There is no identity for you except your spiritual identity…



“There is no identity for you, except your spiritual identity. There’s no grace in you but to learn. There’s no achievement other than to become learned. There’s no power but to share what you have learned with all and everyone. Share with compassion – you’ll be compensated, and you shall have no complex.

Continue reading “There is no identity for you except your spiritual identity…”

Emotions, feelings, desire, commotion, ego…


“Emotions, feelings, desire, commotion, ego – put it all together, and you lose your identity. The moment you lose your identity, you lose your impact. When there is no impact in your identity, you have no fact, you have no leg to stand on.” Yogi Bhajan
 (via Ram Anand)

The universe is asking you to confirm…


“The universe is asking you to confirm with yourself whether you would like to serve the Earth, to save the Earth, be the sage of the Earth. Earth – the Sustainer, the Mother of you, which nurtures you – can you nurture it back? That which serves you, can you serve it back.” Yogi Bhajan
 (via Ram Anand)

Those of you who have done it, know it…


“Those of you who have done it, know it. There’s nothing I can add or say. With honesty, honor, and intensity you have done it; that’s your experience. It doesn’t take much to bring God down into us. Actually, God is in us. Simply sometimes we can just concentrate and become that. It’s called a turning point.” Yogi Bhajan
 (via Ram Anand)

Rise in the morning…

SSSYWa“Rise in the morning, clean your self, exercise, and direct your mind to Infinity. Simple. But the mind knows. It is definitely aware of your effort and even the intentions of the effort. The mind is above time and space. It calculates the impact and consequence. The little act of sadhana will contain your mind and make your consciousness the ruler.”  –Yogi Bhajan
(via Ram Anand)
What else Yogi Bhajan said

The power of a teacher of Kundalini Yoga is in his zero…

SSSYWa“The power of a teacher of Kundalini Yoga is in his zero, in his shuniya. In shuniya you become zero, you reduce everything to nothing: “I am nothing. Everything is nothing. There’s nothing to be nothing.” The moment you become that, then everything radiates from you.” Yogi Bhajan

(via Ram Anand)

shuniya meditations

What (else) Yogi Bhajan said…

If you cannot practice shuniya…

SSSYWa“If you cannot practice shuniya, you cannot be a teacher of Kundalini Yoga. Shuniya means zero. The moment you become zero, then all powers will prevail through you.” Yogi Bhajan

(via Ram Anand)

shuniya meditations

What (else) Yogi Bhajan said…

On Oneness and Division – Yogi Bhajan

You know each other, because you were all born in the same time and space as a batch of the third millennium. No matter where we live—we have all come to the planet Earth. You know that you are here. Do you accept that everyone knows everyone? Do you ever go up to someone and say “Hi, you are here, I am here!” without knowing the person’s name? Whenever dealing with people, remember you are here along with everyone else all of the time.

View complete lecture and meditation

What (else) Yogi Bhajan said…

Ego is the very capacity to be finite…

 SSSYWa“Ego is the very capacity to be finite. You say, “I am. These are my things. This is my life. Nobody can tell me anything. I’ll do whatever I want to do.” In the end it confines you tremendously and tragically. You give no attention to your destiny and lose perspective.

There is only one simple fact…

SSSYWa“There is only one simple fact: On the spiritual path you have to pass through your mind, your power in experience, to reach the soul. But mind is not bound in time and space. So you must create a focus, an identity, a sensitivity to be beyond time and beyond the challenge of space. The soul is always immediate and present. It gives you a flow and makes your presence glow.” Yogi Bhajan
 (via Ram Anand)
 Meditation to conquer time, space and destiny

The total sum of this life and this earth…

SSSYWaThe total sum of this life and this Earth, of this planet, this cosmos, and this space is nothing but energy. Call it any kind of theory you want, this life is constructed so that the energy of existence is transferred into matter. That matter can also be transferred into energy. Whatever the details of your theory, somehow that essential energy created matter and that matter sustains us through the energy! Life is about that balance and exchange of energy.” Yogi Bhajan
 (via Ram Anand)

Continue reading “The total sum of this life and this earth…”

If you do not understand the mind and its reactions…


“If you do not understand the mind and its reactions, your first chosen step will be wrong, and your whole progress will be painful. It takes the same effort and energy to walk either path. The difficulty lies in the nature of the mind and how it grasps things and becomes entranced by feelings and sensation. The problem lies in being subject to time rather than being one step ahead of time.” Yogi Bhajan
 (via Ram Anand)
 Meditation  Kriya for non-reaction

Give this prayer with me…


“Give this prayer with me: God, give me the vastness, the courage so I can be kind. Give me the strength so that I can serve. Give me the wisdom so I can be positive. Give me the nature so that I can be compassionate. I ask Thee in Thy Name to uplift me my soul so I can serve all in Thy Name.”
Yogi Bhajan
 Meditation  Feel God within you, the kindness in you.

We only forget sometimes to be vast…


“We only forget sometimes to be vast. We become too near and personal and have contempt for teachings, teacher, and the world. Just forgive, excel, and lead with grace to leave a legacy of kindness and compassion.” Yogi Bhajan
 (via Ram Anand)
 Meditation  Have a clear sense of yourself and be able to merge without losing yourself.  Experience the vastness within you.

Any man who creates environments to show clarity…


“Any man who creates environments to show clarity about the causes and effects of the Creator – beauty and bounty in this world – gets merged into infinity.” Yogi Bhajan
(via Ram Anand)