Meditation: NM422 A11020 Coordination of Body Mind by Spirit to Enter the Fall and the Winter Season

NM422 A11020 Coordination of Body Mind by Spirit GUIDED MEDITATION WITH THE MASTER  To Enter the Fall and the Winter Season  Yogi Bhajan, Ph.D. – October 20th, 2001

I have called you today, as these nine days are very auspicious. The moon is  crossing beneath the sun. It is a time to sharpen the mind. Why not to do it the  way of the century-old custom? It is not very difficult, and you will be very comfortable in the end.


To Enter the Fall and the Winter Season  31 Minutes  (Sit straight in a cross-legged position. Bring your hands in front of your heart center, with the fingertips touching and the  palms spread.)  “Try to see how the energy moves. You will feel the reality of the body. Inhale deep and ride on the breath, in and out, long  and deep, as honestly as you can. Take your body—the inner being in this body, simply by meditative force. Do not try to  understand that you cannot do it. It is not difficult, but it is a great experience. Pull your mental body out of your body.  Just take it out. Just simply coordinate between you, your environments, your activities and your own preciousness.  Your mental body, when you command it, is very pure, very clear. And it is yours. It is not related to the physical activities,  although the mental body is with you. Things are corrupt only when you are in your physical body and your mental body  is not combined. So, do coordinate—you have that power, and take this out, out of your being. Time is with us, the wind  is behind us and virtuous we are.  It is a very special Saturday. Therefore the Saturn energy in the penetrating form of its being is passing through, irrespective  of any force or any effort. That is why I chose it. And we have a small time window only, that is why I am very quick and  not saying anything. So this breath has to be very long and down to the navel point. Deep in, and hold, and completely out.  The power we have is our virtue. Our virtue is extremely powerful. Our value is humongous. Value, we give! Virtues, we  experience! Our values are our values. The majority of the time we forget that we have values. But most of the time if we  practice these things, we remember our values. And once a person follows one’s own values, that is all divinity is all about.  So, keep the breath long, deep and evaluate yourself. Give yourself values. The first value you can give yourself is: I am  virtuous. I am beautiful. God created me in the best form. Thank God has given me health, happiness and wealth.  You know, you are a wonder of the world. Recognize the fact. Concentrate on these things.  Now comes the secret of the Shintoism, the Japanese faith. See that you are just a blade of grass, beautiful, green, and  you are covering your values. Start covering your values as a blade of grass, with an extreme sense of self-cooperation.  The tips of the fingers must meet so that circulation can coordinate the two parts of the body, and your valuable and  virtuous and wonderful body is right, at this time, under manual control, and your mental body is taken out.  The mental body is looking at your physical body as you are sitting. Practice this split. Once you can separate your mental  body and practice to separate it, as we keep on doing, there will be no problems—at the time of death you can split your  mental body and be free of karma. You will never have a rebirth again. That is guaranteed.  This is your reality. You have a physical body, you have a mental body and you have a body of bliss. When you separate  that, in-between you watch over this body. See how beautiful it is?  Your breath has to be very long and deep because your spiritual body, your physical body, your mental body and your being  are separate. You have never been taught this. You have never been told. You think you are one bundle. Feel the super and  extreme contentment. That will bring you prosperity. Ride on your breath and just feel supremely contented. That will give  you the prosperity that you are looking for. It’s no use living rich, it’s no use living poor, it’s no use being great if you cannot  demonstrate to yourself that you can separate your bodies as you can separate that strength. And you can not only  visualize, but experience it. In this experience, you are the Supreme.

Every religion goes round and round and round and talks one thing only—self-consciousness. Self-consciousness is just a  phrase to us. Let us consider what self-consciousness is: When we know we have a spiritual body, we have a mental body,  we have a physical body.  Your mental body and your radiant body—have you ever put them together? They are yours. Nobody will know it! But  you will be charged, and recharged with the energy. What is more beautiful on this Earth than you? What is more pure  and shining than you? What is more cool and calm and quiet than you? In the Eyes of God you are everything.  Take a long deep breath and ride on it. Fortune and misfortune are two wavelengths. By yourself it pulses—you can put  your body on any wavelength you need. In common man’s language we call it repetition.  The body’s membranes, the body’s re-adjustment and the body’s main nervous system are going to adjust now. You are  within that time. Please breathe long and deep and cure yourself forever. Heal! Take long deep breaths and ride on it, and  keep your mental body away. Only look at where the tips of the fingers meet.  Circulate your breath. Keep the mental body separate. Concentrate on the physical body, in the realm of personal  consciousness. You are beautiful, you are bountiful, you are blissful, you are virtuous, you have vigor, self-control. Apply  all that!  The central nerve in the navel point can be touched by a deep breath. A split mental body can give you a vast area of  coexistence. Your all five channels and tattvas are totally balanced at the moment. Your arc line is clear.  Can you believe the little bit that we have done? We suffer here, there, everywhere. What for? America needs peace, it  needs love. It needs tons of smiles. It needs us—we the people.  Our window is up at 12 o’clock. The rotation of the planet will change the energy and it will change everything. Now is  the time. Breathe long and deep. Get it when it is available. Bring in you the coziness. Colorful coziness. Split the light inside. Bring in the special Breath of Life. If you know how to concentrate, meditate and breathe, this is the time.”  To end  “Breathe in deep and hold it tight. Breathe out. Breathe in deep and hold it tight. Breathe out. Breathe in all the virtues of  God and breathe out peace for the world. Breathe in long and deep, hold it, love it, feel it, and then let it go. Now put all  the pressure on the fingertips. Inhale deep. Put a tight grip on the fingers. Let it go. Inhale deep. Make the fingers very tight.  Feel the purpose of life and prosperity. Let it go. Inhale deeply, exhale and relax.”  This time may come in this month next year. My idea was just to give you a re-charge. And this is a very special  time. The whole Eastern World is going to celebrate the Festival of Light. During the ten days of this festival people  will do nothing but breathe, meditate, eat the right food and show gratitude to young girls, the mothers of  innocence. When you see a young girl, you see the creative purity. Purity has many forms, but creative purity is  only the young girl. The source of humanity is that young girl, who will grow and one day have a family and children.  America is young all the time and does not care. There is no rule, no virtue, because we are not a very meditative  nation. But now we are learning a lesson. We got chili in our nose. Now we know we have to change. One day  you will come out and realize how virtuous you are, how valuable you are, how this precious time is given to you  so you can act on yourself so that you can turn from human into an angel. You are going to get kicked. That is a  fact you cannot avoid. Every moment you have to concentrate on your purity.  I asked a Japanese master, “What is Shinto?” He replied, “It is a personal religion.”“Can I know about it?” He picked  a blade of grass and said, “What do you see?” I was a little cleverer than he thought and I said, “God.” He asked,  “Where is it?” I said, “In this blade.”“You know Shinto. That’s it! Thank you.”  There is nothing more in teaching. This is all it is. If you cannot see God in all you cannot see God at all. When that  monk picked up a piece of grass and said, “What do you see?” a normal reply would have been, “A blade of grass.”  What is the most beautiful virtue man has? Matching intelligence! If you can match intelligence with another person  you are the most valuable, virtuous and wonderful person. Love is when you temporarily get along with a person.  Virtue is in matching intelligence–not values, where everybody differs. Match intelligence!



Meditation: LA154 “For Incredible Clarity To Break Your Fear of Feeling Emotion”

“For Incredible Clarity To Break Your Fear of Feeling Emotion”


Meditation: NM038 – “To Have a Happy Body Increase Vitality, Release Pressure in Body, Balance Endocrines”

October 17, 1991

A. 8 minutes.  Right arm parallel to floor, 60° to side, elbow straight and palm up, flat.

Left hand pushes on heart.  Eyes focus on the tips of the mountains of your right hand and the tip of your nose; from nose to hand.  Balance position of both sides of your body.  Breathe long and deep.  Keep your silence.

B.  Switch arms. 3 minutes

C.  Now open both arms. 3 minutes

Put your tongue out and pant.

End  Inhale and exhale. Inhale, put your hands on your knees, fingers forward and push the spine up, up, and exhale.

D. With mouth open, loudly click your tongue, Tha, Tha, Tha… 7 minutes

  1. Inhale and grab your neck, fingers at back. Lock your neck and squeeze it (to count of 21) and push your tongue against your palate and squish it. Don’t move.  Don’t move and squish, squish and exhale.
  2. Inhale, hands on floor in front, push and hold it (to count of 16) … and exhale.

  3. Put hands in back of you and look at the sky, bringing chin up, up. Inhale

back, behaving like a coyote, balance yourself (to count of 15) … and exhale.

E. “Kill the Fly” 3 minutes

Arms wide, hands in line with face, palms open.  Bring palms forcefully toward each other at center but miss, so palms go past each other.  (The effect is that you missed smashing the fly).  Do it with passion, move your body.

End –  Inhale and exhale and relax.

Read the text from Yogi Bhajan's lecture

From Yogi Bhajan’s lecture:

So tonight we are working on pineal, the control center of the Pranic energy and the master of the nervous system. The seventh chakra. Let’s get ready according to the watch. It is just good time to do it and I don’t need you for any further clarification I need your cooperation and I don’t need your cooperation to be honest I need your honesty of indulgence. I am not a very miracle man that I promised you anything but all I know is step by step you will fix ourself into it. We’ll get the result and if you don’t you won’t. That’s what I said in the beginning it’s you, in the middle it’s you and in the end it’s you. It’s not going to be anybody else.

So sit straight and if you are sitting on chairs put your weight on both legs equal and make your spine straight which is abnormal requirement but we should do it and take your this left hand put it on your heart center and take your right hand like this and try to see it is flat and look at where your base of the finger is it’s called mounts of the hand. Concentrate on the mounts of the hand. There are mounts try to see if your elbow is straight if it is crooked it is crooked. I didn’t make it so and you let it go crooked and you let it go crooked. So now you are finding it crooked elbow it’s okay. You are not crooked your elbow is crooked. So even with that crooked elbow you don’t feel shy but try to stretch it if you can. If you can stretch your both elbows you will never get a heart attack.

I am quoting yoga Shastra. Your heart attacks is on the way when your elbow refuses to be straight. It’s a simple yogic test. It’s not medical and it is not valid either. Don’t believe anything what I say. No, no, my insurance is not going to cover it and I am not going to tell you. Everything which I say is a pure, pure lie and I don’t care a heck about it. I am very good and I love to lie and no legal situation no that I told somebody eat beets and I suffered in the court of Santa Fe for three years for suggesting somebody eat beets and sugar went to the head therefore she did whatever she did. So I am not into that game so whatever I say the statement is absolutely not truth or cannot be. Therefore please don’t trust it but somehow somewhere I have read that your, I have been advised by my insurance company to disclaim everything what I say, you know there is always a fight between the haves and have not and unfortunately I am the one who have so have-not’s are many so there is a problem.

So somewhere I have read that if your both elbows can be stretched you may get anything but an heart attack and if the elbows are like that you should consult your medical MD cardiovascular situation. When I had my heart trouble I read through my own notes and I said, “Wow.” First thing before my arteries got clogged up my both sides here start hurting and I was so busy doing things I didn’t care. You are looking at me have you not ever seen me. Look at the mounts of your hand.

You know I will do everything to distract you and it is a lie to. I will try to distract you, you should not distract yourself. That is spirituality that nothing can distract you. You don’t understand the meaning of spirituality. Spirituality is the soul the spirit. The sole purpose of life is that you are you and nobody can distract you. That’s it, period. Rest is just printing the books and making the money. Your right elbow and hand should be straight number one and painful as it is and it is painful. Big macho person and woman cannot handle it after a while and you are going to enter in a minute and a half into that painful era because your capillaries are clogged up and they are going to start hurting. That’s a simple rule.

It’s not that it’s causing because of the super phenomena therefore and you should look straight on the mounts and if you don’t have the mounts even then look. Simply you don’t have them. Somebody left me a note tonight I am supposed to teach, experience the inner vitality in you. They are experiencing honey thanks for the note. You are experiencing your inner vitality. Now stick to it. Now what is happening now?

Nothing is happening outside. You are hurting, you are miserable now I tell you what is happening and your breath is going to change but inside the brain neurons are asking red and white corpuscles to move in the area where the pain is. You are causing pain and you are telling your brain to create enough morphine to space you out and it’s not going to do it because you use that morphine so much through your hassling nature that it’s not enough. So you are Mister and Misses Ms miserable. That’s what it is. But God if you go through this hell you will see the door of the heaven in about two more minutes yeah that’s it. That’s right I mean you are on time what should I say? I have to do what this class is meant to be. Now start pressing your hand against your heart center as much hard you can. Get tighter little bit. Na, na, na pain is a pain let us create it too much of it. See where it goes in other words conquer your posture and conquer your pain.

Concentrate only on one time and one place that’s the mounts of your hand. Don’t look left, don’t look right, don’t look anywhere. Straight look on your mounts it will give you forty degree declined optical nerve vision. Those great yogis are not stupid man they knew all about God and the science of it. You have exact thirty seconds to go between when I said now twenty-five left, twenty second, fifteen, ten, five get ready change your hands now. No don’t, do it right with all the power at your command do it now that is the gain don’t lose it. You will lose the edge absolutely no nonsense. Just stick with it now and straight it over spine serum will start changing, gray matter is moving. Hurry up. Spine should not have any other than your total control and total strength to straighten it. Now straighten your hand doesn’t matter what? Pull it. Stick with it. Steady, steady and steady. We are doing a workshop, we mean business. If the hands have become shaky it doesn’t matter in a while they are going to stop shaking. Isn’t it surprising, it happens. Let the body work its way to you to protect you.

You are only in this pain gaining one thing inducing and asking your defense mechanism to come through. It’s a medical lie don’t you know that your body has the capacity of the automatic self-defense. Stick with you. Now isn’t something funny. Your arc line tells me that about twenty percent of you breathe shallow. Come on now, now is the vital point has come in. You have half a minute more to go. No, no, no twenty-five seconds it’s moving, moving, moving. Moving, moving, moving, moving, man just pray to God that this fifteen second you be real. Ten, five get ready now folks be dare eagle is landing both hands out open your mouth breathe in and out with a force of a cannon fire breathe in and breathe out. Get rid of the disease don’t look at me it is not my trouble I healed myself because of that. Come on you guys breathe out all the junk. We have a minute and a half only to do it. Breathe out, breathe out. Breathe out powerfully your thyroid and parathyroid will accumulate itself. You have exactly fifteen seconds left. Try if you have never tried come on. Ten seconds get ready, inhale deep.

Inhale, inhale, inhale hold synchronize your body, synchronize, tighten everything. Wherever you are keep the posture tighten every muscle relax. That’s how it works. Don’t look at my face it is not very holy it is for the self now talk che, che, che, che. You have about five minutes to talk. You have to talk hey spaced out folks. Come on start talking ta ta, ta ta, hurry up, mouth must, jaw must move. Move your jaw.

(Students talk with each other)

I will not like you not to move your mouth if you have nobody to talk to just move your jaws, that’s all like that. If you don’t want to talk to anybody don’t just move your jaws. Hey she did it. She was pretty good. Isn’t it fun? So you can do everything you want to. Don’t you think so? You have last minute but don’t stop your jaws. Move them, move them, move them. Okay hello all right this is an exercise which according to Kundalini yoga takes care of something which you have never learnt to take care of and that is called your senses and your sexual vitality. Now from the pineal we are coming to pituitary. It’s a very simple exercise but you will not like to do it that I know.

Well you know you do not know how to create semen you only know how to ejaculate it so you are half trained. I mean that’s the fact of life and I have not seen in school and college book here in United State all pornographic record and playboy channel that they tell you how to create semen they all tell you how to ejaculate it and you all know that if the tub is leaking downstairs it’s not going to overflow from the top and the gray matter doesn’t get the spine serum good enough of the quality you are going to go berserk. Simple rule is not something it’s a simple physics not even any chemistry about it. I mean that’s how poorly we are educated in our life.

See the complete lecture

Today: “We have to understand the basic fundamental existence of ours—to understand the spirit.” Yogi Bhajan

“We have to understand the basic fundamental existence of ours—to understand the spirit. Once you understand the spirit you are all right.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: NM0415 – 20010910 – Karma & Dharma

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No Superstition and the Vagus Nerve – HNS Class Golden Bridge 2012-12-12

Hari Nam Singh
Sat Nam Rasayan® Class
Wednesday, December 12, 2012 -- 4:00 p.m.
Bodh Gaya Room
Golden Bridge -- Hollywood, California

Tune-in.  Ong Namo….

So what is it that’s supposed to happen today?

Student:  Lots of people are getting married today.  That was what they said on the radio.

Are they inducing labor, too?

Student: So that people don’t forget their Birthday maybe.  Lots of people are getting married today because they want their husbands to remember their wedding anniversary.

I guess that’s pretty practical.  Well, actually it makes sense.  For many years my wife and I could never remember what day our wedding anniversary was.  We had a tendency to think it was a day later for some reason.

Numerologically or astrologically you can discern certain tendencies that are produced.  It doesn’t mean that something’s going to go boom on one day or another.  We have in general tendencies to put a lot of energy into these things, thinking that one thing or another is really special.

It amounts to a lot of superstition that we hold.  Superstition is making an assumption about something because you think that something is supposed to happen.  It doesn’t mean that something isn’t going to happen.  We have the tendency not to base our perception on our experience.  Our experience is what counts, and really nothing else.  If we just assume something because everybody says this or that, that’s just really superstition.  So it’s really pretty useful for us to get beyond that tendency that we have of doing that, just be in the moment in the experience, and then see what happens with that.

We could relate with something through a numerological relation, and that has a lot of potential and perhaps even a lot of power; however, that’s just a matter of relating through our experience in that to see how we’re affected by that — not putting the cart before the horse and saying, “We expect this or that.”

That’s one thing that we’ve been working on a lot lately.  Especially in Guru Dev Singh’s Classes, the topic of superstition comes up a lot.  It’s something we can acknowledge, and don’t need to engage in so much.

So in order to mitigate that to some degree, Guru Dev Singh did give us this Meditation, which Yogi Bhajan gave us, which is useful in our time to be engaged with.  Is anybody doing this Meditation?  I thought we’d do that one.

Meditation For Faculty Of Self-Engagement:
Mudra:  Bend your elbows into the sides of the body.  Extend the forearms out in front of the body, and tilt them up at a 45-degree angle.  Have the palms flat, fingers’ pointing straight ahead.  The right palm faces the ceiling, and the left palm faces the floor.  The palms are at the level of the heart center, and the wrists are bent slightly.
Hold the position, and keep the spine straight the entire time.
Eyes:  Stare at the tip of the nose.
Breath:  Breathe long and deep in through the nose.  Breathe out long and deep through the mouth.  Mechanically breathe.
You are bringing a balance between Heaven and Earth in this posture.  Let your thoughts go.  Don’t work your brain.  It will take you through your non-reality, and go deep into Meditation.  Just breathe consciously.
Time:  22 Minutes, 45 Seconds
To End:  Inhale deeply, press your hands together in front of your chest really tightly, press hard.  Hold for 11 Seconds.  Exhale.
Inhale, really squeeze very hard, using the shoulders to add all the pressure you can.  Hold for 11 Seconds.  Exhale.
Inhale, squeeze your spine, vertebrae, muscles, hands, legs, everything, from the base to the top.  Hold for 20 Seconds.  Exhale.

Okay.  Take your partner.

Round One :  Take your partner.  Open the space.  Feel how the sounds inside you are affecting your Field.  In particular feel how the sounds are affecting your emotional sensations.  Within you feel the sensations of flow.  At the same time feel the sensations of no-flow or where there is numbness.  Feel all those sensations at the same time.  Keep researching how the sounds are affecting you.  Where you feel sensations of numbness or no-flow, feel that from within Shuniya, within Silence.  Feel how it feels from within Silence.  Give it space.  Give space to all those places inside you that feel numb with the intention to alter the perception of those points to be more like those where you perceive a flow.  Relate with your partner.  Feel how that relation is affecting the flow in you.  With your intention in the Silence, give space to those points of numbness — the intention of altering the perception to that of increased flow.  Hold the relation in the Silence.  Come to conclusion.  Switch.

Round Two :  Take your partner.  Open the space.  Feel how the sounds are affecting you.  Feel the sounds inside you, in particular how they are touching emotional sensations.  In your Field of Perception, recognize sensations of flow and sensations of no-flow.  Allow that to be the Mandala superimposed on your Field.  Relate with your partner.  Allow your partner to affect your Field, still being aware of flow and no-flow.  Give space to those points of numbness in the Silence.  Feel those points within the Silence.  Choose to relate with your partner’s Vagus Nerve.  Feel in the area of your left eye and in your face any sensation of numbness.  Allow that to be present in the Silence.  Allow the Silence to affect those sensations.  As those sensations alter, follow the resistances down the length of the Vagus Nerve.  Give space to the resistances as you encounter them, researching the length of the Vagus Nerve through the body.  Allow the sensations of flow.  Balance the sensations of numbness to being more like the sensations of flow.  Allow the sensations of numbness and flow to begin to merge.  Feel it.  Don’t push it.  Come to conclusion.  Switch.

Round Three :  Take your partner.  Open the space.  Relate with your partner, and in particular the Vagus Nerve, and first of all the area around the left eye and the resistances in that area.  Allow them.  Give them space.  Allow those resistances to mingle with the sensations of flow in your body.  As the perception of those points of numbness begins to alter, follow the resistance down the length of the Vagus Nerve, down the face and the left side of the body.  Begin to recognize how all of the sensations of flow, numbness, and everything related with the Vagus Nerve are affecting your brain.  Allow all the sensations to appear as though they’re happening in the mind.  From that vantage research those sensations along the entire length of the Vagus Nerve, and feel the sensations as a whole.  Give space to that flow that appears in the mind.  Feel how it’s affecting all your sensations.  Let the nature of that flow as a whole come into balance.  Feel it inside your brain.  Balance the sensations there, and the sensations as they are suggested to the mind.  Let all of them interact as One Field.  Come to conclusion.  Switch.

Round Four :  Open the space.  Recognize your partner in you, in particular the space of the relation with the Vagus Nerve of your partner, and the sensation of the points of flow and the points of no-flow.  Feel those points in you, from the vantage of how it’s affecting the brain.  Feel those points of numbness in the brain, and how they’re affecting the flow of the mind.  Give space to those points.  Bring the points of numbness in the flow into balance.  Give space to the points of constriction in the mind.  Let them balance with perceptions that have more flow.  Allow the Field to be One Unified Space.  Just with your intention bring it into balance.  Come to conclusion.

So we can maintain some form of reference to sensations that appear in the body; however, we can allow them to be more generalized in a way that they become more diffuse and represented in a more unified way, something that appears in the mind as well.  By maintaining that reference to the body, we can see how we’re doing.  Where we place our intention is in the Overall Field, which includes more than just those specific sensations here and there.

So does anybody have any questions?

We feel something perhaps here or here, and they seem present in the body.  If we allow those sensations and feel how they’re affecting how our brains feel, we can begin to feel how that’s affecting the brain and affecting the mind.  So it’s not just those specific physical things, rather a little bit more diffuse and generalized.  So it’s not just there.  It’s more everywhere.

You can feel where there is flow somewhere.  Feeling where there’s numbness is a contrast to that.  So it gives you some point of a polarity that you can start to balance, not that you push anything through somewhere; however, you feel the difference.  You just give space to those places that feel numb.  We do that with Shuniya.  We go to that place that’s completely Empty, and then see what happens to the flow.  Shuniya is something that’s everywhere.  It doesn’t have a location.  So we would like to start to go beyond just having everything have a location.  Maybe that’s where we can start because our body is a Mandala, which can represent something that’s happening in our Perceptive Field; however, then we can take it further than that and include all perception.  Perception can include what’s happening in the mind.  That’s more where our intentions are held.  We use our mind.  So we don’t need to try to change the perception directly in some place.  There can be a lot of resistance to that.  So what we’re doing is making it a little bit more efficient.  That’s something that you can do more quickly.

You don’t have to believe ahead of time that it’s based in something that’s held emotionally.  You can perhaps discover where in the Emotional Body or in that part of your Mandala it’s appearing in you.  It will touch someplace in your perception where it’s appearing in you.  We deal with it directly there.  We don’t have to assume ahead of time that it’s anywhere.  We don’t have to give it a location.  Just allow whatever then appears in your Field as resistance, and deal with it there.  Just relate with it there.  If it is affecting some kind of emotion, then you can deal with that.  You can relate with that in that way there, and give that space.

It’s a good thing that you’re not thinking in terms of a disease or in terms of something with a cause-and-effect or something that has a position like a sore throat.  You may want to say, “Okay.  Let’s go with the throat here, and see what we can find in our throat.”  We don’t have to do that.  You can use your intention and say, “Well, let’s relate with the throat because that seems to be a gross manifestation.”  Beyond that it’s going to take you to someplace in you where you’re feeling something. You relate with it there, wherever you’re feeling it in you.  It could be an emotional thing.  It could be a flow perhaps somewhere in the body.  You let it be whatever it is.

If we do that, then we’re minimizing our tendencies to be superstitious about it.  Superstitious would be maybe, “Well, let me try to release a blockage in the throat.”  Well, there could be a big assumption in that because often things that happen with people and conditions are much more complex than that.  So the least that we can assume about something and the least superstition we can hold about it and the least belief we can hold, then the more effective we can be.

We’re finding that we can heal things in the most unexpected ways.  Whatever presents itself is your reality.  You can rely on your perception because your perception is what you know, just as it is, unfiltered, and without having to have the commentary, “Oh, well, this is that; this is that,” and start interpreting.  Feel it where it appears in you.  If you can remain stable in Shuniya, then something will start to happen.  You’ll get a broader experience of what’s going on, and allow the complexity of everything that’s going on to start to emerge.  You may find that you’re in a place, relating in a way that’s very different from where you started.

You could ask somebody, “Well, what’s going on?  How do you feel?  Where does it hurt?”  If you ask that question, that’s fine.  The answer is:  What happened in you when you asked the question and there was some response?  That’s the answer:  What happened in you?  Where did you feel that?  Where did you feel the reaction?  Where did you feel the sensation that appeared?  It will always relate with your question; however, you don’t have to interpret the Tiny Pet’s answer because that is irrelevant.  Do you understand what I’m saying?

When you apply an intensity to something like asking the Tiny Pet, “Where does it hurt?” that puts a little intensity somewhere.  There’s going to be a reaction, and it’s going to manifest in some way; however, you are relating with that Tiny Pet; and you’ll feel in you where that’s happening.  That’s where you start.  Forget what the words are of that they say, or not.  You could include that if you want; however, that’s not the point.  That’s not the answer.

Okay.  Maybe we had better finish.

Sat Nam.  Sat Nam.  Sat Nam.  (silent prayer….)


Today: “We have to understand the basic fundamental existence of ours—to understand the spirit.” Yogi Bhajan

“We have to understand the basic fundamental existence of ours—to understand the spirit. Once you understand the spirit you are all right.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: NM0415 – 20010910 – Karma & Dharma

Related Posts

What else Yogi Bhajan said

Meditation: NM422 A11020 Coordination of Body Mind by Spirit to Enter the Fall and the Winter Season

NM422 A11020 Coordination of Body Mind by Spirit GUIDED MEDITATION WITH THE MASTER  To Enter the Fall and the Winter Season  Yogi Bhajan, Ph.D. – October 20th, 2001

I have called you today, as these nine days are very auspicious. The moon is  crossing beneath the sun. It is a time to sharpen the mind. Why not to do it the  way of the century-old custom? It is not very difficult, and you will be very comfortable in the end.


To Enter the Fall and the Winter Season  31 Minutes  (Sit straight in a cross-legged position. Bring your hands in front of your heart center, with the fingertips touching and the  palms spread.)  “Try to see how the energy moves. You will feel the reality of the body. Inhale deep and ride on the breath, in and out, long  and deep, as honestly as you can. Take your body—the inner being in this body, simply by meditative force. Do not try to  understand that you cannot do it. It is not difficult, but it is a great experience. Pull your mental body out of your body.  Just take it out. Just simply coordinate between you, your environments, your activities and your own preciousness.  Your mental body, when you command it, is very pure, very clear. And it is yours. It is not related to the physical activities,  although the mental body is with you. Things are corrupt only when you are in your physical body and your mental body  is not combined. So, do coordinate—you have that power, and take this out, out of your being. Time is with us, the wind  is behind us and virtuous we are.  It is a very special Saturday. Therefore the Saturn energy in the penetrating form of its being is passing through, irrespective  of any force or any effort. That is why I chose it. And we have a small time window only, that is why I am very quick and  not saying anything. So this breath has to be very long and down to the navel point. Deep in, and hold, and completely out.  The power we have is our virtue. Our virtue is extremely powerful. Our value is humongous. Value, we give! Virtues, we  experience! Our values are our values. The majority of the time we forget that we have values. But most of the time if we  practice these things, we remember our values. And once a person follows one’s own values, that is all divinity is all about.  So, keep the breath long, deep and evaluate yourself. Give yourself values. The first value you can give yourself is: I am  virtuous. I am beautiful. God created me in the best form. Thank God has given me health, happiness and wealth.  You know, you are a wonder of the world. Recognize the fact. Concentrate on these things.  Now comes the secret of the Shintoism, the Japanese faith. See that you are just a blade of grass, beautiful, green, and  you are covering your values. Start covering your values as a blade of grass, with an extreme sense of self-cooperation.  The tips of the fingers must meet so that circulation can coordinate the two parts of the body, and your valuable and  virtuous and wonderful body is right, at this time, under manual control, and your mental body is taken out.  The mental body is looking at your physical body as you are sitting. Practice this split. Once you can separate your mental  body and practice to separate it, as we keep on doing, there will be no problems—at the time of death you can split your  mental body and be free of karma. You will never have a rebirth again. That is guaranteed.  This is your reality. You have a physical body, you have a mental body and you have a body of bliss. When you separate  that, in-between you watch over this body. See how beautiful it is?  Your breath has to be very long and deep because your spiritual body, your physical body, your mental body and your being  are separate. You have never been taught this. You have never been told. You think you are one bundle. Feel the super and  extreme contentment. That will bring you prosperity. Ride on your breath and just feel supremely contented. That will give  you the prosperity that you are looking for. It’s no use living rich, it’s no use living poor, it’s no use being great if you cannot  demonstrate to yourself that you can separate your bodies as you can separate that strength. And you can not only  visualize, but experience it. In this experience, you are the Supreme.

Every religion goes round and round and round and talks one thing only—self-consciousness. Self-consciousness is just a  phrase to us. Let us consider what self-consciousness is: When we know we have a spiritual body, we have a mental body,  we have a physical body.  Your mental body and your radiant body—have you ever put them together? They are yours. Nobody will know it! But  you will be charged, and recharged with the energy. What is more beautiful on this Earth than you? What is more pure  and shining than you? What is more cool and calm and quiet than you? In the Eyes of God you are everything.  Take a long deep breath and ride on it. Fortune and misfortune are two wavelengths. By yourself it pulses—you can put  your body on any wavelength you need. In common man’s language we call it repetition.  The body’s membranes, the body’s re-adjustment and the body’s main nervous system are going to adjust now. You are  within that time. Please breathe long and deep and cure yourself forever. Heal! Take long deep breaths and ride on it, and  keep your mental body away. Only look at where the tips of the fingers meet.  Circulate your breath. Keep the mental body separate. Concentrate on the physical body, in the realm of personal  consciousness. You are beautiful, you are bountiful, you are blissful, you are virtuous, you have vigor, self-control. Apply  all that!  The central nerve in the navel point can be touched by a deep breath. A split mental body can give you a vast area of  coexistence. Your all five channels and tattvas are totally balanced at the moment. Your arc line is clear.  Can you believe the little bit that we have done? We suffer here, there, everywhere. What for? America needs peace, it  needs love. It needs tons of smiles. It needs us—we the people.  Our window is up at 12 o’clock. The rotation of the planet will change the energy and it will change everything. Now is  the time. Breathe long and deep. Get it when it is available. Bring in you the coziness. Colorful coziness. Split the light inside. Bring in the special Breath of Life. If you know how to concentrate, meditate and breathe, this is the time.”  To end  “Breathe in deep and hold it tight. Breathe out. Breathe in deep and hold it tight. Breathe out. Breathe in all the virtues of  God and breathe out peace for the world. Breathe in long and deep, hold it, love it, feel it, and then let it go. Now put all  the pressure on the fingertips. Inhale deep. Put a tight grip on the fingers. Let it go. Inhale deep. Make the fingers very tight.  Feel the purpose of life and prosperity. Let it go. Inhale deeply, exhale and relax.”  This time may come in this month next year. My idea was just to give you a re-charge. And this is a very special  time. The whole Eastern World is going to celebrate the Festival of Light. During the ten days of this festival people  will do nothing but breathe, meditate, eat the right food and show gratitude to young girls, the mothers of  innocence. When you see a young girl, you see the creative purity. Purity has many forms, but creative purity is  only the young girl. The source of humanity is that young girl, who will grow and one day have a family and children.  America is young all the time and does not care. There is no rule, no virtue, because we are not a very meditative  nation. But now we are learning a lesson. We got chili in our nose. Now we know we have to change. One day  you will come out and realize how virtuous you are, how valuable you are, how this precious time is given to you  so you can act on yourself so that you can turn from human into an angel. You are going to get kicked. That is a  fact you cannot avoid. Every moment you have to concentrate on your purity.  I asked a Japanese master, “What is Shinto?” He replied, “It is a personal religion.”“Can I know about it?” He picked  a blade of grass and said, “What do you see?” I was a little cleverer than he thought and I said, “God.” He asked,  “Where is it?” I said, “In this blade.”“You know Shinto. That’s it! Thank you.”  There is nothing more in teaching. This is all it is. If you cannot see God in all you cannot see God at all. When that  monk picked up a piece of grass and said, “What do you see?” a normal reply would have been, “A blade of grass.”  What is the most beautiful virtue man has? Matching intelligence! If you can match intelligence with another person  you are the most valuable, virtuous and wonderful person. Love is when you temporarily get along with a person.  Virtue is in matching intelligence–not values, where everybody differs. Match intelligence!



Today: “We have to understand the basic fundamental existence of ours—to understand the spirit.” Yogi Bhajan

“We have to understand the basic fundamental existence of ours—to understand the spirit. Once you understand the spirit you are all right.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: NM0415 – 20010910 – Karma & Dharma

Related Posts

What else Yogi Bhajan said

Meditation: KWTC860702 Anti-Hypertension

In easy pose, place fingertips together forming a teepee, at the heart level. Apply reasonable pressure to fingers and thumbs.

Inhale through the mouth to the maximum, and exhale through the nose. Breathe affectionately and beautifully as though you were drinking honey. Listen to the tape of “Rakhe Rakhan Har”, and feel the rhythm in your heart, and in every cell in the body. Keep the, eyes 1/10 open, and focus at the tip of the nose or at the 3rd eye for 11-31 minutes. (If for 31 minutes, sleep afterwards.)

Rakhe Rakhan Har

To end, sit quietly and listen to the sound chant back to you. Feel protection and victory.

See Library of Teachings

Meditation: KWTC 980708 Our internal Fears and their exit


  1.  Arms straight and outwards at sixty degrees.  Palms open, facing inwards.  Eyes at tip of the nose.

Chant: Ang Sang Waheguru
5 min.

2. Inhale, hold the breath, then Chant: Long Ek Ong Kar
5 1/2 min.

Inhale, lock hands above the head, elbows straight. Exhale. Inhale again, lock your hands tight, straight, exhale.

From the navel point, sing Sat Nam Wahe Guru.  Tighten the hands, stretch it up. Straighten out the spine.  Stretch up, stretch up… Stretch, stretch.  Keep stretching, singing in ecstasy.
5 min.


Sat Nam Wahe Guru

To finish:  Stretch, lock the fingers like you are going to go into each other. Stretch spine, cannon fire out. Inhale
again, hold the breath, stretch at your best, bring, pull the navel in as much you can. Straighten out the strength of the diaphragm, fire out. Inhale again, stretch hard, lock the back molars, press hard and pull the navel up. Fire out, relax.

See Library of Teachings lecture

Meditation: KWTC 880701 The Moon & Sun Energy


The moon is for expansion. The sun is for completion. Birth and death relate to the sun. Maintenance,  expansion, growth, color, shape and form: all that is moon. But the moon by itself has no power; it reflects the sun. And sun by itself has no power; it needs the moon. Do you understand the rational part of it? The irrational part of it is very simple. Let us experience that.

3 minutes: I just want to tell you how your

body can create havoc it does not fit in. (The
thumbs press upward on the respectivecheekbones and the fingertips meet to form a bridge shading the face. The elbows are relaxed down near the body.) And now close your eyes and sing the song of the noble woman. (Class sings “Nobility.”)
You sang that song, you understood. Relax. And you have understood it better than you ever understood it before. This is how the body fits in.

7 minutes: Now understand another situation. (Touch the little finger to the thumb on each hand. The other fingers are extended and joined.) And take these other three fingers and put them on your forehead. (Palms facing in toward the head.) Put on the tape Bhand Jameeai. The three fingers must touch the forehead right in the center. See what it does to you. These are certain things, which you don’t do, that you have to do.

7 minutes: Now, I’m just telling you about the body energy and focal points and how the chakras work with the tattvas and how the tattvas work with the gunas. That’s the basic woman that we have to understand. Please place your hands as if you were pulling something very heavy.

(Make fists of both hands. Extend the right arm out to the side and up at a
sixty-degree angle with the elbow straight. Bend the left elbow and bring the forearm
up across the front of the body at a sixty-degree angle. Pull it back as it stretching a
bow). Play Ab Jan Upar Ko Na Pukarai. These are things you have recited over the
years and I’m just telling you how, with a body posture, the energy flow and the
direction of things can change. Get into archer pose while sitting. Now make the
archer pose tougher and tougher. I’m going to give you certain exercises, certain kriyas,
which have been kept extremely guarded and secret and have not been given to humans because they are not considered worthy. But the faculty of the word and the befitting posture of the body can create the divine impact.

16 minutes: Take Bibi Bani’s Mere Man Lochai with Aad Sach Jugad Sach interspersed.


Now lock yourself. (Grasp the top of the left shoulder with the right hand. Bring the left arm under the right arm next to the body and grasp the right shoulder with the left hand.)

You know the greatest problem with a female is that when she confronts insecurity, she gets a headache. Insecurity in woman means a headache. Otherwise there’s no headache for a woman. She’s not made to have a headache. A secure woman can never have a headache. It is a biological, physical phenomenon, which represents a tremendous amount of insecurity. When you are very insecure about something or you have a headache, just feel “Happy am I, healthy am I, holy am I” and it will go away. It works like Tylenol.

Close your eyes and let us sing and see where we go. Tighten the shoulders. Tighten the grip. Sing it really from the navel point. We are just experimenting. It is no big deal. (Class sings Meraa Man Lochai.) You have gone through this. Please relax.

Mera Mana Loche – Guru Shabbad Singh

See KWTC88 880701 The Moon & Sun Energy

Meditation: KWTC04-960627-Soul and Identity

Put your Jupiter fingers out and start doing “Humee hum brahm hum”
and move them, move them, move them, move them. Look at the tip of your nose.

And see that you see both index fingers moving. I am in a perfect posture right now. It’s so great.

Look at the tip of the nose and those two fingers moving and chant what we are going to play for you and you will have fun.

Begin music: Humee Hum Brahm Hum


The two fingers must be seen from the one tenth of the eyes on the tip of the nose.
Inhale. Hold the breath. Move the index finger very fast. Hold the breath, move fast, circulate. Round and round, round and round, round, round. Exhale. Inhale deep. Don’t cheat. Hold it tight. Move. Round and round. Fast. Fast. Your spine can dance. That’s what it meant. Exhale.

Inhale again. Go ahead. Do your best. Spine must adjust itself. Now is the hard time. Do it right. Exhale. Inhale deep again. Deep deep deep deep deep, you go. Powerful, faster. Try your best. Exhale. This is your last chance. Inhale deep, hold, move. Move, move, move. Relax.

See lecture: KWTC04 960627 – SOUL & IDENTITY

Meditation: For the Full Moon, New Moon and 11th Day of the New Moon

This meditation promotes balance and relief from strong emotional pressure, as may be experienced on the full moon.


Sit cross legged, spine straight.

Interlace fingers as shown.
The pads of the corresponding fingers on both hands touch.
The thumbs touch.
Mudra is placed on the lap.

Close the eyes, looking at the chin from the inside.  We are looking at the dark side of the moon.

Chant the mantra:
Ek Ong Kar
Sat Gur Prasaad
Sat Gur Prasaad
Ek Ong Kar

Recite the mantra three times per breath.
11-31 min.
May be practiced on the full moon, new moon or 11th day of the new moon.
For excessive emotional stress, may be practiced daily.

See Guru Dev Singh’s Livestream session:


M134 970325 Working on the Upper Chakras

M134 970325 Working on the fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Chakras

“Serve people. Don’t expect results. Don’t put your harpoon into another person. Just serve. People will love you. It will be an everlasting friendship. ” YB

This kriya will change your chakras and make you better able to move through your cbakra system. This will make you a better human being.

1. Sit up straight like a yogi. Keep your eyes open and look straight ahead. Use your diumb to tightly lock down your Mercury (pinkie) and Sun (ring) fingers of each hand. Extend the Jupiter (index) and Saturn (middle) fingers up straight.

Bend your elbows. Press your elbows and upper arms very tightly against your rib cage. This balance of force will consolidate your position so that when the hands revolve, your whole body will move. Revolve your hands rapidly in circles at a race of three circles per second. Keep moving, don’t stop. 5 112 Minutes.

Correctly and rapidly doing the movement will cause the spine and neck to loosen up and get adjusted. It will cause the armpits to sweat, which will release toxins from the brain. Eleven minutes of this exercise done correctly every day is good for your heart.

2. Stretch your arms out straight to the sides. Right palm faces upward to the heavens; left palm faces downward to the earth. Allow no bend in the elbows. Close your eyes and look at the tip of your nose. Let the body balance itself. Become solid like stone. Don’t move. 6 Minutes.

This position creates a balanced magnetic field between the earth (left hand facing downward) and the heavens (right hand facing upward). You must stay steady. The temptation to move can become very strong. Go through the discomfort so that you can train your brain to overcome pain by issuing its own natural pain reliever. Open up this channel and you can train yourself to conquer pain.

3. Inhale and interlock your fingers. Lift your arms up to form a circle over the top of your head, like an aura. Exhale. Hold this position and whistle along with the instrumental version of Ardas Bhaee on the recording called Healing Sounds of the Ancients #5 for 6 Minutes.
To finish:

Inhale, hold the breath for 15 Seconds, while you keep your fingers interlaced and stretch your arms up so high that you lift up your entire body. At the same time, expand your rib cage outward. Exhale.

Inhale, hold the breath for 10 Seconds, repeating the stretch upward, while opening your chest cavity as wide as possible. Exhale.
Last time: inhale, hold die breath 10 Seconds and slowly and strongly twist to the left and slowly and stronslv twist

See lecture video in Library of Teachings


See Lecure in Library of Teachings


Meditation: LA101 790419-Faith In Our Self And Our Own Discipline

Kundalini Meditation N. 100

Taught by Siri Singh Sahib Bhai Sahib Harbhajan Singh Khalsa Yogiji P. 199

LA101 790419 We are suffering because we have no faith in our self and in our own discipline.

Raise the arms and hands up with the elbows bent until they meet at the level of the lips. Fold the fingers down so that the fingertips press on the mounds of the hands. The palms face forward and the thumb tips touch. (Long thumbnails will make this difficult.)

The mudra will be about six to eight inches from the face.

Sit with the legs crossed or in any meditative pose.

Inhale completely in eight equal strokes (sniffs Sa Ta Na Ma, Sa Ta Na Ma) and exhale in eight equal strokes Sa Ta Na Ma, Sa Ta Na Ma.

The entire cycle takes approximately ten seconds.

Look at the tip of the nose

No mantra for this meditation (mental SaTaNaMa)

After finishing the meditation inhale, hold and stretch up powerfully. Exhale and repeat twice more.

Practice this meditation 11-31 minutes.

See PDF: LA101 790419-FaithInOurSelfAndOurOwnDiscipline


Meditation: NM422 A11020 Coordination of Body Mind by Spirit to Enter the Fall and the Winter Season

NM422 A11020 Coordination of Body Mind by Spirit GUIDED MEDITATION WITH THE MASTER  To Enter the Fall and the Winter Season  Yogi Bhajan, Ph.D. – October 20th, 2001

I have called you today, as these nine days are very auspicious. The moon is  crossing beneath the sun. It is a time to sharpen the mind. Why not to do it the  way of the century-old custom? It is not very difficult, and you will be very comfortable in the end.


To Enter the Fall and the Winter Season  31 Minutes  (Sit straight in a cross-legged position. Bring your hands in front of your heart center, with the fingertips touching and the  palms spread.)  “Try to see how the energy moves. You will feel the reality of the body. Inhale deep and ride on the breath, in and out, long  and deep, as honestly as you can. Take your body—the inner being in this body, simply by meditative force. Do not try to  understand that you cannot do it. It is not difficult, but it is a great experience. Pull your mental body out of your body.  Just take it out. Just simply coordinate between you, your environments, your activities and your own preciousness.  Your mental body, when you command it, is very pure, very clear. And it is yours. It is not related to the physical activities,  although the mental body is with you. Things are corrupt only when you are in your physical body and your mental body  is not combined. So, do coordinate—you have that power, and take this out, out of your being. Time is with us, the wind  is behind us and virtuous we are.  It is a very special Saturday. Therefore the Saturn energy in the penetrating form of its being is passing through, irrespective  of any force or any effort. That is why I chose it. And we have a small time window only, that is why I am very quick and  not saying anything. So this breath has to be very long and down to the navel point. Deep in, and hold, and completely out.  The power we have is our virtue. Our virtue is extremely powerful. Our value is humongous. Value, we give! Virtues, we  experience! Our values are our values. The majority of the time we forget that we have values. But most of the time if we  practice these things, we remember our values. And once a person follows one’s own values, that is all divinity is all about.  So, keep the breath long, deep and evaluate yourself. Give yourself values. The first value you can give yourself is: I am  virtuous. I am beautiful. God created me in the best form. Thank God has given me health, happiness and wealth.  You know, you are a wonder of the world. Recognize the fact. Concentrate on these things.  Now comes the secret of the Shintoism, the Japanese faith. See that you are just a blade of grass, beautiful, green, and  you are covering your values. Start covering your values as a blade of grass, with an extreme sense of self-cooperation.  The tips of the fingers must meet so that circulation can coordinate the two parts of the body, and your valuable and  virtuous and wonderful body is right, at this time, under manual control, and your mental body is taken out.  The mental body is looking at your physical body as you are sitting. Practice this split. Once you can separate your mental  body and practice to separate it, as we keep on doing, there will be no problems—at the time of death you can split your  mental body and be free of karma. You will never have a rebirth again. That is guaranteed.  This is your reality. You have a physical body, you have a mental body and you have a body of bliss. When you separate  that, in-between you watch over this body. See how beautiful it is?  Your breath has to be very long and deep because your spiritual body, your physical body, your mental body and your being  are separate. You have never been taught this. You have never been told. You think you are one bundle. Feel the super and  extreme contentment. That will bring you prosperity. Ride on your breath and just feel supremely contented. That will give  you the prosperity that you are looking for. It’s no use living rich, it’s no use living poor, it’s no use being great if you cannot  demonstrate to yourself that you can separate your bodies as you can separate that strength. And you can not only  visualize, but experience it. In this experience, you are the Supreme.

Every religion goes round and round and round and talks one thing only—self-consciousness. Self-consciousness is just a  phrase to us. Let us consider what self-consciousness is: When we know we have a spiritual body, we have a mental body,  we have a physical body.  Your mental body and your radiant body—have you ever put them together? They are yours. Nobody will know it! But  you will be charged, and recharged with the energy. What is more beautiful on this Earth than you? What is more pure  and shining than you? What is more cool and calm and quiet than you? In the Eyes of God you are everything.  Take a long deep breath and ride on it. Fortune and misfortune are two wavelengths. By yourself it pulses—you can put  your body on any wavelength you need. In common man’s language we call it repetition.  The body’s membranes, the body’s re-adjustment and the body’s main nervous system are going to adjust now. You are  within that time. Please breathe long and deep and cure yourself forever. Heal! Take long deep breaths and ride on it, and  keep your mental body away. Only look at where the tips of the fingers meet.  Circulate your breath. Keep the mental body separate. Concentrate on the physical body, in the realm of personal  consciousness. You are beautiful, you are bountiful, you are blissful, you are virtuous, you have vigor, self-control. Apply  all that!  The central nerve in the navel point can be touched by a deep breath. A split mental body can give you a vast area of  coexistence. Your all five channels and tattvas are totally balanced at the moment. Your arc line is clear.  Can you believe the little bit that we have done? We suffer here, there, everywhere. What for? America needs peace, it  needs love. It needs tons of smiles. It needs us—we the people.  Our window is up at 12 o’clock. The rotation of the planet will change the energy and it will change everything. Now is  the time. Breathe long and deep. Get it when it is available. Bring in you the coziness. Colorful coziness. Split the light inside. Bring in the special Breath of Life. If you know how to concentrate, meditate and breathe, this is the time.”  To end  “Breathe in deep and hold it tight. Breathe out. Breathe in deep and hold it tight. Breathe out. Breathe in all the virtues of  God and breathe out peace for the world. Breathe in long and deep, hold it, love it, feel it, and then let it go. Now put all  the pressure on the fingertips. Inhale deep. Put a tight grip on the fingers. Let it go. Inhale deep. Make the fingers very tight.  Feel the purpose of life and prosperity. Let it go. Inhale deeply, exhale and relax.”  This time may come in this month next year. My idea was just to give you a re-charge. And this is a very special  time. The whole Eastern World is going to celebrate the Festival of Light. During the ten days of this festival people  will do nothing but breathe, meditate, eat the right food and show gratitude to young girls, the mothers of  innocence. When you see a young girl, you see the creative purity. Purity has many forms, but creative purity is  only the young girl. The source of humanity is that young girl, who will grow and one day have a family and children.  America is young all the time and does not care. There is no rule, no virtue, because we are not a very meditative  nation. But now we are learning a lesson. We got chili in our nose. Now we know we have to change. One day  you will come out and realize how virtuous you are, how valuable you are, how this precious time is given to you  so you can act on yourself so that you can turn from human into an angel. You are going to get kicked. That is a  fact you cannot avoid. Every moment you have to concentrate on your purity.  I asked a Japanese master, “What is Shinto?” He replied, “It is a personal religion.”“Can I know about it?” He picked  a blade of grass and said, “What do you see?” I was a little cleverer than he thought and I said, “God.” He asked,  “Where is it?” I said, “In this blade.”“You know Shinto. That’s it! Thank you.”  There is nothing more in teaching. This is all it is. If you cannot see God in all you cannot see God at all. When that  monk picked up a piece of grass and said, “What do you see?” a normal reply would have been, “A blade of grass.”  What is the most beautiful virtue man has? Matching intelligence! If you can match intelligence with another person  you are the most valuable, virtuous and wonderful person. Love is when you temporarily get along with a person.  Virtue is in matching intelligence–not values, where everybody differs. Match intelligence!