Today: “Infinity cannot be measured. Reverence cannot be explained, because reverence is Infinity” – Yogi Bhajan

“Infinity cannot be measured. Reverence cannot be explained, because reverence is Infinity. Reverence has such a power that it becomes Infinity, and for you to become Infinity, you have to have self-reverence, not reference.” Yogi Bhajan



Today: “So all your headings of life are by reference, not by reverence. You don’t project that you are born to be.” – Yogi Bhajan

“So all your headings of life are by reference, not by reverence. You don’t project that you are born to be. You are born, and you are divine, and you are you. You don’t have to become a human. You are human. Being a human is better than being an angel, and better than a sage, and better than any power of God that there is. You are human, therefore, you are in the image of God. You want to look like your own image, therefore, you are stupid. You are not being like the one who made you. Do you understand?” Yogi Bhajan


Today: “If you have all the life, all the wealth, all the ecstasy, everything, if you have not found your Master, you have lost it.” – Yogi Bhajan

“If you have all the life, all the wealth, all the ecstasy, everything, if you have not found your Master, you have lost it. We are not asking you to find the Master. BE the Master. That’s your chance. You are a Hu-Man-Being—you are Light Now.” Yogi Bhajan


Today: “Earth is a hotel—for some it is a five star hotel, for some just a shack.” – Yogi Bhajan

“Earth is a hotel—for some it is a five star hotel, for some just a shack. But when you are tired, sleep is good. When you are hungry, food is good, and when you know you are a Master, you are good. What type of Teachers do you want to be? Commercial? Write a billboard, and say, “I am your Teacher?” First learn the meaning of a Spiritual Teacher. A Spiritual Teacher is the spirit of the Infinite Lord.” Yogi Bhajan


Today: “Why do I go to India? Do you know why we go ? To clean the same perkarma, the same floors. ” – Yogi Bhajan

“Why do I go to India? Do you know why we go ? To clean the same perkarma, the same floors. We don’t do anything else there. Nothing. We just take the rags and wipe the floors. One, two days, we go in the morning when the doors open, we sit there, listen to the music. That’s all we do. People say, “What is this?” It costs about three thousand dollars. “What are we doing here?” I said, “We are doing great. We are thieves. We are very qualified thieves. We have come to steal the dust of the feet of the one who is one with the One. And if one has walked, and our rag can touch that place, it’s all done. We’ve had it. One touch, nothing much, just one touch.” Yogi Bhajan



Today: “So, if you come for study, remember, don’t try to become a great master or a great teacher—become a royal being.” – Yogi Bhajan

“So, if you come for study, remember, don’t try to become a great master or a great teacher—become a royal being. Just become a royal being, and then you’ll become a real being. If your personality, your identity, and your mental self do not represent royalty, you will never know the reality.” Yogi Bhajan



Today: “If you have the power to listen, you’ll become the whole universe and the entire Heavens.” – Yogi Bhajan

“If you have the power to listen, you’ll become the whole universe and the entire Heavens. Do you not feel the joy of that completion? Just listening, just developing a power to listen? Those who have listened to their teacher, their Master, they became the Masters.” Yogi Bhajan


Today: “You are Teachers. You have to learn something which you will teach. What you have to teach is, “To be, to be.” – Yogi Bhajan

“You are Teachers. You have to learn something which you will teach. What you have to teach is, “To be, to be.” You cannot live and practice, “To be, not to be.” Your mood and mind are your servants; they are not your masters. If you want to be a teacher, you have to be a master. Then mood and mind are your servants, and you and your being serve the spirit. If your spirit is here in a common sense for all, then you only see soul.” Yogi Bhajan


Today: “How prosperous and how great you can become depends on what opportunities come to you, and the ability of your intuition to bring the intelligence.” – Yogi Bhajan

“How prosperous and how great you can become depends on what opportunities come to you, and the ability of your intuition to bring the intelligence. Intelligence will give you substance, so that you have character, and you have Dharma. Then there’s no action and reaction—you are a victor, you are winning; there’s no way you can lose. Not at all. You don’t have to sell your consciousness, you don’t have to come down onto your knees, you don’t have to beg for peace and tranquility. No, everything from A to Z, whatever your needs are, shall be yours.” Yogi Bhajan


Today: “The mind is above time and space. If you decide not to complain, it will immediately compensate you with intuition.” – Yogi Bhajan

“The mind is above time and space. If you decide not to complain, it will immediately compensate you with intuition.”


Today: “Regardless of your history of abuses or kindness, opportunity, or challenge, it is within you to direct your mind” – Yogi Bhajan

“Regardless of your history of abuses or kindness, opportunity, or challenge, it is within you to direct your mind. You can be a saint, you can be a human, or you can be a demon. You can act as an animal at the altitude of impulse and ground; as an earthling human at the altitude of feelings and horizon; or as an angel at the altitude of essence, Infinity, and the Cosmos. It is your choice.” Yogi Bhajan


Today: “You need to establish play with your mate. You need a soul mate, you need a religious mate, you need so many things to mate.” – Yogi Bhajan

“You need to establish play with your mate. You need a soul mate, you need a religious mate, you need so many things to mate. There is one word for every man that he must have—a playmate. Playmate is a very polite wrestling match, in which a man and woman induce their integrity, their divinity, their love, their touch, their feeling, their smell and over all, their understanding.” Yogi Bhajan


Today: “For the sake of your own intelligence, take anybody and study.” – Yogi Bhajan

“For the sake of your own intelligence, take anybody and study. You will find that they are one-pointed, to a man, and that God is their Infinity. Elevate your consciousness to that. In any relationship where you want permanency, where you want Infinity, direct that relationship toward God—God and Guru.” Yogi Bhajan



Today: “As a man there are three faculties that you must have: wisdom, humility, and the desire to serve.” – Yogi Bhajan

“As a man there are three faculties that you must have: wisdom, humility, and the desire to serve. In any walk of life, if you cannot establish that you are a man of wisdom, you cannot win the game 100%. Your wife, your child, your partner, your spiritual teacher, your city, your county, your country—all look to you to be a man of wisdom. The second qualification is humility: that you are social and humble, approachable. Humble means approachable. You need to be approachable, easy to communicate and talk with. That is the second faculty. And the third is that you have the desire to serve, that you are sincere in your purpose of service.” Yogi Bhajan


Today: “Remember whenever you speak with anyone, you have only one line to speak. ” – Yogi Bhajan

“Remember whenever you speak with anyone, you have only one line to speak. You must gear yourself mentally. Whatever you have to communicate in that one line, it must be helped by your creative sense, your sixth sense. You must know where you can penetrate the person or situation and then your creative sense must let you establish your relationship.” Yogi Bhajan


Today: “When you communicate, the only friend you have is the art of creative dialogue.” – Yogi Bhajan

“When you communicate, the only friend you have is the art of creative dialogue. That is what establishes you as a man.”
