“The moment you feel that you are a part of infinity and that infinity is a part of you, your limitations will cease and happiness will flow.” Yogi Bhajan
Meditation: TCH20 02 960722 – Increase the Power of the Infinite Within
Harinam and Healing Heart Center
Healer, Teacher, Yogi
“The moment you feel that you are a part of infinity and that infinity is a part of you, your limitations will cease and happiness will flow.” Yogi Bhajan
Meditation: TCH20 02 960722 – Increase the Power of the Infinite Within
Remain graceful. Remain strong so that your grace will endure under challenge.
See Yogi Bhajan’s quote of the day.
Meditation: LA907 – Kriya for Non-Reaction
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“Living on this earth does not matter if we have lived with grace, and fundamentally we know that living on this earth with grace is all that matters. If we have not lived on this earth gracefully, it will be very difficult to leave this earth gracefully.” Yogi Bhajan
Remain flexible, especially with regard to the behavior of friends. Tolerance is an antidote to ignorance. Engage rather than demean. Keep your integrity. Be kind.
Meditation:NM0163 – Feel God Within You, The Kindness in You
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“Love and respect a woman voluntarily, with no compulsion. There should be knowledge, there should be awareness of each individual. This must be the first rule or there shall never be peace, there shall be agony on the planet Earth.” Yogi Bhajan
One may wonder whether the world’s democratic institutions are unravelling in the face of their neglect and the exploitation of peoples’ discontent by unscrupulous and powerful (oligarch) autocratic forces.
The I Ching warns that, though we have achieved a pinnacle of human achievement as a civilization, peoples’ complacency and indifference to the influence of bad actors imperils the status quo and the health of our society.
The long term outlook is favorable for the survival of democracy.
This is supported only if first, the level of general awareness of the world’s citizens expands enough to check the pattern of decay that has taken hold, and second, enough people are in a position and able to serve to preserve it.
It has been shown that too many people have been placed in positions of power and influence who have been corrupted by the seduction of the promise of personal gain. They need to ask “at what cost?”. Everyone must ask “at what cost have we neglected our civil duties as citizens and nations?”
The first thing is to wake up. Then, serve.
Meditation: LA021-780319 – You Will Feel Totally Conscious
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When faced with overwhelming opposition, it is wise to cut your losses and retreat to a stronger position. Still, one must protect faithful allies who have stood by you from the wrath of the evildoers. Don’t expect anything positive in the near term. Give attention do details that help you to survive. Hold quietly to your inner truth.
Meditation: LA019 780315 – Shuni Mudra Kriya
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“When a man knows himself, he knows every self. When a man loves himself, he loves every self.” Yogi Bhajan
Be frugal with limited resources. Rely on yourself first, as a crowd will not necessarily come to a consensus as what direction to take.
Meditation: LA950 A00214 20000214 Develop Self-Reliance
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“For anyone who will live up to his word to infinity, this world will become too small. It will seem as small as a Ping Pong ball. The whole universe will dance on the word of that man. This is the vibratory effect an individual has, because your end is infinity. Your beginning is infinity. You are only in trouble when you have not realized you are infinity. To realize the infinity in the finite state is the extension of the mind. That is the reality of the mind.” Yogi Bhajan
Stay strong and constant, yet flexible. Don’t push it. These extraordinary times will return to normalcy, with new awareness.
Meditation: Contemplate in Shuniya from the Spine
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“When the ego merges with the soul, then a person is enlightened. The moment the ego dies, it is death; we call it Maha Samadhi. You know the dos and don’ts; physical exercises, asanas; pranayama exercises; then concentration, contemplation, meditation, and then absorption, samadhi. Maha Samadhi, great absorption, means death. In India we don’t write that anybody has died, we say he has gone into Maha Samadhi.” Yogi Bhajan
Meditation: LA007-780117-SADHANA YOJINA-To Infinity Upon Death
In order to dissolve the barriers between people in a state of tribalism and disunity, the ego must go. Starting with each individual, a turn toward selfless service will catch on. That message will be self evident as it is carried on the wind.
See today’s quote from Yogi Bhajan.
Meditation: NM0390-20010320 – Provoke Your Higher Self
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“There are eight staircases leading to the peaks of the mountains. The top of the mountain represents the higher self, and the staircase, the genuine path of the being. Underneath is written: Ek Ong Kar Sat Nam Siri Wha Guru!” Yogi Bhajan
Consume only what is healthy for mind, body and spirit.
Meditation: NM142 19940615 – Bless the Planet Earth and Let the Heavens Descend in You
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“What you relate to, that you shall be. Actually, you are immortal. You are a consciousness.” Yogi Bhajan