Today: “A man has to understand his existence in relationship to the universe. Whosoever knows this knows the truth.” Yogi Bhajan

“A man has to understand his existence in relationship to the universe. Whosoever knows this knows the truth. The whole world around you will be beautiful if you understand that you are you.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: NM0390-20010320 – Provoke Your Higher Self

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What else Yogi Bhajan said

Today: “If you achieve righteousness throughout your life and conversation, it doesn’t matter who you are or to whom you belong. The goal is achieved.” Yogi Bhajan

“If you achieve righteousness throughout your life and conversation, it doesn’t matter who you are or to whom you belong. The goal is achieved.” Yogi Bhajan

The Beatitudes from St. Matthew

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What else Yogi Bhajan said

Today: “Where is the limit of a person? How can you be limited? A person is limited according to his attachment.” Yogi Bhajan

“Where is the limit of a person? How can you be limited? A person is limited according to his attachment. It doesn’t matter what you have or what you don’t have; it matters only how easily you can let go.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: LA082-790123 Telescopic Infinity

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What else Yogi Bhajan said

Today: “Why do we tell you to remember God? What is there that you should remember or not remember? What are you going to gain?” Yogi Bhajan

“Why do we tell you to remember God? What is there that you should remember or not remember? What are you going to gain? The moment a man realizes that potentially he is infinite and he is only limited in activity, he can be happy. If something goes wrong, he should not give in. He knows that he can regenerate, recapture, and redo. If God is with you, then you are great. You can take it.”

Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: NM335 – A00111 Connect Up to Infinity

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What else Yogi Bhajan said

Today: “The mind should dance with the body, and the whole universe is your stage.” Yogi Bhajan

“The mind should dance with the body, and the whole universe is your stage. Try to feel that whatever you are doing is the most beautiful thing, the prettiest dance, because you are dancing with the whole universe. Don’t resent anything. Let your heart guide you, free of all regimentation.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: LA741 – 921125 – Dance of Shiva

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What else Yogi Bhajan said

Today: “Life is a game, but we do not want to play unattached. We want to play for the sake of winning and losing, and that is where unhappiness comes in.” Yogi Bhajan

“Life is a game, but we do not want to play unattached. We want to play for the sake of winning and losing, and that is where unhappiness comes in.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation:  KWTC19950725 Meditation to Balance the Tattvas 

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What else Yogi Bhajan said

Today: “Who am I and what do I know? These are questions that man has to ask himself.” Yogi Bhajan

“Who am I and what do I know? These are questions that man has to ask himself. He must realize the unknown of him and become the total known self. This is destiny.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: NM327-990930 Know Your Heart

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What else Yogi Bhajan said

Today: “All sickness, all shallowness, all unhappiness, all pain, all miseries are the outcome of one source; keeping negativity within yourself.” Yogi Bhajan

“All sickness, all shallowness, all unhappiness, all pain, all miseries are the outcome of one source; keeping negativity within yourself.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: LA046 – 780614 – Hari Shabad Meditation – Use the Wind to Produce Trance and Dissolve Negativity

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What else Yogi Bhajan said

Today: “The greatest tragedy is that everybody says that he can give you the secret to happiness. This is the biggest lie on this planet.” Yogi Bhajan

“The greatest tragedy is that everybody says that he can give you the secret to happiness. This is the biggest lie on this planet. Nobody can give anybody happiness; it is impossible. And we are so eager to buy happiness that when someone says he can give happiness, we all fall for it.” Yogi Bhajan

Yogi Bhajan’s Seven Steps to Happiness

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What else Yogi Bhajan said

Today: “You don’t want somebody to hate you; you want all to love you. Actually, love is a hatred and hatred is a love; there is no difference.” Yogi Bhajan

“You don’t want somebody to hate you; you want all to love you. Actually, love is a hatred and hatred is a love; there is no difference. In one, ego is satisfied; in one, ego is not. When ego is not satisfied, it is a hatred; when ego is satisfied, it is a love.” Yogi Bhajan

Lecture: The meaning of love

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What else Yogi Bhajan said

Today: “Why can’t you love everybody? You have no tolerance.” Yogi Bhajan

“Why can’t you love everybody? You have no tolerance. You have to learn to hold your temper, you have to learn not to slander, you have to learn to have patience, you have to learn to be humble.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: NM0163 – Feel God Within You, The Kindness in You

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What else Yogi Bhajan said

Today: “What is prayer? You create a vibratory effect which goes into the Infinite Creative around the psyche of you.” Yogi Bhajan

What is prayer? You create a vibratory effect which goes into the Infinite Creative around the psyche of you. The answer and energy come and then your job is done and your prayer has worked.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: LA869 960410 – Expand the Arcline

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What else Yogi Bhajan said

Today: ““Life is not given to us to live as a routine. It is given to us as our destiny. It is given so we experience life.” Yogi Bhajan

“Life is not given to us to live as a routine. It is given to us as our destiny. It is given so we experience life. Every day we must die and we must experience that death. And every day we must be reborn and must experience resurrection.” Yogi Bhajan

Lecture: NM0399-20010512 – The Power of Shushmana

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What else Yogi Bhajan said

Today: “I see you all in only one way. I see divine everywhere. Now I have seen it, I cannot see anything else.” Yogi Bhajan

“I see you all in only one way. I see divine everywhere. Now I have seen it, I cannot see anything else. If I am blind to the man-made rules and regulations, that is not my fault. I have lived under those rules and it was the grace and the glory of the Master who gave me sight; now I have that sight and I don’t want to lose it at any cost; I am more willing to lose this body, this vehicle, and leave it here, then to lose that sight which has taken me beyond time, beyond karmas.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: Drib Dhristi Lochina Karma

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What else Yogi Bhajan said

Today: “Ego is nothing but a committed consciousness and when your existence is a committed consciousness and your activity is not committed, then there is a duality.” Yogi Bhajan

“Ego is nothing but a committed consciousness and when your existence is a committed consciousness and your activity is not committed, then there is a duality.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: LA714-19920219

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What else Yogi Bhajan said

Today: “If you want to grow, you must face opposition.” Yogi Bhajan

“If you want to grow, you must face opposition. If you say there will not be people to negate you and not to oppose you and not to put you down, you can never progress. You must have equal opposition to the amount you have to increase.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: Release obstacles in your path

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