“There’s no good and bad. There’s no right and wrong. There’s no high and low. A yogi is a person whom the opposite polarities do not affect—he recognizes there are polarities.” Yogi Bhajan
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Harinam and Healing Heart Center
Healer, Teacher, Yogi
“There’s no good and bad. There’s no right and wrong. There’s no high and low. A yogi is a person whom the opposite polarities do not affect—he recognizes there are polarities.” Yogi Bhajan
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“All these faculties as a Teacher will come to you, because you will also understand what the desire is, what the prayer is, and what the fulfillment is. They’re asking you to augment. Money is not a situation. Money is a medium.” Yogi Bhajan
Meditation: NM0337-Bujung Kriya – For Wisdom and Understanding
“A Teacher is not judged by his popularity, his richness, his money, his knowledge, his essence. A Teacher is judged by his character. If under all temptations he can fly through, then he knows how to fly.” Yogi Bhajan
Meditation: LA372 831212 Corruption and character
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“People are afraid, because when you hear the truth, you also get exposed to your own lies. You don’t want to hear that. All right, it is a choice. Don’t hear it now. One day time will tell you in another way. That will be very painful.” Yogi Bhajan
Meditation: NM0394 – Live Above Denial
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What else Yogi Bhajan said Continue reading “Today: “when you hear the truth, you also get exposed to your own lies” Yogi Bhajan”
“You know, the only thing that goes wrong with us is that we forget. Look at the word “forget.” “For-get. What do you mean by “get”? And what do you mean by “for”? “For” means “to.” “To get.” So you forget that Giveth is Giveth, and has been given. So, “to get” you “forget” you are divine. I’m not joking. Do you understand why you forget? What for? To get what? What happens when you are “to get?” You forget that you are getting that which you are getting, not what God is giving you. When God gives you something, you won’t forget.” Yogi Bhajan
Meditation: LA724-920328 Reorganize Your Head, Be Positive, Lose Your Inherited Anger
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“What is kundalini? The energy of the glandular system combines with the nervous system to become more sensitive so that the totality of the brain perceives signals and interprets them, so that the effect of the sequence of the cause becomes very clear to the man. In other words, man becomes totally, wholesomely aware. That is why we call it the yoga of awareness. And as the rivers end up in the same ocean, all yoga ends up by raising the kundalini in the man. What is the kundalini? The creative potential of the man.” Yogi Bhajan
Man and his manners are a very basic situation which we must understand. We must look at things the way God is looking at things. Our purity lies in our originality. Our intuition lies in our innocence.
Yogi Bhajan
Meditation: LA010 – 19780210 – Gobinda – Project to the Infinite
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“It is the first thankless job of the teacher to create environments which the student cannot understand right away. If the student understands right away, he will just go through it. The teacher should be intelligent enough to create a problem which the student does not understand and then he should push the student through it and that will bring faith. This faith will move mountains and those mountains will move God. The formless will fade behind form the way cats fade behind cows.” Yogi Bhajan
“The difference between you and an animal is that the animal has limited compassion and you can have unlimited compassion.” Yogi Bhajan
Meditation: NM0163 – Feel God Within You, The Kindness in You
“Poke, provoke, confront, and elevate. That is how your life must be. If one aspect of these four is missing, you are handicapped. That’s the gist of my Ph.D. on the psychology of communication. Regardless of what we understand or do not understand, we are what we speak. That’s how we are known.” Yogi Bhajan
Meditation: KWTC 19970630 – For Faculty of Self Engagement
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“Nobody will give you anything. You have to learn the art and science of giving yourself your own excellence. That’s the purpose of life. Life is a lie if the truth is not found. Prayer is the power for which you must reach your excellence.” Yogi Bhajan
Meditation: NM0413 – Intuition and the Strength of Excellence
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“All your soul is promised by God is one chance. When the soul took the body and saw the karma and the domain, and it was coming to the planet Earth for practice, the soul resisted. He said, “No, I’m not going.” God said, “Why? What’s the problem? It’s a test. Don’t you want to pass it?” He said, “I want to pass it, but I don’t have the tools.” So God gave the mind. She said, “What is this damn thing?” He said, “Well, this is something. Like a swing, it can take you towards me or away from me 180 degrees. Take it, but be its master.” Yogi Bhajan
Meditation: LA041-780525- Control the Mind
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“It’s great to have and not to have—that’s the principle. Poverty is a curse. You have to have. But have to have, and then not to have, is tiaagaa, renunciation, abandonment. To have the body and not to have the body, and become humble into shuniaa, zero, to become nobody, is the highest body. You become the highest being. So the rules are very simple.” Yogi Bhajan
Meditation: Contemplate in Shuniya from the Spine
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“Life is a lie if you do not find the internal truth. Life is a tragedy if you only find the external truth. Life is an absolute loss if you do not live to your status as a human, or your reality status or your religious status, whatever you want to call it. You can get a status, but you have to live it, and you have to experience it.” Yogi Bhajan
Meditation: LA827-19950307 – Third Eye
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“The idea is not what wiring is and what electricity is running through it, or what the light bulbs are. The idea is to switch it on. You switch it on with Hatha Yoga, so switch it on with any yoga, go ahead. We are not asking you to practice Kundalini Yoga. But Kundalini Yoga is for householders, people who are married, and have a life with family, children. It’s a scientific, time-saving device.
In just a few minutes you can be whatever you want to be.” Yogi Bhajan
Meditation: M060 901121 Awaken Kundalini
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“You have come from the Perfect to be perfect. It is not that you have come from the Perfect and you have been put here as imperfect, and you have to become perfect.” Yogi Bhajan
Meditation: KYB117-19860822 – Achieve an Experience of God
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