Tune-in. Ong Namo….
Tonic Kriya For Releasing Tendencies To React And To Help To Go More Deeply Into Shuniya….
We’ve been working with releasing the reactions within us. Every time a stimulus — such as a sound or a thought — happens, that produces within us tendencies to react by provoking an emotion, a memory, a thought process, or analytic behavior.
We’ll work in the First Chakra today.
Healing Exercises:
Round One: Open the space. Allow all your perceptions and sensations to form a single, unified field of perception. Migrate your awareness to your First Chakra. Pull and hold a very slight Root Lock. Come into relation with your partner’s liver. Become aware of the heat in your partner’s liver. Include the Element Ether in the relation. Become aware of the Silence that exists among and within all the activity in the space. Allow the sensation of the Silence to interact with all the activity in the space. Allow all the resistances to merge into the Silence. Come to conclusion.
Round Two: Repeat of Round One….
Round Three (Narinderjot Singh, Robert, and Siri Seva Singh — down): (Repeat of the process in Rounds One and Two….) Come into relation with the heat in your partner’s brain….
Now we’ll do a remote healing for Ma Jaya at the Kashi Ashram in Florida. She is a spiritual teacher who is known for her compassion in helping people to transition out of this life through the death process. She has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Open the space….
Has anybody noticed any peculiar sensations in the brain lately? I’m wondering how sensitive you are. There has been intense solar flare activity since Monday.
In 2000, Yogi Bhajan taught a class at the first Golden Bridge on 3rd Street in Los Angeles. He was noting then that the huge solar flare activity was burning up people’s brains. He taught a specific Kriya in that class to counteract the effects of the solar flare activity.
Today we worked with the Element Ether, which is something that is Empty and has properties that help things to expand into Nothing, which feels cooler. Empty space feels really cool. Your brains are cooler now.
We’ll close class now.
Sat Nam. Sat Nam. Sat Nam. (silent prayer….)