Hari Nam Singh

Harinam is a yogi and a healer in the Ancient Sacred Healing Tradition of the Yogis: Sat Nam Rasayan®.

For more than thirty years Hari Nam has studied life (HUmanology) and healing in the lineage of Yogi Bhajan and Guru Dev Singh.  He holds a level 3 certification for healing from the Center for Contemplative Awareness.

Healing gives conscious awareness to many major tendencies that contribute to suffering including :
Anxiety • Stress • Depression • Fear • Anger • Grief • Fatigue • Sleep disorders • Improving acuity and mental function • Improving relationships • Improving communication • pregnancy (healthy child) • Your career • Shyness • Addiction • Weakness • Muscle pain • Joint pain • Migraines • Digestion • Stagnation • Cancer & other degenerative illnesses • Transition and dying

You may request a remote healing session by donation from Harinam wherever you are in the world.


Contact Hari Nam Singh at the Healing Heart Center via e-mail for an appointment.
