Meditation: LA935-980608- Connect the subconscious and intuition

Yogi Bhajan Los Angeles June 8, 1998

So tonight we are going to do a simple meditation to see if we can connect subconscious and intuition, okay?  Later on you like it, pay me some reward otherwise shout and leave, that’s my intention. I want to do the thing in two days that’s why I’ve stayed. LA is too wet for me. Continue reading “Meditation: LA935-980608- Connect the subconscious and intuition”

Meditation: M136-970930 – Work on Shashara, Balance Earth and Heavens

Yogi Bhajan September 30, 1997  New York City

Today, we will work on your shashra, the seventh chakra and we will change your interlock of the third and the first chakra, to make out of you, whether you like it or not, we are not asking you for cooperation, we are asking you, whatever you have to do, you have to do, what we have to do, we have to do. The result will be that you will be balanced between your earth and your heavens.

Meditation: Perugia 2017 Meditations

Courtesy of Sandro Cifra

771130 Lower Back Is Where The Breathing Control Is

KWTC 870710 AB JAN UPAR KO NA PUKAAR no one complains about the Lord

KWTC 980710 life is lift to infinity

LA007 780117 Bewitchment in experience of infinity here takes you to infinity upon death




LA635 900323 Che significa essere un’insegnante

LA869 960410 Expand the Arcline

LA935 980608 tonight we are going to do a simple meditation to see if we can connect subconscious and intuition

M136 970930 Meditation Course – Work on Shashara, Balance Earth and Heavens

Sandro Cifra’s Collection of Meditations from Yogi Bhajan

The Chaos Strategy



Many have figured this out.  Many deny it.  Chaos was weaponized a long time ago, and keeps re-emerging as a political reality for those who have forgotten history.

It isn’t about truth or lies.  That is just the tactic.  The strategy is all about chaos.
If you find the means to produce pure and ultimate chaos, then you can easily find the means to seize the power necessary to bring back “order”.
If you can blow up the world economy (e.g., toxic tax bill) then you find the means to put it back together in your own image.  There will always be somebody else you can blame for the catastrophe (2008).
If you can wage catastrophic war producing total devastation (e.g., nuclear war), then you can rebuild on your own terms.  There will always be somebody else you can blame for the cataclysm.
If you can privatize a nation’s secret security and spying infrastructure (cia) then they will work for you secretly (gestapo) and can target and prosecute fellow citizens with extrajudicial impunity.
If you can completely dismantle democratic institutions then you can define your own.
If you can get enough people (e.g., religious zealots) to believe that blowing up the world is a good thing, then there is nothing that you can’t accomplish with their help.
If you can appear to be insane to enough people (e.g., everybody) then they will underestimate you (as always) so you can fly under the radar and fully implement your chaos strategy.


Meditation: LA747 921231 Fear 6, to command yourself

Yogi Bhajan Los Angeles December 31, 1992

Close your eyes, interlace your fingers and bring them above your head. Stick your tongue out; this is called the “snake’s tongue”. Move as you want, but do it very fast. Be conscious of the central channel, which goes form the navel point to the third eye. connect the two chakras. Do this for 12 minutes.

See complete lecture video from 19921231


Continue reading “Meditation: LA747 921231 Fear 6, to command yourself”

Meditation: NM345- Strengthen and enhance the radiant body

We have ten bodies.  The projection of the radiant Body, the tenth body, determines how other people see us and how we see ourselves.  It can be shiny and protective, or dull and porous.  We also use our Radiant Body to heal.  If it is strong enough, we can heal people with our mere presence.  This is a goal that is our challenge in this age, where so many people need to be healed and there is so little time.

This meditation strengthens and enhances the Radiant Body.


Tantric Har

Meditation: Kundalini Surjhee

On July 22, 2017

An immersion was held at Yoga West, led by Jagat Guru Singh. a long time student of Yogi Bhajan and Guru Dev Singh.

Its purpose was to introduce the Kundalini Surjhee Shabad to students in order to promote its recitation for their health and well being.



Meditation: M060-901121-AWAKEN-KUNDALINI

     Kundalini Surjhee 63 min

     Kundalini Surjhee Live 2.5 hours


Meditation: A Prayer for Peace

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me bring love.
Where there is offense, let me bring pardon.
Where there is discord, let me bring union.
Where there is error, let me bring truth.
Where there is doubt, let me bring faith.
Where there is despair, let me bring hope.
Where there is darkness, let me bring your light.
Where there is sadness, let me bring joy.
O Master, let me not seek as much
to be consoled as to console,
to be understood as to understand,
to be loved as to love,
for it is in giving that one receives,
it is in self-forgetting that one finds,
it is in pardoning that one is pardoned,
it is in dying that one is raised to eternal life.


Ra Ma Da Sa Healing Meditation

 Ra Ma Da Sa Healing Meditation
Certain mantras are to be cherished like a beautiful gem. The Siri Gaitri Mantra is just such a jewel. It is unique, and it captures the radiant healing energy of the Cosmos as a gem captures the light of the Sun. Like a gem it can be put into many settings for different purposes and occasions.

Continue reading “Ra Ma Da Sa Healing Meditation”

The Teacher

Dear Blessed Healers,

It is a good time to assess and tune our relationship with our teacher.  However you perceive that relationship personally, there is only the question of identity that seems to matter.  Guru Dev Singh identifies as a teacher, as did Yogi Bhajan before him and so on through the lineage.  It is a commitment of love, sacrifice and endless service.  In order to hold a proper relation with him, Yogi Bhajan and the Guru, it is important to clarify that aspect of identity in our awareness.

The Guru is not inherently our friend, nor is any teacher.  The teacher has delightful personality, which we love.  That is not the basis for the relation.  It is an attraction that gets our attention.

Neither will the Guru, nor any teacher, save us directly.  Only indirectly.  That obligation is on us.  It is our duty, upon receiving the grace of God through the Guru and through the teacher, that we apply the teachings to our personal circumstance. We must focus beyond all distraction, including our own and our teacher’s personality, to the source of grace.  Then we must commit to keeping it up, beyond all circumstance.  That is how we are saved.  If we identify as a teacher, then we can also promote the flow of grace to others through the teachings.  Rather than our friend, the teacher is our benefactor who facilitates our salvation by enlightening our ignorance.

It is a time for healing.  Our teacher, and ourselves.  We are healers. Rather than objectively “healing” our teacher, we should go to the core of the relation where we all can merge with our common intent and so heal all.

Here is a meditation that I suggest will help in that endeavor.

Meditation: NM0380 Ecstasy and Joy



Don’t worry about the future

Last night my wife and I watched an interesting movie that has a resonance with what is happening.

In class last night we did a meditation about this.
Meditation: 881026 Removing Fear of the Future
The meditation removes fear of the future by freeing us of the endless mental contrivances we construct in order to avoid fear and pain.

The movie is The 100 Year Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared.

The man is portrayed in various stages of a very colorful and eventful life. He lives by his mother’s dying admonition not to worry about the future.  She said that worry will always make things worse.  She suffered greatly, even in dying, but knew the secret of happiness, even if she never realized it in her life.  She said to Allan, her son (the now 100 year old man) it always is what it is, and will always be what it will be.  He took her up on that, which made all the difference.  He led a happy and charmed life.  Even at 100, he wasn’t finished.

The story is similar to Forrest Gump.  He also led a charmed life.  Forrest’s secret was innocence.  Allan’s was living in the moment, flowing like water.  Both were lucky, seemingly making their own luck.  Both were free of fear of the future.

Meditation: For contemplating what comes next after the Women’s March



“You know each other, because you were all born in the same time and space as a batch of the third millennium. No matter where we live—we have all come to the planet Earth. You know that you are here. Do you accept that everyone knows everyone? Do you ever go up to someone and say “Hi, you are here, I am here!” without knowing the person’s name? Whenever dealing with people, remember you are here along with everyone else all of the time.” – Yogi Bhajan

Balancing projection with intention
Yogic scriptures tell us of the four stages of the mind: normal awareness, the dream state, total mental rest, and total awareness. Mastery of this meditation enables the practitioner to master these four levels of the mind. It can create a mental equilibrium so that our expression will be consistent with our intention.
Contemplating our intention will align our intention with our identity.

Living above denial and the faculty of self engagement

When we feel badly about what is going on around us, and feel helpless to do anything about it, we are denying who we are and separating ourselves from it.  Rather, we should know the self that is equal to the challenge and  engage it rather than separate or shrink from it.

Increase the flow of spirit in you
When everything is upside down and stagnation and chaos prevail, it is time to be and not do.  There is nothing to do personally but peacefully participate in the divine flow.  That flow is present even in chaos and will emerge as the way everything will eventually right itself.  The situation is too complex to force any single remedy successfully.  Relying on your inner worth with perseverance and being in the flow will allow divine wisdom to take its course.
From “It is time to be and not do”.

Develop patience and intuition
You must consciously breathe the breath of life. Give yourself a chance to wait, and the patience to understand. When you meet and talk with somebody, or think about somebody, you cannot even think of that person’s condition if you do not use patience and intuition. If you do not use patience and intuition you will do a lot of wrong. Patience and intuition are essential in order to meditatively assess what is going on.


About this page
After the women’s march, it is useful to contemplate what comes next.  As individuals, a community and a nation, men and women, we can look first within ourselves to know our light, find our strengths, and gather the means for making an effective impact that will heal our communities and bring them together, local and global.  Then we can reach out and join with others communicating our ideas and plans.

I have begun this page as a means of reminding us of the motivations that brought everyone together and as a means of sustaining the internal space that it opened in us through that experience.  It is a collection of meditations that I feel will contribute to that intention.  All the meditations were given to us by my teacher, Yogi Bhajan.  They come from the tradition of Kundalini Yoga, which is simply a technology that gives us tools for living a happy life. Continue reading “Meditation: For contemplating what comes next after the Women’s March”

Meditation: NM091 – 19921110 – Self Emboldenment, Engagement, Vision

Yogi Bhajan – NM091 – November 10, 1992

And put this straight and look at the tip of your nose please and then you will find a Blue Lagoon underneath, hold that please, very dearly.

Left Jupiter (index) finger touches forehead.  Right Jupiter,Saturn fingers up at sides. Tongue at upper palate.  Molars tight.  Eyes 9/10 closed, looking at the tip of the nose.  Pump the navel.

Listen to every heartbeat (Nirinjian Kaur)

This meditations increases flow in the brain,  self emboldment, vision.
When you react, you stop seeing.  Helps involve you with what’s going on. Continue reading “Meditation: NM091 – 19921110 – Self Emboldenment, Engagement, Vision”