This version of Mung Beans and Rice, the well known staple, was developed by Dev Atma Suroop Kaur . The recipe originally came from the Golden Temple of Conscious Cookery collection. It was included in From Vegetables with Love, a cookbook by Siri Ved Kaur, which inspired this version.
This version evolved over many years from our repeated use of the BananaFast, a mono diet designed by Yogi Bhajan. It contains an abundance of green vegetables with other inclusions designed to make the experience very attractive as a mono diet (the banana fast specifies the consumption of mung beans and rice for one complete lunar cycle, full moon to full moon) and very satisfying.
Aside from inclusion in the banana fast, we have used this recipe for mono diets lasting three days, two to three times per month. Each batch provides food for three meals daily for three days for two people.