Meditation: LA692-781102 – Experience Tremendous Strength



la692-781102-experiencetremendousstrengthSit easy pose with a straight spine.  Relax the arms down with the elbows bent. Draw the forearms up and in toward each other until the hands meet at the level of the throat.  Separate the fingers
and thumb of each hand and point the palms at each other with the fingers pointing up toward the ceiling. Press the corresponding fingertip of the opposite hands together forming a teepee-like structure.  The thumbs do not touch at all and the middle and index fingers maintain only light contact. Apply maximum pressure on the little and ring fingers.  Close the eyes.

Breathe very slowly, very long, and very deep.  Focus on the various pressures on the different fingers and on the long, slow, deep breathing. Concentrate very deeply.  8 min.

Upon completing the meditation deeply inhale and stretch the arms high over the head. Hold the breath in and stretch as hard as possible. Completely exhale and leave the hands up. Deeply inhale, hold, and stretch. Completely exhale and relax down.  3x.


Upon completion of the meditation deeply inhale and hold the breath in while ‘the hands are stretched up over the head. Completely exhale. Repeat the breathing cycle 2 more times.


By putting more pressure on the sun and mercury fingers a balance is created of the id by the action of the earth into the parasympathetic nervous system. For the first 3-5 minutes nothing but irritation will be experienced. If you can go through it a relaxation never before experienced will come.

The meditation alters the superconscious present in everyday consciousness. A simple self-created magnetic field with a polarity opposite to the normal function is created. If the breath is controlled, meditated upon, and kept long and slow enough it will not enter the diaphragm. The 8th vertabra will start secreting. The pituitary gland will then impulsate differently than normal. This will bring the experience of tremendous strength and can retrigger new life in anyone.

Author: harinam

Yogi, teacher, healer

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