The main problem is forsaking the path due to succumbing to uncontrolled desires. It is not a real problem as long as you keep returning to it. Each return makes one stronger.
See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for today
Tao Te Ching – Verse 81 – True words aren’t eloquent; eloquent words aren’t true.
Meditation: LA041-780525- Control the Mind
Today: I Ching – Previous Reading –
Today: I Ching – Previous Previous Reading – “You need to reinvent yourself. Develop a path of personal growth with discipline that will impact your choices and the way you relate with everything. Old approaches no longer work.”
See related posts.
24 – Twenty-Four. Fu / Return
Thunder regenerates deep within Earth’s womb:
Sage rulers recognized that the end of Earth’s seasonal cycle was also the starting point of a new year and a time for dormancy.
They closed the passes at the Solstice to enforce a rest from commerce and activity.
The ruler himself did not travel.
You have passed this way before but you are not regressing.
This is progress, for the cycle now repeats itself, and this time you are aware that it truly is a cycle.
The return of old familiars is welcome.
You can be as sure of this cycle as you are that seven days bring the start of a new week.
Use this dormancy phase to plan which direction you will grow.
You are about to experience a rebirth — about to be given another chance, a new lease on life.
You have persevered, gone the distance through an entire cycle — through the Spring of hope or new passion, through a Summer of growth and building, only to be sacrificed like the archetypal Harvest King at the Autumn reaping.
You lie dormant like seed beneath Winter snows now, healing and absorbing new energies in preparation for the new young Spring coming shortly to your life.
Six in the third place means:
Return after return after return.
Risky, but never a mistake.
Repeated return. Danger. No blame.
![Les Demoiselles d'Avignon](
“Les Demoiselles d’Avignon”, 1907 – Pablo Picasso
There are people of a certain inner instability who feel a constant urge to reverse themselves. There is danger in continually deserting the good because of uncontrolled desires, then turning back to it again because of a better resolution. However, since this does not lead to habituation in evil, a general inclination to overcome the defect is not wholly excluded.
26 – Twenty-Six. Ta Ch’u / Recharging Power
Heaven’s motherlode waits within the Mountain:
The Superior Person mines deep into history’s wealth of wisdom and deeds, charging his character with timeless strength.
Drawing sustenance from these sources creates good fortune.
Then you may cross to the far shore.
There are important precedents in this situation.
Others have trodden this Path before you, overcoming the same obstacles facing you now, and making crucial decisions at the same crossroads.
Study their journals, watch for their trail markings.
Gain inspiration and wisdom from the heroes and learn from the mistakes of those who chose a sidepath.
All were Seekers, explorers whose daring mapped a course you can follow.
The words and deeds of the finest can imbue you with the courage necessary to face what lies before you.
Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's, Thomas Cleary's, Brian Arnold's and other translations of the I Ching
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