“We love the finite—the guru—to find the Infinite; and that is the purpose of the guru, to give something to focus on.” Yogi Bhajan
Meditation: NM0347-20000502-Guru Kriya
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Healer, Teacher, Yogi
“We love the finite—the guru—to find the Infinite; and that is the purpose of the guru, to give something to focus on.” Yogi Bhajan
Meditation: NM0347-20000502-Guru Kriya
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The tao that can be told
is not the eternal Tao
The name that can be named
is not the eternal Name.
The unnamable is the eternally real.
Naming is the origin
of all particular things. Continue reading “Tao Te Ching – Verse 1 – The tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao The name that can be named is not the eternal Name.”
Everything is wrong and the authority to right it is being put into the wrong hands. At least this brings attention to the problem for all to see.
Tao Te Ching – Verse 81 – True words aren’t eloquent; eloquent words aren’t true.
Practice this:
Meditation: For contemplating what comes next after the Women’s March
Meditation: LA015 780227 – To Bring Swift and Powerful Change
“What is greatness? Greatness is when you have found that you are not great, but everything else is. When everything else is great and you have experienced that, then everything else holds you in its esteem.” Yogi Bhajan
Meditation: NM371 – Enjoy the Creativity of God
See related posts
True words aren’t eloquent;
eloquent words aren’t true.
Wise men don’t need to prove their point;
men who need to prove their point aren’t wise.
Continue reading “Tao Te Ching – Verse 81 – True words aren’t eloquent; eloquent words aren’t true.”
You have everything you need. Remember to distinguish between what is truly yours and what is at your disposal. Use them well.
Tao Te Ching – Verse 80 – If a country is governed wisely, its inhabitants will be content
Practice this:
Meditation: NM142 19940615 – Bless the Planet Earth and Let the Heavens Descend in You
Meditation: LA049 780901 Homeh Bandana Kriya: takes away self-pride and vanity
Previous previous reading: “Know your best, share your best, project your best.”
Behave constantly and strive on the path of righteousness, giving your total self unto the fire of purity and maintaining the flame of light to the end; your karma will be done, giving will be complete, blessings will exist, awareness will be thy gift. That is the rightful right of every man. That is the truth in you.“ Yogi Bhajan
Meditation: NM0383-20010213 – Culturing the Self
Tao Te Ching – Verse 29 – Do you want to improve the world? I don’t think it can be done.
If a country is governed wisely,
its inhabitants will be content.
They enjoy the labor of their hands
and don’t waste time inventing
labor-saving machines.
Since they dearly love their homes,
they aren’t interested in travel. Continue reading “Tao Te Ching – Verse 80 – If a country is governed wisely, its inhabitants will be content”
Continue following your current path. You have joined the flow in all your relations. Keep with the flow of the earth and the Cosmos.
Your needs are coming into harmony with the requirements of the Cosmos.
Blending brilliantly with the Dance of Life, you are becoming an actual element of Cosmic Law.
Your goals will now be realized because you no longer cut against the Cosmic grain; you are no longer swimming against the flow of the Tao.
You are acquiring an intuitive sense of what can and cannot be, and aligning your efforts accordingly.
Meditation: LA860-960131-Increase the Flow of Earth Within You
Meditation: LA860-960131-Increase the Flow of Earth Within You
Meditation: LA051-780907 – Tune the Vagus Nerve to Cosmic Consciousness
Meditation: LA051-780907 – Tune the Vagus Nerve to Cosmic Consciousness
Meditation: LA741 – 921125 – Dance of Shiva
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Failure is an opportunity.
If you blame someone else,
there is no end to the blame.
Therefore the Master
fulfills her own obligations
and corrects her own mistakes.
She does what she needs to do
and demands nothing of others. Continue reading “Tao Te Ching – Verse 79 – Failure is an opportunity”
Know your best, share your best, project your best.
Today: “A true seeker is one who will seek God in his heart.” – Yogi Bhajan
Practice this:
Meditation: NM0406 – Know the Best of You – Share the Best with Others
Meditation: LA031 19780423 – Ad Nad Kriya – Gupt Gian Shakti the Secret Power of the Knowledge
Kriya: Awakening Yourself to Your Ten Bodies
See Meditation: Breath of Fire
Previous reading: “Use your creative powers to expand your horizons.”
“What you are you are, and destiny is destiny. Make a dog emperor and still he will lick the grinding wheel.” Yogi Bhajan
Meditation: NM0415 – 20010910 – Karma & Dharma
See related posts
Nothing in the world
is as soft and yielding as water.
Yet for dissolving the hard and inflexible,
nothing can surpass it.
The soft overcomes the hard;
the gentle overcomes the rigid.
Everyone knows this is true,
but few can put it into practice.
Therefore the Master remains
serene in the midst of sorrow.
Evil cannot enter his heart.
Because he has given up helping,
he is people’s greatest help.
True words seem paradoxical.
(translation by Stephen Mitchell, 1995)
Nothing in the world is softer or weaker than water
Yet nothing is better at overcoming the hard and strong
This is because nothing can replace it
That the weak overcomes the strong
And the soft overcomes the hard
Everybody in the world knows
But cannot put into practice
Therefore sages say:
The one who accepts the humiliation of the state
Is called its master
The one who accepts the misfortune of the state
Becomes king of the world
The truth seems like the opposite
(translation by Derek Lin, 2006)
Water, so soft,
Was the beginning.
So powerful,
Will be the end.
Embrace the humble.
(translation by Jeremy M. Miller, 2013)
Use your creative powers to expand your horizons.
Get ready to ride a tide of accelerated growth toward self-actualization.
A joyful awareness of the best within you, coupled with an acceptance of your Shadow, will provide a greater repertoire, a much bolder vision, and new depth and clarity that will compel you to expand your horizons.
Tao Te Ching – Verse 77 – As it acts in the world, the Tao is like the bending of a bow.
Meditation: NM422 A11020 Coordination of Body Mind by Spirit to Enter the Fall and the Winter Season
Practice this:
Meditation: NM091 – 19921110 – Self Emboldenment, Engagement, Vision
Kriya: Awakening Yourself to Your Ten Bodies
NM422 A11020 Coordination of Body Mind by Spirit GUIDED MEDITATION WITH THE MASTER To Enter the Fall and the Winter Season Yogi Bhajan, Ph.D. – October 20th, 2001
I have called you today, as these nine days are very auspicious. The moon is crossing beneath the sun. It is a time to sharpen the mind. Why not to do it the way of the century-old custom? It is not very difficult, and you will be very comfortable in the end.
To Enter the Fall and the Winter Season 31 Minutes (Sit straight in a cross-legged position. Bring your hands in front of your heart center, with the fingertips touching and the palms spread.) “Try to see how the energy moves. You will feel the reality of the body. Inhale deep and ride on the breath, in and out, long and deep, as honestly as you can. Take your body—the inner being in this body, simply by meditative force. Do not try to understand that you cannot do it. It is not difficult, but it is a great experience. Pull your mental body out of your body. Just take it out. Just simply coordinate between you, your environments, your activities and your own preciousness. Your mental body, when you command it, is very pure, very clear. And it is yours. It is not related to the physical activities, although the mental body is with you. Things are corrupt only when you are in your physical body and your mental body is not combined. So, do coordinate—you have that power, and take this out, out of your being. Time is with us, the wind is behind us and virtuous we are. It is a very special Saturday. Therefore the Saturn energy in the penetrating form of its being is passing through, irrespective of any force or any effort. That is why I chose it. And we have a small time window only, that is why I am very quick and not saying anything. So this breath has to be very long and down to the navel point. Deep in, and hold, and completely out. The power we have is our virtue. Our virtue is extremely powerful. Our value is humongous. Value, we give! Virtues, we experience! Our values are our values. The majority of the time we forget that we have values. But most of the time if we practice these things, we remember our values. And once a person follows one’s own values, that is all divinity is all about. So, keep the breath long, deep and evaluate yourself. Give yourself values. The first value you can give yourself is: I am virtuous. I am beautiful. God created me in the best form. Thank God has given me health, happiness and wealth. You know, you are a wonder of the world. Recognize the fact. Concentrate on these things. Now comes the secret of the Shintoism, the Japanese faith. See that you are just a blade of grass, beautiful, green, and you are covering your values. Start covering your values as a blade of grass, with an extreme sense of self-cooperation. The tips of the fingers must meet so that circulation can coordinate the two parts of the body, and your valuable and virtuous and wonderful body is right, at this time, under manual control, and your mental body is taken out. The mental body is looking at your physical body as you are sitting. Practice this split. Once you can separate your mental body and practice to separate it, as we keep on doing, there will be no problems—at the time of death you can split your mental body and be free of karma. You will never have a rebirth again. That is guaranteed. This is your reality. You have a physical body, you have a mental body and you have a body of bliss. When you separate that, in-between you watch over this body. See how beautiful it is? Your breath has to be very long and deep because your spiritual body, your physical body, your mental body and your being are separate. You have never been taught this. You have never been told. You think you are one bundle. Feel the super and extreme contentment. That will bring you prosperity. Ride on your breath and just feel supremely contented. That will give you the prosperity that you are looking for. It’s no use living rich, it’s no use living poor, it’s no use being great if you cannot demonstrate to yourself that you can separate your bodies as you can separate that strength. And you can not only visualize, but experience it. In this experience, you are the Supreme.
Every religion goes round and round and round and talks one thing only—self-consciousness. Self-consciousness is just a phrase to us. Let us consider what self-consciousness is: When we know we have a spiritual body, we have a mental body, we have a physical body. Your mental body and your radiant body—have you ever put them together? They are yours. Nobody will know it! But you will be charged, and recharged with the energy. What is more beautiful on this Earth than you? What is more pure and shining than you? What is more cool and calm and quiet than you? In the Eyes of God you are everything. Take a long deep breath and ride on it. Fortune and misfortune are two wavelengths. By yourself it pulses—you can put your body on any wavelength you need. In common man’s language we call it repetition. The body’s membranes, the body’s re-adjustment and the body’s main nervous system are going to adjust now. You are within that time. Please breathe long and deep and cure yourself forever. Heal! Take long deep breaths and ride on it, and keep your mental body away. Only look at where the tips of the fingers meet. Circulate your breath. Keep the mental body separate. Concentrate on the physical body, in the realm of personal consciousness. You are beautiful, you are bountiful, you are blissful, you are virtuous, you have vigor, self-control. Apply all that! The central nerve in the navel point can be touched by a deep breath. A split mental body can give you a vast area of coexistence. Your all five channels and tattvas are totally balanced at the moment. Your arc line is clear. Can you believe the little bit that we have done? We suffer here, there, everywhere. What for? America needs peace, it needs love. It needs tons of smiles. It needs us—we the people. Our window is up at 12 o’clock. The rotation of the planet will change the energy and it will change everything. Now is the time. Breathe long and deep. Get it when it is available. Bring in you the coziness. Colorful coziness. Split the light inside. Bring in the special Breath of Life. If you know how to concentrate, meditate and breathe, this is the time.” To end “Breathe in deep and hold it tight. Breathe out. Breathe in deep and hold it tight. Breathe out. Breathe in all the virtues of God and breathe out peace for the world. Breathe in long and deep, hold it, love it, feel it, and then let it go. Now put all the pressure on the fingertips. Inhale deep. Put a tight grip on the fingers. Let it go. Inhale deep. Make the fingers very tight. Feel the purpose of life and prosperity. Let it go. Inhale deeply, exhale and relax.” This time may come in this month next year. My idea was just to give you a re-charge. And this is a very special time. The whole Eastern World is going to celebrate the Festival of Light. During the ten days of this festival people will do nothing but breathe, meditate, eat the right food and show gratitude to young girls, the mothers of innocence. When you see a young girl, you see the creative purity. Purity has many forms, but creative purity is only the young girl. The source of humanity is that young girl, who will grow and one day have a family and children. America is young all the time and does not care. There is no rule, no virtue, because we are not a very meditative nation. But now we are learning a lesson. We got chili in our nose. Now we know we have to change. One day you will come out and realize how virtuous you are, how valuable you are, how this precious time is given to you so you can act on yourself so that you can turn from human into an angel. You are going to get kicked. That is a fact you cannot avoid. Every moment you have to concentrate on your purity. I asked a Japanese master, “What is Shinto?” He replied, “It is a personal religion.”“Can I know about it?” He picked a blade of grass and said, “What do you see?” I was a little cleverer than he thought and I said, “God.” He asked, “Where is it?” I said, “In this blade.”“You know Shinto. That’s it! Thank you.” There is nothing more in teaching. This is all it is. If you cannot see God in all you cannot see God at all. When that monk picked up a piece of grass and said, “What do you see?” a normal reply would have been, “A blade of grass.” What is the most beautiful virtue man has? Matching intelligence! If you can match intelligence with another person you are the most valuable, virtuous and wonderful person. Love is when you temporarily get along with a person. Virtue is in matching intelligence–not values, where everybody differs. Match intelligence!
As it acts in the world, the Tao
is like the bending of a bow.
The top is bent downward;
the bottom is bent up.
It adjusts excess and deficiency
so that there is perfect balance.
It takes from what is too much
and gives to what isn’t enough.
Those who try to control,
who use force to protect their power,
go against the direction of the Tao.
They take from those who don’t have enough
and give to those who have far too much.
The Master can keep giving
because there is no end to her wealth.
She acts without expectation,
succeeds without taking credit,
and doesn’t think that she is better
than anyone else.
(translation by Stephen Mitchell, 1995)
The Tao of Heaven
Is like drawing a bow
Lower that which is high
Raise that which is low
Reduce that which has excess
Add to that which is lacking
The Tao of heaven
Reduces the excessive
And adds to the lacking
The Tao of people is not so
It reduces the lacking
In order to offer to the excessive
Who can offer their excess to the world?
Only those who have the Tao
Therefore sages act without conceit
Achieve without claiming credit
They do not wish to display their virtue!
(translation by Derek Lin, 2006)
Charity you say?
I say greed.
Gifts you say?
I say destruction.
Heaven and the Sage live these truths.
(translation by Jeremy M. Miller, 2013)
“May not the Tao be compared to bending a bow? The part of the bow which was high is brought low, and what was low is raised up. So Heaven diminishes where there is superabundance, and supplements where there is deficiency.
It is the Way of Heaven to diminish superabundance, and to supplement deficiency. It is not so with the way of man. He takes away from those who have not enough to add to his own superabundance.
Who can take his own superabundance and therewith serve all under heaven? Only he who is in possession of the Tao!
Therefore the sage acts without claiming the results as his; he achieves his merit and does not rest in it: — he does not wish to display his superiority.”
Excerpt From Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu