Meditation: KWTC 980708 Our internal Fears and their exit


  1.  Arms straight and outwards at sixty degrees.  Palms open, facing inwards.  Eyes at tip of the nose.

Chant: Ang Sang Waheguru
5 min.

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2. Inhale, hold the breath, then Chant: Long Ek Ong Kar
5 1/2 min.

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Inhale, lock hands above the head, elbows straight. Exhale. Inhale again, lock your hands tight, straight, exhale.

From the navel point, sing Sat Nam Wahe Guru.  Tighten the hands, stretch it up. Straighten out the spine.  Stretch up, stretch up… Stretch, stretch.  Keep stretching, singing in ecstasy.
5 min.


Sat Nam Wahe Guru

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To finish:  Stretch, lock the fingers like you are going to go into each other. Stretch spine, cannon fire out. Inhale
again, hold the breath, stretch at your best, bring, pull the navel in as much you can. Straighten out the strength of the diaphragm, fire out. Inhale again, stretch hard, lock the back molars, press hard and pull the navel up. Fire out, relax.

See Library of Teachings lecture

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