Today: “The highest man is he who can uninvolve in every involvement.” Yogi Bhajan

“The highest man is he who can uninvolve in every involvement.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: The Neutral Mind

What else Yogi Bhajan said

Today: – ”Take a step back and assess your situation.  Reaffirm your intentions and assets.” – a reading from the I Ching

Take a step back and assess your situation.  Reaffirm your intentions and assets.  Your inner strength is recognized by your adversaries, who elevate you as their model for success.  They may despise you, yet they look to you in admiration for your strength and conviction.  Eventually they become allies.   That is the point of breakthrough.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's and subsequent translations of the I Ching

#33, line 2, #43
The tranquil Mountain towers overhead, yet remains this side of Heaven:
The Superior Person avoids the petty and superficial by keeping shallow men at a distance, not in anger but with dignity.
Such a retreat sweeps the path clear to Success.
Occupy yourself with minute detail.  Retreat in this instance is not a desperate flight in disarray, but a conscious choice to distance yourself from forces that would rob you of your peace.  It is not a surrender, but a regrouping.  Retreat from this conflict is actually an advance toward your own center.  You move toward balance, and thus a much stronger position.
Yellow is the color of the middle. It indicates that which is correct and in line with duty. Oxhide is strong and not to be torn.
While the superior men retreat and the inferior press after them, the inferior man represented here holds on so firmly and tightly to the superior men that the latter cannot shake him off. And because he is in quest of what is right and so strong in purpose, he reaches his goal. Thus the line confirms what is said in the Judgement:
“In what is small” – here equivalent to “in the inferior man” – “perseverance furthers.”
A Deluge from Heaven:  The Superior Person rains fortune upon those in need, then moves on with no thought of the good he does.
The issue must be raised before an impartial authority.  Be sincere and earnest, despite the danger.  Do not try to force the outcome, but seek support where needed.  Set a clear goal.  
Your iron will must come to the forefront now.  It will take great personal determination to resolve the situation in question.  Your adversary would love to force you into an angry display.  That would legitimize his pposition to you.  Such a berserker rage would drag you down to his level.  You must resolutely take a public stand against what he represents, but refuse to engage him.  Without compromise, you show others the way to higher ground.

Meditation: Melt Negativity – From the Master’s Touch 199720

Today: I Ching – Previous Readings

Today: “When thou shalt hear the truth with the center of the two eyes, the third eye, thou shalt never forget it.” Yogi Bhajan

“When thou shalt hear the truth with the center of the two eyes, the third eye, thou shalt never forget it.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: LA827-19950307 – Third Eye

What else Yogi Bhajan said

Today: – ”It is time to address the rampant corruption that has been allowed to fester through apathy.” – a reading from the I Ching

It is time to address the rampant corruption that has been allowed to fester through apathy.  Begin in measured, solid ways to repair all the damage that has been done.  If the bad actors are not held to account, completely discredited, and exiled from their positions of influence, then we will be complicit in their works and share the fruits of the corruption.  Take it easy. Not too fast.  The transformation may take awhile.  Leave no possibility for regression.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's and subsequent translations of the I Ching

#18, line 4, #64
The Superior Person sweeps away corruption and stagnation by stirring up the people and strengthening their spirit.
Supreme success.
Before crossing to the far shore, consider the move for three days.
After crossing, devote three days of hard labor to damage control.
You are blessed with an opportunity to resuscitate that which others have abandoned as beyond repair.  This ruin wasn’t caused by evil intention, but by indifference to decay.  Just by addressing yourself to the problem, you exhibit a new awareness, a fresh perspective.  This is a time of recovery, renewal, regeneration.
Tolerating the malpractices of the father will lead the son to ruin.
The Superior Person examines the nature of things and keeps each in its proper place.  
Too anxious the young fox gets his tail wet, just as he completes his crossing.  To attain success, be like the man and not like the fox.  Resist the rush to completion.  Anticipation of fulfillment may callous you before you have fully absorbed the lessons of the journey.
The endpoint of this Quest will only prove to be the threshold for another.
You are short steps from Mastery on this plane, yet you stride toward Ignorance of the challenges lying beyond.
Savor this accomplishment.
Fully Become.
Take full possession of your world before embarking to discover the next one.
That voyage begins soon enough, and you will reminisce about this one.
These are the Good Old Days.

Meditation: Melt Negativity – From the Master’s Touch 199720

Today: I Ching – Previous Readings

Today: “You must understand that you are three selves. One is your body, with its desires. One is your mind, with its thoughts. And one is you, with your controlling whip.” Yogi Bhajan

“You must understand that you are three selves. One is your body, with its desires. One is your mind, with its thoughts. And one is you, with your controlling whip. Most people do not know that the mind and the self are two separate things. The mental self and the higher self are two separate things. If you cannot recognize the fight in you between these three selves, then you know absolutely nothing. But gradually you will realize this conflict within you, and you will be able to overcome that conflict so that the higher self may win.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: LA877-19960604 – Self Realization

What else Yogi Bhajan said

Today: – ”Honor and support what you are attracted to without leaping headlong into every possible whimsical endeavor” – a reading from the I Ching

Honor and support what you are attracted to without leaping headlong into every possible whimsical endeavor.  Be careful which direction you choose.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's and subsequent translations of the I Ching

#31, line 3, #3
There is no greater natural law in the Cosmos than Attraction.
From the magnetic pull of an atom’s nucleus to the centrifugal force that spirals a galaxy, the face of the universe is shaped by Attraction.
On a human scale, it is Attraction that fuels procreation and furthers our species.
Yet it is also Attraction that spawns greed and covetousness, threatening our extinction.
Attraction is the underlying force of the situation in question.
You are refined or debased by the objects of your desire.
What gravitational pull are you now under?
Around what sphere of influence do you circle?
Can you use your own ability to attract?
Every mood of the heart influences us to movement. What the heart desires, the thighs run after without a moment’s hesitation; they hold to the heart, which they follow. In the life of man, however, acting on the spur of every caprice is wrong and if continued leads to humiliation. Three considerations suggest themselves here. First, a man should not run precipitately after all the persons whom he would like to influence, but must be able to hold back under certain circumstances. As little should he yield immediately to every whim of those in whose service he stands. Finally, where the moods of his own heart are concerned, he should never ignore the possibility of inhibition, for this is the basis of human freedom.
TIMES OF GROWTH are beset with difficulties. They resemble a first birth. But these difficulties arise from the very profusion of all that is struggling to attain form. Everything is in motion: therefore if one perseveres there is a prospect of great success, in spite of the existing danger. When it is a man’s fate to undertake such new beginnings, everything is still unformed, dark. Hence he must hold back, because any premature move might bring disaster. Likewise, it is very important not to remain alone; in order to overcome the chaos he needs helpers. This is not to say, however, that he himself should look on passively at what is happening. He must lend his hand and participate with inspiration and guidance.

Meditation: NM374 – 20001128 – Patience and Intuition

Today: I Ching – Previous Readings

Today: “Our realization is through our own soul; the very realization of the self within the structured self is the greatest achievement.” Yogi Bhajan

“Our realization is through our own soul; the very realization of the self within the structured self is the greatest achievement.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: M043-19890623 See Your Soul Within Your Third Eye

What else Yogi Bhajan said

Today: – ”Wandering in uncharted territory, let your intuition be your guide. ” – a reading from the I Ching

Wandering in uncharted territory, let your intuition be your guide.  Do not rush to judgement and do not be dissuaded from your chosen path.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's and subsequent translations of the I Ching

Fire on the Mountain, catastrophic to man, a passing annoyance to the Mountain:
The Superior Person waits for wisdom and clarity before exacting Justice, then lets no protest sway him.
Find satisfaction in small gains.
To move constantly forward is good fortune to a Wanderer.
You are a stranger to this situation.
It is your attraction to the exotic that has led you here, but you will move on to a new vista when this one has lost its mystique.
Because much of this environment is foreign to you, you must exercise only the best judgement.
You don’t know the custom here, and it’s too easy to cross a line you don’t know is there.
Because you are the foreigner in this setting, you have no history to acquit you.
Watch, listen, study, contemplate, then step lightly but decisively on.

Meditation: Milarepa’s Song to Lady Palderboom

Today: I Ching – Previous Readings

Today: “Flexibility is a law of life. In our common language we call it compassion.” Yogi Bhajan

“Flexibility is a law of life. In our common language we call it compassion.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: Milarepa’s Song to Lady Palderboom

What else Yogi Bhajan said

Today: – ”There is no use in arguing with those who are enforcing the state of abject oppression. ” – a reading from the I Ching

There is no use in arguing with those who are enforcing the state of abject oppression.  It is human nature not to want to give up fortune and power.  To this point, the nation has also rested comfortably in apathy.
The abuse of power must constantly be brought to light in its many forms.  When the opportunity arises, it is everyone’s duty to come together to overthrow the oppressors.  Replace them swiftly and completely.   Now that they are known for who they are, they are useless.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's and subsequent translations of the I Ching

#47, line 2, #49
A Dead Sea, its Waters spent eons ago, more deadly than the desert surrounding it:
The Superior Person will stake his life and fortune on what he deeply believes.
Triumph belongs to those who endure.  Trial and tribulation can hone exceptional character to a razor edge that slices deftly through every challenge.  Action prevails where words will fail.
This is the realm of the Shaman.  You have exhausted every alternative, spent yourself completely, taxed body and mind beyond your former limits.
Survival and salvation lie beyond your reach now.
Only transcendence to a new existence — a higher plane of being — will see you through.  The Old You is just a dry husk.
You can’t return to it.  Metamorphosis is the only grace offered.  You can only return to your homeland as a New You.
Chained to the banquet table, a prisoner of his own rich tastes.  He offers prayer and sacrifice for delivery from desire.  When even the desire to be delivered has been cleansed, his prayers will have been answered.
A revolutionary Change must be made forcibly.  There is no negotiating with the Established Order.  Perfect timing is essential.  Let the abuse of power become apparent and oppressive to those around you before making your move.  Lay the groundwork, sow the seeds for Revolution without tipping your hand prematurely.  You will need a strong foundation, because you will have to bring about this necessary change alone.  You cannot count on popular support, so you must wait until there is massive dissent.  Then the avenue for your assault will be cleared.

Meditation: LA0967-Division and Oneness

Today: I Ching – Previous Readings

Today: “It is very important to realize that happiness lies within us.” Yogi Bhajan

“It is very important to realize that happiness lies within us. The amount of happiness that lies within us depends on how open, how positive, and how accurately righteous we are. This is the secret of happiness.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: The Positive Mind

What else Yogi Bhajan said

Today: – ”Something is coming.  Good or bad, meet it with your devotion and deep understanding of God and self.” – a reading from the I Ching

Something is coming.  Good or bad, meet it with your devotion and deep understanding of God and self.  No amount of personal wrangling will forestall any pending misfortune, nor will it allow good fortune to be of any use.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's and subsequent translations of the I Ching

#5, line 1, #48
Thunderclouds approaching from the West, but no rain yet.
The Superior Person nourishes himself and remains of good cheer to condition himself for the moment of truth.  Great Success if you sincerely keep to your course.  You may cross to the far shore.
You must now endure this Dangling — either a carrot before your nose, or a sword above your head.  This strange mix of apprehension and anticipation is a Purgatory.  There is nothing more you can do to affect the outcome.
You must now submit to the Fates.
THE DANGER is not yet close. One is still waiting on the open plain. Conditions are still simple, yet there is a feeling of something impending. One must continue to lead a regular life as long as possible. Only in this way does one guard against a premature waste of strength, keep free of blame and error that would become a source of weakness later on.
The Superior Person refreshes the people with constant encouragement to help one another.
Encampments, settlements, walled cities, whole empires may rise and fall, yet the Well at the center endures, never drying to dust, never overflowing.
It served those before and will serve those after.
Again and again you may draw from the Well, but if the bucket breaks or the rope is too short there will be misfortune.
There is a Source common to us all.  Jung named it the Collective Unconscious.  Others hail it as God within.  Inside each of us are dreamlike symbols and archetypes, emotions and instincts that we share with every other human being.
When we feel a lonely separateness from others, it is not because this Well within has dried up, but because we have lost the means to reach its waters.
You need to reclaim the tools necessary to penetrate to the depths of your fellows.  Then the bonds you build will be as timeless and inexhaustible as the Well that nourishes them.

Meditation: KWTC7-19910705 – Self Hypnotic Trance – Self Bliss

Today: I Ching – Previous Readings

Today: “Happiness comes from contentment.” Yogi Bhajan

“Happiness comes from contentment. If you make a survey of how many people are happy and unhappy, you will be surprised in this life sketch that what you feel as happiness, another man will see as sickness. So never judge anybody’s happiness by your standards.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: KWTC7-19910705 – Self Hypnotic Trance – Self Bliss

What else Yogi Bhajan said

Today: – ”Offer your guidance freely, without strings attached.  These are important communications.” – a reading from the I Ching

Offer your guidance freely, without strings attached.  These are important communications.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's and subsequent translations of the I Ching

#19, line 6, #4
The rich, loamy Earth on the banks of the Marsh provides fertile soil for exceptional progress.
The Superior Person is inexhaustible in his willingness to teach, and without limit in his tolerance and support of others.
Supreme Success if you keep to your course.
But be aware that your time is limited; your power will wane, as Summer changes to Fall.
You are in a position to help another.
This is a temporary situation, because your power is cyclical, seasonal.
Knowing this, you must perform your good deed without hope of reward.
You are not furthering your own process, but another’s.
Though you may cherish this other, you will never possess.
Touch without grasping.
Take comfort in becoming a fond memory.
Nurture, then let go.
You approach with humble honesty and generosity.
This is a superior act.
This is a time of interchange between a mentor and pupil.
Whether you are the teacher or the student, it is a time of companionship along a mutual path.
This hexagram also emphasizes the eternal, cyclical nature of the mentor/student relationship — a mentor is merely a more seasoned pupil, further along on the journey.
A pupil holds within himself the seed of a future Master.

Meditation: KWTC-930407 Childhood Patterns – Aura

Today: I Ching – Previous Readings

Today: “Awareness is the total sum of the individual’s acknowledgment of the universal existence around him.” Yogi Bhajan

“Awareness is the total sum of the individual’s acknowledgment of the universal existence around him. Anyone who is very much extended in that sphere will find a greater happiness in his relationship to the infinity around him.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: TCH20 02 960722 – Increase the Power of the Infinite Within

What else Yogi Bhajan said

Today: – ”Be aware of the inspiring, positive example you is setting for others to emulate.  Be the lighthouse.” – a reading from the I Ching

Be aware of the inspiring, positive example you is setting for others to emulate.  Be the lighthouse.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's and subsequent translations of the I Ching

The gentle Wind roams the Earth:
The Superior Person expands his sphere of influence as he expands his awareness.  Deeply devoted to his pursuit of clarity and wisdom, he is unconscious of the inspiring, positive example he is setting for others to emulate.  You have cleansed yourself; now stand ready to make your humble, devout offering.
The situation marks a rising to new heights. As you climb for a better view of the panorama, you make yourself more conspicuous to those below.  This hexagram is also known as the Watchtower, because the shape formed by its lines resembles the ancient guardposts manned by Chinese soldiers.
These towers were placed on mountainsides to give a better vantage point.
To those below, the watchtowers served as landmarks to help them find their way.  The quality of your search for clarity in this situation serves as such a guidepost for others along the Way.

Meditation: LA822-950201-Healing the Physical

Today: I Ching – Previous Readings