old to the new time is already accomplished. In principle, everything stands systematised, and it is only in regard to details that success is still to be achieved. In respect to this, however, we must be careful to maintain the right attitude. Everything proceeds as if of its own accord, and this can all too easily tempt us to relax and let things take their course without troubling over details. Such indifference is the root of all evil. Symptoms of decay are bound to be the result. Here we have the rule indicating the usual course of history. But this rule is not an inescapable law. He who understands it is in position to avoid its effects by dint of unremitting perseverance and caution.

Personal I Ching readings
Tao Te Ching – Verse 53
Previous readings
Today: I Ching


Today: “Earth is a hotel—for some it is a five star hotel, for some just a shack.” – Yogi Bhajan

“Earth is a hotel—for some it is a five star hotel, for some just a shack. But when you are tired, sleep is good. When you are hungry, food is good, and when you know you are a Master, you are good. What type of Teachers do you want to be? Commercial? Write a billboard, and say, “I am your Teacher?” First learn the meaning of a Spiritual Teacher. A Spiritual Teacher is the spirit of the Infinite Lord.” Yogi Bhajan
