In a time of danger, be like water. Do not try to extricate yourself from the situation. Rather, be adaptable. You are likely not alone in your circumstance. Recognize small things that you can do together with others that will improve and increase the common well-being.
Selfless service brings out the best in people who amplify small gestures through their gratitude and inspiration.
Category: Today: I Ching
Today: In conflict, just be yourself – from the I Ching
In a time of conflict, it is important just to be yourself. You cannot control the behavior of others who are disposed to attack you. You can only uphold your own integrity. Be an invisible target.
Today: Abundance – from the I Ching
Exercise your greatness to produce more greatness and abundance. Do it now. The conditions will change with the cycle.
Today: Retreat when aggression serves no purpose – from the I Ching
It is wise to retreat from a bellicose position where aggression serves no purpose or does not enjoy a consensus. Don’t engage in conflict that cannot be won. Backing off such a path will be a great relief for all. It will bring attention to consequences that were averted and stimulate awareness of openings arising from choosing the peaceful approach..
Today: Great power – from the I Ching
Great power is at hand. Use it for righteous purpose.
Today: As danger passes, reality – from the I Ching
The waiting will soon be over. Danger will be overcome. How that happens is ultimately out of our hands. We can only rely on natural forces which will always prevail. The creative sets things in motion. The result is the reality that manifests. Whatever we do from this point must absolutely be grounded in reality. We must live in accordance with that reality. The time for fantasy and making things up has passed.
Today: Freeing ourselves of ego is the way to liberation – from the I Ching
Drop the ego. It is what separates us from everything. Freeing ourselves of ego is the way to liberation. Give and forgive.
Doing this gives us the strength and creative resources to accomplish anything. Nothing is denied you on the righteous path.
Today: True fellowship is what’s needed – from the I Ching
True fellowship is what’s needed. Not driven by ego. Leaders without ulterior motives are needed. Those who can bring people together.
Divisions and tears in the social fabric have reached a point where even the means for fighting have become paralyzed. This is actually a good thing. Impotent in their aggression, the players will begin to come to their senses: Why? What’s the point? There is no need to point fingers. They know who they are.
In this way, the business of supporting one another and providing for the commonwealth can be restored. That is what has been forgotten.
Today: Do not struggle with evil on its terms – from the I Ching
Our awareness of injurious influences is sufficient to dissipate them if we remain adaptive, tolerant and compassionate in their presence. There is no need to follow them into the darkness from which they come. Struggling with evil on its terms is exhausting and ultimately futile. If your own presence offers the light to which everyone aspires then the darkness will be dispelled. Be yourself.
Today: Adaptability – from the I Ching
Your adaptability, patience and tolerance will bring you success in your endeavors.
Today: In danger, wait, and use your intuition – from the I Ching
When there is danger on all sides, stand fast and do not move precipitously. Just wait for an opening and a way out. Use your intuition.
Today: Support others and yourself – from the I Ching
Support others as needed. Do not neglect yourself nor depend on others for your sustenance. A proper balance and application of effort will benefit all.
Today: Cultivate your internal effectiveness – from the I Ching
Store up and cultivate your internal effectiveness. Prepare to accomplish great things. Curb any wild tendencies. Be measured and responsible.
Today: Move cautiously forward – from the I Ching
A delicate equilibrium has been reached. Move cautiously forward. To avoid regression, do not look back.
Today: Don’t engage obstacles coming from darkness – from the I Ching
Do not engage directly obstacles that come from darkness. You’ll wear yourself out. Your understanding of them and how they relate with you are sufficient for you to develop the flexibility to go around and through them. Do not go to where the darkness lives. As long as you align with the light elements, your task will be much easier. With consistency and persistence this approach will meet with success.
Today: Keep your dignity – from the I Ching
Make due with what you have. Rather than try to recoup what may have been taken from you, rely on your inner truth and hold to that. Do not be co-opted by those who hold sway over your material situation. Keep your dignity. Placating power, which never lasts, is worth nothing compared with speaking truth to power. Your integrity will be noticed and richly rewarded.