“When thou shalt hear the truth with the center of the two eyes, the third eye, thou shalt never forget it.” Yogi Bhajan
Sat Nam!
Ram Anand
Harinam and Healing Heart Center
Healer, Teacher, Yogi
“When thou shalt hear the truth with the center of the two eyes, the third eye, thou shalt never forget it.” Yogi Bhajan
Sat Nam!
Ram Anand
“It is a simple thing: When you are attached, how can you be universal?”
Sat Nam!
Ram Anand
“If you have the power to believe, then what you believe shall come true. It means this little unit computer has the power to organize the main Master Computer to act on a signal. In simple rational words, man has the control over the Universal Consciousness. They call it bhakti yoga, also devotion, worship.” Yogi Bhajan
Sat Nam!
Ram Anand
“Liberation is from the subconscious mind, the watchdog of the self, the recorder of the self.” Yogi Bhajan
Sat Nam!
Ram Anand
““The inner self of the self is sitting, waiting for you to realize that self.” Yogi Bhajan
Sat Nam!
Ram Anand
“Man is like a candle: He must radiate light by burning himself.” Yogi Bhajan
Sat Nam!
Ram Anand
“You don’t have to realize God and you don’t have to realize infinity; all you have to do is realize your existence.” Yogi Bhajan
Sat Nam!
Ram Anand
“When your doubts are gone, then your fears will be gone. Your feelings and experiences will be of happiness.” Yogi Bhajan
Sat Nam!
Ram Anand
“If you do not understand a woman, you cannot reach God, because you do not know how to get away from maya, illusion.” Yogi Bhajan
Sat Nam!
Ram Anand
“The purpose of the being is to receive love from the Unknown.” Yogi Bhajan
Sat Nam!
Ram Anand
“Why can’t you love everybody? You have no tolerance. You have to learn to hold your temper, you have to learn not to slander, you have to learn to have patience, you have to learn to be humble.” Yogi Bhajan
Sat Nam!
Ram Anand
“Any word that you speak exists. It is there. It is a vibration. Word is a cause and an effect. Nobody can escape from word. Realizing that we can’t escape word is our basic duty.” Yogi Bhajan
Sat Nam!
Ram Anand
“If you meditate on the primal sound you will see the unseen, you will hear the unheard, and you will feel the unfeelable.” Yogi Bhajan
Sat Nam!
Ram Anand
“Be loved for your knowledge, your experience, and your faith.” Yogi Bhajan
Sat Nam!
Ram Anand
“What is prayer? You create a vibratory effect which goes into the Infinite Creative around the psyche of you. The answer and energy come and then your job is done and your prayer has worked.” Yogi Bhajan
Sat Nam!
Ram Anand
“May your guru and your God stand by you, may the realms of all angels bless you, may the purity of your heart stand by you, may your divine nature help you, and may your God-consciousness lead you.” Yogi Bhajan