“In this time of mass delusion there is nothing more to do than to leave people to their folly.  Everyone will simply have to live the consequences.  Just live your own identity.” – Today’s Reading

In this time of mass delusion there is nothing more to do than to leave people to their folly.  Everyone will simply have to live the consequences.  Just live your own identity.

Tao Te Ching – Verse 52 – In the beginning was the Tao. All things issue from it; all things return to it.

Today: “I want to share with you the beauty, the wonders of the human mind. I want you to understand that your mental faculty is not only a power, it is the greatest power, and it is at your call.” – Yogi Bhajan

Try these meditations:

Meditation: M043-19890623 See Your Soul Within Your Third Eye

Recap: Healing Intensive with Hari Nam Singh at Park Slope Brooklyn October 12-13, 2018

Meditation: LA004 780109 Experience the Experience

Meditation:  One Minute Breath

See lecture on cold showers

See Meditation:  Breath of Fire

Previous reading: It is time to bring your affairs into order.”

Previous previous reading: “Stay safe from the danger swirling about you by allowing events to take their course. Do not react to nor resist the radical transformations that you are witnessing.”

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The teacher

See Richard Wilhelm's translation for this reading
4 – Four.  Mêng / Inexperience

A fresh Spring at the foot of the Mountain:
The Superior Person refines his character by being thorough in every activity.
The Sage does not recruit students; the students seek him.
He asks nothing but a sincere desire to learn.
If the student doubts or challenges his authority, the Sage regretfully cuts his losses.


This is a time of interchange between a mentor and pupil.
Whether you are the teacher or the student, it is a time of companionship along a mutual path.
This hexagram also emphasizes the eternal, cyclical nature of the mentor/student relationship — a mentor is merely a more seasoned pupil, further along on the journey.
A pupil holds within himself the seed of a future Master.

Six in the fourth place means:
Entangled folly brings humiliation.

You are so terrified of being wrong, you leave no room for learning what is right.


Desiderius Erasmus Roterodamus (1466-1536) – author of Encomium Moriae (In Praise of Folly)

For youthful folly it is the most hopeless thing to entangle itself in empty imaginings. The more obstinately it clings to such unreal fantasies, the more certainly will humiliation overtake it.
Often the teacher, when confronted with such entangled folly, has no other course but to leave the fool to himself for a time, not sparing him the humiliation that results. This is frequently the only means of rescue.
12 – Twelve.  P’i / Stagnation

Heaven and Earth move away from each other.
In the ensuing void, the small invade where the great have departed.
There is no common meeting ground, so the Superior Person must fall back on his inner worth and decline the rewards offered by the inferior invaders.

Difficult trials as you hold to your course.


It is natural to assume that, if Earth above Heaven forms the hexagram for Peace and Paradise, then the opposite configuration, with Heaven over Earth would represent the antithesis of Paradise, Hell.
Not so.
This hexagram is actually the Dark side of Peace, its unsavory byproduct, Stagnation.
In a time when most of our wants are provided, there is little need for the heroes, the artists, the great thinkers and innovators.
As they recede into the shadows, Idleness, Apathy, and Lassitude come to the forefront.
Peace has become boring, bland, unchallenging — Stagnant.
Now our attention turns to the quick fix, the instant celebrity, the fad, the one-nighter, the current buzz.
There is no room for depth.
If you are a passionate soul, you must wait for a better time to find kindred spirits.
In these times, they are only curious legends, bas-relief, dead poets.


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Author: harinam

Yogi, teacher, healer

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