“Don’t just talk to a person. Don’t just befriend a person. Don’t just shake hands with a person. Save that person. Elevate them.” Yogi Bhajan
(via Ram Anand)
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Harinam and Healing Heart Center
Healer, Teacher, Yogi
“Don’t just talk to a person. Don’t just befriend a person. Don’t just shake hands with a person. Save that person. Elevate them.” Yogi Bhajan
(via Ram Anand)
Continue reading ““Don’t just talk to a person…” Yogi Bhajan”
“The greatest art is to sit, and wait, and let it come.” Yogi Bhajan
(via Ram Anand)
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“In stillness lies the sound which is the creative existence of God. Whoever master the stillness and the silence, and can understand it, receives all knowledge.” Yogi Bhajan
(via Ram Anand)
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“Everything happening is a lesson, a message.” Yogi Bhajan
(via Ram Anand)
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“When a human acts under impulse, as an animal, that human shall never be redeemed. You have to act under intuition. If that is not developed, then you have to act under your spirit.’ Yogi Bhajan
(via Ram Anand)
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