Today: A turning point to an era of accelerated growth – from the I Ching


A turning point.  What you have been waiting for and has lain dormant will now come around again, not by force but as a result of your devotion.  Do not miss this opportunity.  Timing is everything.  Another opportunity will not come around for many years. Continue reading “Today: A turning point to an era of accelerated growth – from the I Ching”

Today: Meet your obstacles with unswerving inner purpose – from the I Ching


Meet your obstacles with unswerving inner purpose. Rather than forging ahead, look inward to find the sources of adversity and fix them.  Rather than blaming others, find how your relations with them have produced this situation.  Allow the introspection to enrich your vision and inform future plans.  Engage trustworthy companions of like mind who can help in removing the obstacles. Continue reading “Today: Meet your obstacles with unswerving inner purpose – from the I Ching”

Today: Upheaval and radical transformation – from the I Ching


It is a time of upheaval and radical transformation. Opposing forces are trying to destroy each other.  The age old struggle between light and dark has reached a critical mass.  It is important to wait for the right time to act to exert influence in this matter.  Otherwise there will be negative consequences. Continue reading “Today: Upheaval and radical transformation – from the I Ching”

Today: Go beyond your ego and associated self interest – from the I Ching


Go beyond your ego and associated self interest.  Do not deny yourself, rather extend your vision to include everything and everyone, serving in any capacity you are needed.  This attitude will dissolve the barriers that have formed between you and others. By your example it will extend to others, breaking down the divisions that have formed between people. Continue reading “Today: Go beyond your ego and associated self interest – from the I Ching”

Today: Dissolve the rigidity of the heart – from the I Ching


It is time to dissolve the rigidity of the heart that has led to extreme divisiveness among people.  We must allow ourselves to be shaken with awe in face of eternity – stirred with an intuition of the One Creator of all living beings, and united through the strong feeling of fellowship experienced in the ritual of divine worship.   Continue reading “Today: Dissolve the rigidity of the heart – from the I Ching”

Today: Be still as a mountain – from the I Ching


Be still as a mountain.  Bring to rest the sensations of the ego.  Disassociate from the fears and desires of others and the visible world around you.  Focus only on the immediate situation, dwelling only in the moment.   Continue reading “Today: Be still as a mountain – from the I Ching”

Today: Stagnation and Retreat – from the I Ching


Stagnation thwarts all efforts to improve the situation.   No amount of brilliant or creative endeavors seem to change anything.  There is no blame.  Rather than feel remorse for the state of affairs, just accept that you must hold to your course and keep your grace.   Continue reading “Today: Stagnation and Retreat – from the I Ching”

Today: Strong Convergence – from the I Ching


It is a perfect time for kindred spirits to gather together in community.  This convergence is inspired by strong natural forces. Participation will yield a merging of the group psyche and a clarity of purpose. A strong, close knit union will emerge. Continue reading “Today: Strong Convergence – from the I Ching”

Today: Conflict and Change – from the I Ching


It is a time of conflict. Paths are converging that are unable to occupy the same space.  If one or the other is unable to change, there can be no resolution.  You can force an outcome with some measure of success, which you will constantly have to defend. Continue reading “Today: Conflict and Change – from the I Ching”

Today: Let go of your limitations – from the I Ching


Use your discipline to overcome your limitations, but not too much.  Too much discipline is too constrictive and cannot be endured.  It becomes self destructive.  Allow what you have been waiting for to come in its own time and through release of your resistance.


Previous readings

I Ching: Today

Today: Follow your inner truth – from the I Ching


Follow your inner truth. Do not look at what others are doing for guidance. Only look within.  Others may fall away from your common path but you may remain on course with your steadfastness. Continue reading “Today: Follow your inner truth – from the I Ching”

Today: Taking on power – from the I Ching


Taking on power with extreme caution and a healthy respect for the danger involved, and with full commitment, can produce results. Be aware that there will inevitably be opposition.   Continue reading “Today: Taking on power – from the I Ching”

Today: Maintain innocence – from the I Ching

yinyang02paperMaintain innocence. It is a time of being, not doing.  Don’t try to control anything lest it interrupt the natural flow of events.  Meet what is at hand with perfection and without an eye to the end result.  This will insulate you from conflict around you and not cause any new conflict. Continue reading “Today: Maintain innocence – from the I Ching”

Today: Embody past wisdom and your grace – from the I Ching

yinyang02paperHold firmly to the truth and great creative powers within you and store them up, bringing them forward with light and clarity.  Do not push for an outcome.  Allow your grace to infuse every circumstance with light to bring it to resolution in its own time. Continue reading “Today: Embody past wisdom and your grace – from the I Ching”

Today: Appreciate joy – from the I Ching

yinyang02paperAppreciate joy. Do not indulge overzealous joyous behaviors.  This is a pitfall of the young and inexperienced.  Nurture the inner source of that joy and turn it into blessings rather than simple mirth. Continue reading “Today: Appreciate joy – from the I Ching”

Today: Express your creative powers – from the I Ching

yinyang02paperExpress your creative powers.  Put into action the unbounded potential of your creative mind to do great things.  Communicate from your soul and the wind will carry your influence far and wide with a persistent penetration of the collective psyche. Continue reading “Today: Express your creative powers – from the I Ching”