Today: “There are two kinds of protection, natural protection and individual protection.” – Yogi Bhajan

“There are two kinds of protection, natural protection and individual protection. Natural protection is when the God protects you and individual protection is by your own hands.”
Yogi Bhajan

M134 970325 Working on the Upper Chakras

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What else Yogi Bhajan said

Today: “Hell and heaven are right here.” – Yogi Bhajan

“Hell and heaven are right here. In heaven, people live very still, they speak truth, and they are very compassionate. In hell, they jump around, they speculate, and they fluctuate; their words are never trustable because they don’t trust their own words.”
Yogi Bhajan

See Today: I Ching

Meditation:  NM0426 – 20011117 – Self Transformation

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What else Yogi Bhajan said

Today: “If the being has not realized that giving is giving by itself and its greatness is unlimited, he has not enjoyed the essential thing.” – Yogi Bhajan

“If the being has not realized that giving is giving by itself and its greatness is unlimited, he has not enjoyed the essential thing.”
Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: NM142 19940615 – Bless the Planet Earth and Let the Heavens Descend in You

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What else Yogi Bhajan said

Today: “In this world, we know that matter cannot be produced, cannot be destroyed.” – Yogi Bhajan

“In this world, we know that matter cannot be produced, cannot be destroyed. Somebody is rich, somebody is poor. Somebody is fat, somebody is thin. Somebody is tall, somebody is short. This world is nothing but a balance. Its very existence is based on balance. This planet and the entire existence on this planet cannot exist without this great balance. There is nothing you can add; there is nothing you can subtract from it.”
Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: LA741 – 921125 – Dance of Shiva

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What else Yogi Bhajan said

Today: “There are two ways of living in this world, the way of worry and the way of relaxation.” – Yogi Bhajan

“There are two ways of living in this world, the way of worry and the way of relaxation. If you worry, you have to concentrate to imagine and it becomes physical work; but if you turn your mind to the universal mind, then things will come to you.” Yogi Bhajan
Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: The Negative Mind

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What else Yogi Bhajan said

Today: “One must be conscious to have consciousness, and one must be conscious that his conscious energy can always vibrate in the direction which is righteous.” – Yogi Bhajan

“One must be conscious to have consciousness, and one must be conscious that his conscious energy can always vibrate in the direction which is righteous.”
Yogi Bhajan

Kriya: Awakening Yourself to Your Ten Bodies

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What else Yogi Bhajan said

Today: “I do not know how I exist, but still I am existing, and this is the wonder of reality.” – Yogi Bhajan

“I do not know how I exist, but still I am existing, and this is the wonder of reality. And this whole realization came to me when I uttered one little sound: Wha, wha, wha.”
Yogi Bhajan

Existence is the reality, “Wha” is the bliss:
Meditation: NM190-19951031-Connect Yourself to the Reality

“Ang Sang Waheguru” is both:
Meditation: KWTC7-19910705 – Self Hypnotic Trance – Self Bliss

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What else Yogi Bhajan said

Today: “Self-exertion or self-reliance and self-realization is not possible for everybody. Why not?” – Yogi Bhajan

“Self-exertion or self-reliance and self-realization is not possible for everybody. Why not? Because we don’t think we are part of infinity and infinity is a part of us. We do not recognize the very divinity in us. That a creature has been created and that this creation has a purpose is totally forgotten by man.”
Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: NM335 – A00111 Connect Up to Infinity

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What else Yogi Bhajan said


Today: “You have a consciousness in you, and if you do not know that you are a balance of two polarities and if you do not relate to both your polarities, you are not relating to a reality.” Yogi Bhajan

“You have a consciousness in you, and if you do not know that you are a balance of two polarities and if you do not relate to both your polarities, you are not relating to a reality.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: The Neutral Mind

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What else Yogi Bhajan said

Today: “Words do not mean anything.” – Yogi Bhajan

“Words do not mean anything. If someone starts arguing that which is wrong, if you know it is wrong, just say yes, it is wrong. Get out of it. You can learn about you from everywhere. A person who can accept facts about himself is a factual man.”
Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: A653-900612 – Self Hypnotic Trance

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What else Yogi Bhajan said

Tao Te Ching – Verse 63 – Act without doing; work without effort

Today: “Ananda, bliss, is a constant state of mind where one does not feel disturbed either by gain or by loss.” – Yogi Bhajan

“Ananda, bliss, is a constant state of mind where one does not feel disturbed either by gain or by loss.”
Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: KWTC7-19910705 – Self Hypnotic Trance – Self Bliss

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What else Yogi Bhajan said

Today: “What is a habit? When the mind is tuned after an activity, it is known as a habit.” – Yogi Bhajan

“What is a habit? When the mind is tuned after an activity, it is known as a habit. First you tune the mind into activity and then the habit is established. You become slanderous if the habit is slanderous; you become divine if the habit is divine.”
Yogi Bhajan


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What else Yogi Bhajan said

Today: “Man from the very first is a habit-free being and this is a freedom given to him.” – Yogi Bhajan

“Man from the very first is a habit-free being and this is a freedom given to him. But as we develop, we slowly develop habits and man becomes so accustomed to habitual thought patterns that he intellectually justifies them.”
Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: LA589-890412-GoldenGrain

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What else Yogi Bhajan said

Today: “If you are going to be mind alone, then you are doing an injustice to both your mind and your soul. ” Yogi Bhajan

“If you are going to be mind alone, then you are doing an injustice to both your mind and your soul. And if you are calculating everything on the basis of mind, you cannot get the correct result. You are calculating wrong. The intellect releases the thought. You must check that thought with the body and soul, because you are body and soul as well as mind.” Yogi Bhajan

Here is a Buddhist perspective

Meditation: LA721-920325: for the Intuitive Intellect

What else Yogi Bhajan said

Today: “The wrath of God will come upon one who slanders other people…” – Yogi Bhajan

“The wrath of God will come upon one who slanders other people, because God gets annoyed when his creation is being slandered by his very creation.”
Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: NM360-20000913 – Making a Mold – White Hole Mudra

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What else Yogi Bhajan said

Tao Te Ching – Verse 56 – Those who know don’t talk. Those who talk don’t know.

Today: “What is faith?” – Yogi Bhajan

“What is faith? Faith is what you believe. Who believes? You. Who are you? Self. What is self? From where does it come? Where is it going? These are very fundamental questions.”
Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: LA877-19960604 – Self Realization

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