Today: “Activity with responsibility, honesty, and self-consciousness leads to God-consciousness. That is karma yoga.” – Yogi Bhajan

“Activity with responsibility, honesty, and self-consciousness leads to God-consciousness. That is karma yoga.”
Yogi Bhajan


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What else Yogi Bhajan said

Today: “If you engage your mind, you can be your real self, and you will realize happiness is your birthright.” – Yogi Bhajan

“If you engage your mind, you can be your real self, and you will realize happiness is your birthright. You will decide to at least try to drop your mind’s bad habits to be commotional, fearful, and limited. Try to engage your mind in sadhana. Try to get up in the early morning. Try to understand that the time is now and now is the time.”
Yogi Bhajan


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What else Yogi Bhajan said

Today: “I know it is very difficult for you to believe a man of God.” – Yogi Bhajan

“I know it is very difficult for you to believe a man of God. Especially here in America, because so many people who claim to be men of God have cheated you, betrayed you, or misled you. You don’t know who or what to believe or not believe. I understand the problem and your anger. In America you are only two hundred years old and you do not have a long, established tradition that can act as a testing stone for teachings and teachers. Without developing your inner sensitivity and without a profound established tradition to learn about your mind and spirit, many things have gone wrong, and things will keep on going wrong. So what can you do? If you feel you can’t believe anybody or anything, fine. Don’t. Instead believe in yourself. Wake up and go deeply in your self. Master the mind. Get to the essence and process of your own life. Stop playing games. If you find I am wrong in my statements, then try to be right and exalt, elevate, and take care of yourself.”
Yogi Bhajan

The Teacher

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What else Yogi Bhajan said

Today: “The physical body is a temple. Take care of it.” – Yogi Bhajan

“The physical body is a temple. Take care of it. The mind is energy. Regulate it. The soul is the projection. Represent it. All knowledge is false if the soul is not experienced in the body.”
Yogi Bhajan

Kriya: Awakening Yourself to Your Ten Bodies

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What else Yogi Bhajan said

Today: “The conscious regulation of the breath is to bring about a balance of energy in the nervous system.” – Yogi Bhajan

“The conscious regulation of the breath is to bring about a balance of energy in the nervous system.”
Yogi Bhajan

Meditation:  One Minute Breath

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What else Yogi Bhajan said

Today: “Consciously you must be conscious that nobody is wrong; therefore, you must not slander anybody.” – Yogi Bhajan

“Consciously you must be conscious that nobody is wrong; therefore, you must not slander anybody. When you slander other people, actually your consciousness goes from a higher level to a lower level.”
Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: NM0390-20010320 – Provoke Your Higher Self

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What else Yogi Bhajan said

Today: “Group-consciousness is an intermediate stage.” Yogi Bhajan

“Group-consciousness is an intermediate stage. It is what you pass through in the journey from individual consciousness to universal consciousness.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: LA721-920325: for the Intuitive Intellect

What else Yogi Bhajan said

Today: “No two bodies are alike and no two minds are alike.” – Yogi Bhajan

“No two bodies are alike and no two minds are alike. What is alike? The spirit, the soul.”
Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: NM0420-20011015 – The Power of Memories – Remember the Saint Within

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What else Yogi Bhajan said

Today: “There is no difference between you and me.” – Yogi Bhajan

“There is no difference between you and me. He is speaking and He is listening, and that is maya. If you understand this maya, you will understand this whole truth. He is speaking to me. He is listening to you, because He is the giver of the breath. He gives me breath to speak and he gives you breath to listen. If you understand this secret, you understand everything. In me, I have found only one reality—that I breathe in and I breathe out. And so anything that breathes in or out is reality. When I found this as a reality in everybody, I found myself in everybody and everybody in myself.”
Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: NM132-940504-Pratyahar

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What else Yogi Bhajan said

Today: “Humility in action is universal consciousness.” – Yogi Bhajan

“Humility in action is universal consciousness.”
Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: The Negative Mind

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What else Yogi Bhajan said

Today: “Be enlightened that the other human being is you.” – Yogi Bhajan

“Be enlightened that the other human being is you. Understand through compassion that passion will make you misunderstand. Vibrate on the cosmos and the cosmos will clear your path. When fear and insecurity leave you, truth and spirit will be with you.”
Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: Know the Psyche of the Other

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What else Yogi Bhajan said

Today: “There are two kinds of protection, natural protection and individual protection.” – Yogi Bhajan

“There are two kinds of protection, natural protection and individual protection. Natural protection is when the God protects you and individual protection is by your own hands.”
Yogi Bhajan

M134 970325 Working on the Upper Chakras

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What else Yogi Bhajan said

Today: “Hell and heaven are right here.” – Yogi Bhajan

“Hell and heaven are right here. In heaven, people live very still, they speak truth, and they are very compassionate. In hell, they jump around, they speculate, and they fluctuate; their words are never trustable because they don’t trust their own words.”
Yogi Bhajan

See Today: I Ching

Meditation:  NM0426 – 20011117 – Self Transformation

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What else Yogi Bhajan said

Today: “If the being has not realized that giving is giving by itself and its greatness is unlimited, he has not enjoyed the essential thing.” – Yogi Bhajan

“If the being has not realized that giving is giving by itself and its greatness is unlimited, he has not enjoyed the essential thing.”
Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: NM142 19940615 – Bless the Planet Earth and Let the Heavens Descend in You

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What else Yogi Bhajan said

Today: “In this world, we know that matter cannot be produced, cannot be destroyed.” – Yogi Bhajan

“In this world, we know that matter cannot be produced, cannot be destroyed. Somebody is rich, somebody is poor. Somebody is fat, somebody is thin. Somebody is tall, somebody is short. This world is nothing but a balance. Its very existence is based on balance. This planet and the entire existence on this planet cannot exist without this great balance. There is nothing you can add; there is nothing you can subtract from it.”
Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: LA741 – 921125 – Dance of Shiva

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What else Yogi Bhajan said

Today: “There are two ways of living in this world, the way of worry and the way of relaxation.” – Yogi Bhajan

“There are two ways of living in this world, the way of worry and the way of relaxation. If you worry, you have to concentrate to imagine and it becomes physical work; but if you turn your mind to the universal mind, then things will come to you.” Yogi Bhajan
Yogi Bhajan

Meditation:  LA049 780901 Homeh Bandana Kriya: takes away self-pride and vanity 

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What else Yogi Bhajan said