Recognize your family as it extends through the entire social structure. Take care of them all according to your capacity.
Meditation: LA051-780907 – Tune the Vagus Nerve to Cosmic Consciousness
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Healer, Teacher, Yogi
Recognize your family as it extends through the entire social structure. Take care of them all according to your capacity.
Meditation: LA051-780907 – Tune the Vagus Nerve to Cosmic Consciousness
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“Man is basically unlimited because the soul is unlimited. Man is basically unlimited because his mind is unlimited. Only the physical structure is limited, but the structure is priceless. Nobody can manufacture it.” Yogi Bhajan
It is a time to rise from obscurity to a place of prominence among your peers. Show your radiance and trust your intuition. You will find success and bring peace to the world.
See yesterday’s reading.
Meditation: TCH20 02 960722 – Increase the Power of the Infinite Within
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“When you become light and you radiate, there is no darkness. A candle has one future, to spread the light. How does the candle spread the light? By burning itself, the candle spreads light and consequently knows the future. If you burn yourself, you will radiate and will spread light. The job of the human being is to radiate through the finite self the infinite light.” Yogi Bhajan
Your creative powers have become viable to the point where your presence will spark fire and enthusiasm among your peers. Rather than looking to others for leadership, look to yourself.
Meditation: TCH20 02 960722 – Increase the Power of the Infinite Within
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“The whole world is to realize yourself what you are and to be what you are. Do not inflate and do not deflate. Find the median point. The problem with man is that he is asked, “Are you this or are you that?” But you are not this nor that, you are as you are.” Yogi Bhajan
Cultivate wisdom quietly without attracting too much notice. Your quiet influence will will have a positive impact on the prevailing confusion.
See yesterday’s reading.
Meditation: M136-970930 – Work on Shashara, Balance Earth and Heavens
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“When your doubts are gone, then your fears will be gone. Your feelings and experiences will be of happiness.” Yogi Bhajan
MEDITATION – Oneness of Heart
Sit in a cross-legged position. Fold your hands in front of the heart. Eyes are closed. Chant the mantra, “Raa Maa Daa Saa, Saa Say So Hung”(“Ra Ma Da Sa” by Gurunam). Be very sincere, very devout and solid. Continue for 11 minutes singing with a full voice, then for 5 minute in a whisper and then for 1 minute in silence. To end, Inhale deeply, hold, and give this breath to those who need it. Exhale and relax.
Many times we may have differences between our concepts but, when the time comes, we must stay together.
This is not a small tragedy. The insanity is around the corner and we have to act right and fearlessly, being alert.
Lecture – Attack on America
Yogi Bhajan, Ph.D. – September 11th – Espanola, NM, USA
You must have watched the tragedy. So it comes true, that it takes one thought to make an enemy or a friend. It was the thought of animosity against the openness of the United States. We do not know how many people have died, but America is under attack. They have attacked our symbol of trade; they have attacked our symbol of strength and, if that plane had not fallen, they would have attacked the White House. So there’s no might, there’s no superpower. A handful of people, when they put their life at stake can do all this. Don’t be amazed at what reaction there will be tomorrow. There will be a very severe tragedy to face for the people who have done this.
It is true that we have a collective responsibility. That is why Guru Nanak gave credit to sangat. We are one.
We will also suffer as one and we’ll act as one. All these people who died had not even a thought. Their only crime was that they were Americans. It was a well-planned attack, hijacking our own civilian planes full of gasoline and diverting them into the act of terrorism. Now you figure it out, that when I’m crying that the Age of Aquarius is coming, this is a period of insanity in between. See what has happened, and many more things are expected. It’s a tragedy we have to face.
What we can offer is one minute of prayer in our silence, with our heads bowed to the Almighty seeking His protection, kindness and compassion for those left behind. Seeking the healing energy for those who are injured. Let us pray from our hearts to God Almighty.
Now it is up to us not to react but to root it out. Sometimes it is better to root out the tooth. By filling the cavity, the temporary pain will go away, but the danger shall still be there. In World War II, it was Japan who attacked Pearl Harbor. We could have pocketed it, but we didn’t. It’s the faculty of every American to keep on pocketing a lot of things until it goes over the line. Then we won’t pocket anymore. Pearl Harbor brought World War II, and made us participate. Our whole lifestyle changed. We were not the same again and we are not going to be the same again. Similarly, this attack has done it. This attack is going to change our lifestyle.
America will never be the same. You will have to go at least two hours earlier to the airport. Things will look rough. The policy in the domestic world will be changed and everything will be searched out. Similarly, in the foreign world everything will be changed that way.
That is what religion is all about. Search your inside, give yourself a chance, eliminate your fantasies and your imaginations. Don’t live in a dream world. Things can happen, and that is what has happened. When the World Trade Center was attacked a couple of years ago it was not much of a damage, but the method was not very sophisticated. So, they have been planning. Remember that the enemies do plan all the time. You have to defend a thousand times; the enemy wants one chance, which they got today. Now it is upon the nation to respond.
If America does not respond these kinds of things will be repeated. It’s very unfortunate for those people who have done this that our whole country is not divided at all. Because everything has been glued together–America will act with one voice, with one determination and with one strength, which is huge.
Our spirit of America does not lie in those towers and that side of the Pentagon. Those are symbols, which have been disturbed. Now there is a time for reaction. That’s why the concept of saints and soldiers, which was given by Guru Gobind Singh, comes in handy. People used to say, “What do we have to be a soldier for?”
We have to be a soldier for this insanity. And we have to be a saint for this kind of insanity. What Guru Gobind Singh said was that there can be a possibility where you have to defend yourself in a very saintly, firm way.
There are a lot of religions that say if somebody hits your left cheek, turn your right. And I used to say, if somebody hits your left cheek, hit his right cheek so there should be no cheek. Otherwise, some other poor fellow will get it. We must have an applied spiritual strength. Time is on us, and we are walking into that time where we have to relate to our inner and outer strength both.
You’ll be hearing a lot of talk about it in the next few days, but I can assure you that they are planning quite a big number. Don’t get into your hippie mood. They’ll put you behind bars such that you will never be heard from again. Everything is on candid camera; every word said will be seen. So I’d like you to be very cautious. Learn in sympathy that life is a commanded sense of coordination, cooperation and projection. You have to survive as an individual, and you have to survive as a collective individual. When you, inbetween yourself, do not find the cohesiveness, exclusiveness, and strength, you can’t survive.
The circumstances which are going to face us will tell us that the world has really changed. You can learn it the hard way, or you can learn it by the collective way. It is up to us whether we have peace of mind and we can live collectively to face the tragedy, or to be shattered individuals. This is a very condemnable act, but when you leave tomorrow for your offices or for work or sit down and talk with your colleagues, keep your spirits high and be effective.
At this time with the sorrow there is a great anger. Throughout the world there is a frustration and this act has triggered that frustration. Sometimes, being naive, we start talking about something which is not responsible.
Please avoid such conversations and discussions. It will not benefit you; rather, it may put you into jeopardy.
This whole thing has hurt every American. Whether we like it or not, there shall be a reaction. Don’t become victim to that reaction. It has to happen. World shall act insane. There’s no sanity in what has happened. Nobody among you could believe that this would happen. Still it has happened. Unknowingly, people are attacked personally, collectively, and nationally for no reason. We should send the healing energy to those who are still in pain. We should show our oneness of that heart.
What has saved us in the past cannot be counted on in this time. We must find a new path to salvation. We must wait and be careful not to become mired in the mud. Stay clear and determined.
See yesterday’s reading.
Lecture and Meditation: Patience Pays – LA-19831020
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People who have come to power by illegitimate means are beginning to have regrets. The damage they have done can be repaired once they are discredited and have left. There is nothing to do now but wait.
Lecture and Meditation: Patience Pays – LA-19831020
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“You cannot love me if you will not love your first teacher, who is woman. You are born of a woman. If you do not learn to respect woman, the Supreme Consciousness will not talk to you. You will end up with broken homes and broken hearts.” Yogi Bhajan
MEDITATION – Correcting the Sensory System
Yogi Bhajan – Espanola, New Mexico September 5, 2001
Sit straight in a cross-legged position. Hold the right hand up in front the right shoulder with the elbow relaxed down. Point the index finger up, the source of your wisdom, and hold down the other fingers with the thumb. Extend the left forearm forward, parallel to the ground, with the elbow relaxed down. Make a tight fist of your left hand with the thumb outside. Eyes are closed. Do Long and Deep Breathing as you mentally chant the “Wah-hay Guroo Jio” shabd by Bhai Avtar Singh. Keep the index finger, the fist and the navel point tight. Connect your inner ear with the navel point and move it in rhythm with the mantra. Digest the sound! Continue for 11 minutes. To end, inhale deeply, hold, and strongly tighten the index finger, fist and navel point. Exhale. Repeat 2 more times. Relax.
Bhai Avtar Singh – Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Wahe Jio – on SikhNet
“Wah-hay Guroo” is the glory of the One who takes you from darkness to light. On hearing it, feel light at the navel point and heart chakra. God lives with you, but you ignore it! It does not take much to enrich yourself with the strength of divinity. Once you have strength of divinity you will not barter and bargain your grace, and you will win. Nothing is permanent—partner, students, wealth, health. Only one thing is permanent—you and your divinity; you and your God within you. Do this kriya for 11 minutes. Once you get a little bit tuned with it, you can hear the unheard. Something in you will start talking to you. And that is the relationship you need.
Lecture – Congeniality
Yogi Bhajan, Ph.D. – September 5th, 2001 – Espanola, NM, USA
We have many libraries and books and stories. Can you believe how many things we talk about? There is so much to learn, but if we do not know how to be content, we are not ourselves. Our life is full of earthquakes, sometimes because of anger, sometimes because of greed or attachment, sometimes because of pride. “Oh, if I had that…!” “I wanted to, but I couldn’t!” From this “couldn’t” comes life and we are not content. We live by the Will of God, we are surviving by the flow of energy and we are penetrating in our life by our own psyche. Still we are very discontented.
God created you, and His own Hand will carry you. But you do not want His Hand to carry you! You want, “kam, krodh, lobh and aunkaar” to carry you—desire, anger, greed and ego! There is curiosity about what tomorrow will be. Everybody wants to know what tomorrow will be! I tell you: Tomorrow is what you are today, and today, if you can flow with the magnetic field, the sun flares can connect and change your whole destiny to prosperity, richness and health.
The collective applied mind is the reality of the human mind in which there is no question of anger and no question of defeat. When you are involved in any relationship, you must speak and guide and sometimes goad, like those who sit on the neck of an elephant with an iron goad in their hand. The elephant knows that he must behave, or that goad will go right into his head.
Tragedy is for you what the iron goad is for the elephant. It puts you back on the path. You hate to suffer, but you are born to suffer when you are wrong. Fortunate are those who suffer and immediately correct themselves. But you want to do wrong and not suffer at all! It does not happen that way. God will forgive you when you reach Him, but Mother Nature will never forgive you.
Man is a social animal. Without this, he is a brute. Living in a collective congregation is the source of all knowledge and all excellence. And that is Sahej Yoga—when things happen in a very simple way. You have to learn what is called “congeniality.” Congeniality is a sensory union. In the future, a sensory human will have congeniality to everything on this earth—not only to humans, but also among animals, root life, and bird life and among all that there is.
Once a shark came into shallow waters by mistake. 200 people were there, but nobody killed it. They successfully put it back into deep water. That is the bondage of selfless existence and service. Because of the pollution of the ocean, the sensory system of sharks is so damaged that they come on the beach. You do the same! You beach yourself in such a situation of life that does not belong to you! Why? Because your sensory system does not work either! Now let us act correctively.
Release your expectations. Give, forgive and develop your intuition. The Cosmos will serve you.
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“The purpose of the being is to receive love from the Unknown.” Yogi Bhajan
Meditation: LA544 – 870610 – Know and Experience the Unknown