“Perhaps you do not understand one fundamental fact…

SSSYWa“Perhaps you do not understand one fundamental fact: you, as a living consciousness, are subject to time and space. It takes time to do something, and it requires space to do it in. But the mind by nature is faster than time and space. This is a split.” Yogi Bhajan

(via Ram Anand)

“If you do not find that ground where you and your mind can meet…

SSSYWa“If  you do not find that ground where you and your mind can meet, you become nothing but a suffering man.” Yogi Bhajanworriedmonk




(via Ram Anand)

“If you do not depend directly on your consciousness…

SSSYWa“If you do not depend directly on your consciousness, you are not you at all. When you are not you in the beginning and core of each action, then there is nothing you can do which will be true, and there is nothing you can do which can make you happy.” Yogi Bhajan

(via Ram Anand)

Every normal person thinks, imagines and projects…

SSSYWa“Every normal person thinks, imagines, and projects through the mind. You ultimately identify with your mind and become dependent on the mind. The reality is that you should not depend on your mind. Instead, you should project from the point of view of your consciousness.” Yogi Bhajan

(via Ram Anand)

You are nothing but a potential living consciousness…

SSSYWa“You are nothing but a potential living consciousness. Your basic necessity, the drive of your elemental self is to become practical, grassroots, living consciousness  – potential living consciousness to practical living consciousness.” Yogi Bhajan

(via Ram Anand)

Which brings us back to sadhana…

SSSYWa“Which brings us back to sadhana. That is where you sit, dwell in the thoughts and words of the soul, and peel away all your non-reality with the vastness of your spirit. If you train your mind this way, then you will discover something for your self. If you live in absolute fearlessness, God will live in you because fear and truth cannot go together.” Yogi Bhajan

(via Ram Anand)

When you act out of fear…

SSSYWa“When you act out of fear you try to draw attention to yourself out of any insanity you can create. Seeking the attention comes from your darkness and insanity. Creativity and love come from your sensitivity.” Yogi Bhajan

(via Ram Anand)

You are never separated from God or your soul…

SSSYWa“You are never separated from God or your soul. You come to this planet not to seek anything. You come to recognize God and realize your soul.” Yogi Bhajan
Yogi Bhajan

(via Ram Anand)

the mind is your servant to master time and space…

SSSYWa“The mind is your servant to master time and space and to always find a way to connect with the Infinite. To tap this intelligence in the mind say to your self: “I am Thee. Thou is Me. Me is Thou. I am Thee.” Continue reading “the mind is your servant to master time and space…”

The mind will serve you three ways…


“The mind will serve you three ways. When it is neutral it will recognize the truth. When it is positive it will tell you the right direction to go and what good can be done. When it is negative it will warn you and protect you from harm and badness.” Yogi Bhajan

(via Ram Anand)

Then the soul asked…


Then the soul asked, “I am part of You and you are part of me. But what if all that time and space get in between us? What can I do?” God said, “Don’t worry. I have given you the mind. It is faster than time and space. You can reach me no matter where you are.” Yogi Bhajan

(via Ram Anand)

The story of the soul’s journey is recounted like this …


“The story of the soul’s journey is recounted like this. As the soul was told to go it hesitated. It asked God, “What if I need you immediately and there is no time at all? What can I do?” It was then that God gave the first lesson of the soul. God said, “Just recognize me. Say to your self, ‘I am the God’.” There is no real separation between you and God. You are only now seeking to understand and experience your self as part of God with a sole proprietorship on the soul.” Yogi Bhajan

(via Ram Anand)

Continue reading “The story of the soul’s journey is recounted like this …”

When the soul leaves this fifth ether …


“When the soul leaves this fifth ether and travels into an incarnation, it comes to this planet not to seek anything. It comes to recognize God, recognize its consciousness, and experience the creation.

All the reactions and commotions and attempts to control are not required. All the fears that you have something to gain and to lose are misplaced. That is why as the soul was to leave the total merger, God gave it the mind and certain lessons.”
Yogi Bhajan

(via Ram Anand)

Continue reading “When the soul leaves this fifth ether …”

The fourth layer of ether is the Light of God itself…


“The fourth layer of ether is the Light of God itself. The stretch of the atoms to existence. The fifth layer is nothing but God, Being itself.” Yogi Bhajan

(via Ram Anand)

Between the third and fourth layers of ether…


“Between the third and the fourth layers of ether it is a bit tricky. You can slip into the fourth layer and not be able to come back. You are drawn into a merger and lose the separateness of normal experience.

That is why in the ambrosial hours of the morning when people of God leave their body to bless all, their physical bodies are always guarded. At that time any imbalance can create a disturbance and they may not return.” Yogi Bhajan

(via Ram Anand)

Continue reading “Between the third and fourth layers of ether…”

In the third layer of ether…


“In the third layer of ether, a soul vibrates in the pure light of the soul to reach liberation and to uplift all souls now, past, and future. It goes through and beyond time. It is these three ethers that a meditative mind can easily penetrate. Doing the many meditations that refine the mind gives you the capacity to experience this. It is not mystical, it is practical.” Yogi Bhajan

(via Ram Anand)