Recap: Healing and Meditation Class at Yoga West with Hari Nam Singh 2018-11-07

Manifesting intention through shuniya and the sensory experience

We held a workshop at Yoga West where we researched shuniya in the sensory experience as a healing space.  We focused on the reactivity found in the space of the liver.


Meditation: LA051-780907 – Tune the Vagus Nerve to Cosmic Consciousness

Meditation: LA004 780109 Innocent Thumbs

Workshop Audio:

Recap: Healing Intensive with Hari Nam Singh at Park Slope Brooklyn October 12-13, 2018

Who are you?  What does it mean being you, to whom?

Q: “Why are there spiritual beings having a human experience?”
A: Human beings are God’s means of experiencing and knowing God-Self.

We held a two day intensive exploring self and some of its aspects.  We  addressed tendencies that allow us to be persuaded to adopt a non-self identity.

October 12
Meditation: NM091 – 19921110 – Self Emboldenment, Engagement, Vision
Meditation: LA742 921201 Fear 1, original fear
Meditation: NM0420-20011015 – The Power of Memories – Remember the Saint Within

Class audio part 1

October 13
Meditation: M043-19890623 See Your Soul Within Your Third Eye
Meditation: NM0415 – 20010910 – Karma & Dharma
Meditation: LA004 780109 Innocent Thumbs

Class audio part 2

Recap: Healing and Meditation Class at Yoga West with Hari Nam Singh 2018-09-18 – Inner Projection

Inner Projection

We project our radiance with our tenth body, the Radiant Body.  When your Radiant Body is shiny, you have a profound impact on those who perceive you.  If it is dull, you have little impact.  A strong Radiant Body can heal through your mere presence.
The Radiant Body projects outwardly and inwardly.  A strong inner projection gives you strength and confidence.  It gives you absolute acceptance of your self.  A weak inner projection makes you insecure.
In this class we will work with the radiant body in resonance with the inner projection.  We will relate through the third eye.  That will give the healer (and the patient) an intuitive introspection of the function of the Radiant Body and how it can enhance the inner projection.

NM345- Strengthen and Enhance the Radiant Body
m043-See Your Soul through the Third Eye

NM345- Strengthen and enhance the radiant body
M043-19890623 See Your Soul Within Your Third Eye

Class Audio:

Recap: Healing Intensive at Park Slope Brooklyn May 18-19, 2018

Healing the Perception
Many conditions that interfere with the flow of existence and the healthy flow of prana are due to a bias associated with one’s perception.  If we can find the point of perception that holds a viewpoint, it can be “flipped” to allow for a new configuration that leads to self-healing.

We held a meditation and healing intensive at Kundalini Yoga Park Slope, Brooklyn on May 18-19.  Here is a recap of the meditations we performed and audio recordings.

May 18
LA004 780109 Innocent Thumbs
Shuniya Meditation #1 – 19941031
Stimulate the 3rd Eye
Know the structure of the mind


May 19
LA004 780109 Innocent Thumbs
Shuniya Meditation #3 – 19941102
Know the structure of the mind
LA0967-Division and Oneness


Meditation: Kundalini Surjhee

On July 22, 2017

An immersion was held at Yoga West, led by Jagat Guru Singh. a long time student of Yogi Bhajan and Guru Dev Singh.

Its purpose was to introduce the Kundalini Surjhee Shabad to students in order to promote its recitation for their health and well being.



Meditation: M060-901121-AWAKEN-KUNDALINI

     Kundalini Surjhee 63 min

     Kundalini Surjhee Live 2.5 hours


Recap: Healing Intensive at Park Slope Brooklyn June 2-3, 2017

“Healing and Prana”
Prana holds together the elements that allows our physical existence.  Prana is the flow that comes from the earth through the hara and is transmuted into life energy that can be projected back into the world from the higher chakras.

“Healing Perception”
Many conditions that interfere with the flow of existence and the healthy flow of prana are due to a bias associated with one’s perception.  If we can find the point of perception that holds a viewpoint, it can be “flipped” to allow for a new configuration that leads to self-healing.

We held a meditation and healing intensive at Kundalini Yoga Park Slope, Brooklyn on June 2-3, 2017.  Here is a recap of the meditations we performed.

Increase the Flow of Earth Within You

Pranic Energy – the Earth Element Balanced by Ether

NM0394 – Live Above Denial

The Alchemist

Meditation: LA741 – 921125 – Dance of Shiva

Shuniya Meditations as Taught by Yogi Bhajan, Yoga West, 1994

LA0967-Division and Oneness

LA004 780109 Innocent Thumbs

Milarepa’s Song to Lady Palderboom

Meditation & Sat Nam Rasayan Healing Workshop – Shunnya Centre 2017-05-28

On May 28 we held a Meditation and Sat Nam Rasayan Healing Workshop at Shunnya Centre. The topic was “Holding Together”.
We can recognize through our subtle body the field that holds everything together.  Subtle perturbations that happen anywhere in the field have effects everywhere.  In our healing practice we navigate the field in a transverse rather than an orthogonal way, collapsing distance and position in time and space. We apply our consciousness directly as if there is no separation between the healer and the patient.  Indeed, when we  merge in that way, our healing intentions become effective and instantaneous.
We explored attention in our consciousness, practicing stabilizing our attention in shuniya and navigating the space of awareness that opens up in that state.
We exercised our intention in shuniya, witnessing the healing experience.

The important aspects of the workshops to be remembered lie in the meditations that we performed.  Practicing these meditations makes these experiences repeatable by giving us access to the shuniya state.

Kriya for non-reaction

Shuniya meditations from 1994

Live above denial

Develop the capacity for self engagement

Division and Oneness


The Teacher

Dear Blessed Healers,

It is a good time to assess and tune our relationship with our teacher.  However you perceive that relationship personally, there is only the question of identity that seems to matter.  Guru Dev Singh identifies as a teacher, as did Yogi Bhajan before him and so on through the lineage.  It is a commitment of love, sacrifice and endless service.  In order to hold a proper relation with him, Yogi Bhajan and the Guru, it is important to clarify that aspect of identity in our awareness.

The Guru is not inherently our friend, nor is any teacher.  The teacher has delightful personality, which we love.  That is not the basis for the relation.  It is an attraction that gets our attention.

Neither will the Guru, nor any teacher, save us directly.  Only indirectly.  That obligation is on us.  It is our duty, upon receiving the grace of God through the Guru and through the teacher, that we apply the teachings to our personal circumstance. We must focus beyond all distraction, including our own and our teacher’s personality, to the source of grace.  Then we must commit to keeping it up, beyond all circumstance.  That is how we are saved.  If we identify as a teacher, then we can also promote the flow of grace to others through the teachings.  Rather than our friend, the teacher is our benefactor who facilitates our salvation by enlightening our ignorance.

It is a time for healing.  Our teacher, and ourselves.  We are healers. Rather than objectively “healing” our teacher, we should go to the core of the relation where we all can merge with our common intent and so heal all.

Here is a meditation that I suggest will help in that endeavor.

Meditation: NM0380 Ecstasy and Joy



Don’t worry about the future

Last night my wife and I watched an interesting movie that has a resonance with what is happening.

In class last night we did a meditation about this.
Meditation: 881026 Removing Fear of the Future
The meditation removes fear of the future by freeing us of the endless mental contrivances we construct in order to avoid fear and pain.

The movie is The 100 Year Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared.

The man is portrayed in various stages of a very colorful and eventful life. He lives by his mother’s dying admonition not to worry about the future.  She said that worry will always make things worse.  She suffered greatly, even in dying, but knew the secret of happiness, even if she never realized it in her life.  She said to Allan, her son (the now 100 year old man) it always is what it is, and will always be what it will be.  He took her up on that, which made all the difference.  He led a happy and charmed life.  Even at 100, he wasn’t finished.

The story is similar to Forrest Gump.  He also led a charmed life.  Forrest’s secret was innocence.  Allan’s was living in the moment, flowing like water.  Both were lucky, seemingly making their own luck.  Both were free of fear of the future.

Recap: Meditation and Sat Nam Rasayan® Healing Workshop with Hari Nam Singh 03/12/2017- “Holding Together”

We held a Meditation and Sat Nam Rasayan® Healing Workshop with Hari Nam Singh at the Healing Heart Center in Hollywood. The topic of the workshop was “Holding Together”.  Much of the current conflict and chaos that we see in the world can be attributed to the denial of self and the individual’s separation from the self.  That phenomenon extends to one’s local environment, where the group psyche is affected in the same way, notably by willful participation in gangs and cults..  Healing the self can be extended to healing the community.

We focused on living above denial and our awareness of God in us.

Meditations:  NM0394 – Live above denial  31 min.

NM0415 – Karma and Dharma 31 min

We healed the relation with the soul body from the Third and fourth chakras.

Next workshop: Engaging the self with your environment with prana.

A vegetarian lunch  followed, prepared by Dev Atma Suroop Kaur

Recap: Healing Intensive at Park Slope Brooklyn March 3-4, 2017

We held a meditation and healing intensive at Kundalini Yoga Park Slope, Brooklyn on March 3-4, 2017.  Here is a recap of the meditations and healing exercises we performed.


From the third chakra we healed the soul body.

From the heart chakra we used prana to heal the soul body.


From the root chakra we healed the physical body.
We increased the flow of prana from the earth through the hara.
We increased the flow of prana from the hara to the top rear of the skull.
From the heart chakra we healed the pranic body.
From the heart chakra we healed the soma chakra.




A Recipe for living in interesting times – a meditation and healing class at Yoga West (review)

On 02/01/2017, we held a meditation and healing class at Yoga West:

A recipe for living in interesting times

When we are anxious, at odds or even depressed with the way external events are going, often we are unsure that we can contain or meet the challenges that are presented to us.  This can come from self denial.  We doubt our strength, endurance, wherewithal to keep up and our ability to lead.  Self denial can also cause chronic insecurity and crushing self doubt.  We worked on mitigating that with the meditation

If we can repair our inner projection and feel comfortable in our skin we can then modify how we are trained to relate with externals.  Where we have withdrawn or checked out from what is going on around us and separated from other people we can reengage and participate again in reality.  For that we performed the meditation

When the circulation between our self and the outer world is reestablished and flowing, then we can ask the universe for good things to happen.  This meditation addresses that.

We performed healing exercises that reestablish the flow of prana between the hara and the heart chakra.  Prana from the earth enters the hara.  The flow through the heart supports our intentions and stamina.  This can resolve obstacles in our life.  Balancing the hemispheres of the brain also supports this.

Review of Meditation and Sat Nam Rasayan® Healing Workshop with Hari Nam Singh 11/27/2016 – “Division and Unity”

We held a Meditation and Sat Nam Rasayan® Healing Workshop with Hari Nam Singh at the Healing Heart Center in Hollywood. The topic of the workshop was “Division and Unity”.  Much of the current conflict and chaos that we see in the world can be attributed to the denial of self and the individual’s separation from the self.  That phenomenon extends to one’s local environment, where the group psyche is affected in the same way.  Healing the self can be extended to healing the community.

Meditations:  NM0394 – Live above denial  31 min.

LA0967 – Division and Oneness 11 min.

The “Alchemist” 11 min.

Workshop Audio:    

A vegetarian lunch  followed, prepared by Dev Atma Suroop Kaur

Entre – Mung Beans and Rice


Meditations for Healing Workshop at Park Slope Brooklyn October 29-30, 2016

Meditations included:

LA827-950307-Third Eye

Contemplate Shuniya from the Spine


Know the Structure of the mind

M043-19890623-See your soul from your third eye

Shuniya Meditation from 951031

Increase the Flow of Earth Within You

LA847-19950816-Unity-Your Magnetic Field of theTotal Self

Listening to Angelic Whispers

Meditation & Sat Nam Rasayan Healing Workshop – Shunnya Centre 2016-05-29 – Healing with Elements Fire & Air

On May 29 we held a Meditation and Sat Nam Rasayan Healing Workshop at Shunnya Centre. We practiced “Healing with the Elements: Fire and Air”.  Our goal was to include and merge elements with the healing space in order to allow them to affect the healing in ways that are specific to the elements.

To balance elements in an important way and to prepare for the healing exercises we performed some mediations.
Increase the Flow of Earth Within You
LA093-Meditation on the pranic Energy-The Earth Element Balanced by Ether

LA051-Tune the Vagus Nerve to Cosmic Consciousness

In the healing exercises, first we included the fire element to stimulate a motivation for change.  Fire can transmute consciousness into a completely different form. We practiced recognizing the sensation of including fire in the healing space.

We followed that by including the air element. Air has an effect of promoting a path for expansion.  What the fire produced as changed consciousness, the air gave it a tangible form for development and expansion.

Using elements is one means of modifying tendencies in a rather general way.  We can combine them and give balance to the elements that are present in a system.  As with all healing, the use of elements can alter one’s path and destiny.

Another means of producing a roughly similar effect can be found in a meditation that we performed afterwards
NM0413 – Intuition and the Strength of Excellence.
This meditation uses components of mudra in an intimate configuration to produce change (Saturn) and expansion (Jupiter) in a similar way.

Later in the evening we followed up with these meditations:

LA741-Dance of Shiva
LA051-Tune the Vagus Nerve to Cosmic Consciousness
LA831-Be Intuitive
Another meditation that we did not have time for, but I recommended:
KYB117-Achieve an Experience of God

Here are some links to audio recordings of other workshops that we held in Ottawa:
Hari Nam Singh Ottawa Workshops

Here are some links to archives of workshops on healing with the elements

Meditation & Healing Workshops at Park Slope Brooklyn May 15-16, 2015

Two workshops were conducted on May 15 and 16 at Kundalini Yoga Park Slope.

Friday, Healing and the Subtle Body explored the 9th body.

The ninth body, the Subtle Body, is the fundamental component of our forming a healing relation with our event.  Transcending space and time, it can give us a direct experience of something that is not ourself.

The subtle body transcends our physical existence and survives our incarnation. Through our subtle body we can know the unknown. In relation with another person’s subtle body, we can know something of that person’s existence.  The subtle body is integral to healing in our tradition.

Meditations included:
M0512-890312-For Mastery of Time and Space
NM0190-19951031-Connect Yourself to the Reality
LA097-790327-YONI KRIYA

Saturday, Healing and the Radiant Body explored the tenth body.

The tenth body – Radiant Body
Through the radiant body we choose how we relate with ourselves and others. The radiant body projects our presence externally to others and internally to ourselves. In this tradition, we practice developing a healing presence.  With a strong radiant body, our very presence has a profound healing impact on our environment.


NM0163-20010618-Polish the Radiant Body