Meditation: LA114  790613 – Spinal Serum

Yogi Bhajan – Los Angeles June 13, 1979

This  is  a  posture  where  the  serum  in  the  spinal  column  is  made  to  rush  up.  Sit  in  easy  pose  la114-790613spinalserumwith  a  straight  spine.  Relax  the  arms  down  with  the  elbows  bent.  Raise  the  forearms  up  and in  toward  each  other  until  both  are  in  front  of  the  body  at  the level  of  the  heart.  Face  the  right  palm  down  and  the  left palm  up  so  that  the  palms  are  facing  each  other  and  the  fingers point  toward  opposite  sides.

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The fourth layer of ether is the Light of God itself…


“The fourth layer of ether is the Light of God itself. The stretch of the atoms to existence. The fifth layer is nothing but God, Being itself.” Yogi Bhajan

(via Ram Anand)

Today: Let your inner fire ignite…

Let your inner Fire ignite passion in every heart it touches.

A Promethean flame is delivering light and heat to the situation at hand.
This radiance will cause such an alchemical transformation of circumstances that the changes will seem magical, miraculous.
Yet they are only shifts of perspective and attitude that bring clarity.  Do not make your passion personal. Rather share it generously without ego.


I Ching: Today

Between the third and fourth layers of ether…


“Between the third and the fourth layers of ether it is a bit tricky. You can slip into the fourth layer and not be able to come back. You are drawn into a merger and lose the separateness of normal experience.

That is why in the ambrosial hours of the morning when people of God leave their body to bless all, their physical bodies are always guarded. At that time any imbalance can create a disturbance and they may not return.” Yogi Bhajan

(via Ram Anand)

Continue reading “Between the third and fourth layers of ether…”

Meditation: The Alchemist

Reorganize and purify the tattvas and call on them to project your excellence.

The elbows are bent, and held into the ribs. The hands are in front of the body.
On the left hand, the four fingertips meet the tip of the thumb, and are held in that position. The left wrist is bent backward so that the left palm faces up to the ceiling.
Continue reading “Meditation: The Alchemist”

Today: What does not work… – from the I Ching

What does not work cannot be made to work just by trying harder or by force.  The only recourse is to fall back and rely on your inner worth, which will shine with accomplishments in another time or under other circumstances, if you focus on the inner development required to allow you to grow in ways that make that possible.

Continue reading “Today: What does not work… – from the I Ching”

In the third layer of ether…


“In the third layer of ether, a soul vibrates in the pure light of the soul to reach liberation and to uplift all souls now, past, and future. It goes through and beyond time. It is these three ethers that a meditative mind can easily penetrate. Doing the many meditations that refine the mind gives you the capacity to experience this. It is not mystical, it is practical.” Yogi Bhajan

(via Ram Anand)

Today: Drop endeavors that do not serve you

It is wise to separate yourself from forces that do not serve you and would rob you of your peace. There is no failure in retreat that allows you to regroup and move toward your own center and a much stronger position. Ultimately you will have a stronger grasp of your situation.

It may seem as if you are wandering in unknown territory until you can begin to move and relate with your environment from within yourself.  Watch, listen, study, contemplate, then step lightly but decisively on.


I Ching: Today

In the second layer of ether…


“In the second layer of ether, the soul is content to stay, supervise, and help other promising souls. It acts beyond space, beyond its own personal domain.” Yogi Bhajan

(via Ram Anand)

Meditation: TCH20 02 960722 – Increase the Power of the Infinite Within

TCH20 02 960722 Meditation to Open the Lock of the Heart Center, to Increase the Power of the Infinite Within


Mudra: Sit in easy pose with a straight spine. Bring hands approximately 6-8 inches in front of your face, palms flat and facing one another, fingers pointing towards the ceiling, and with approximately a 6-8 inch space between the palms. Elbows are bent and are relaxed down (a).
Continue reading “Meditation: TCH20 02 960722 – Increase the Power of the Infinite Within”

“What happens between God and you?


“What happens between God and you? What happens when this soul of yours comes to this planet? When you, the light of the soul, come in the soul to experience this creation what occurs? There are five layers of ether.

Continue reading ““What happens between God and you?”

It is that core personality of you…


“It is that core personality of you, your consciousness that you must recognize. Then the mind will not amplify and manipulate your fears. The moment you have no fear, when you are fearless, and revenge less, you are the living God. God does not live off in some heavens.

Continue reading “It is that core personality of you…”

Today: Let the small depart

Whatever is holding you back and thwarting your aspirations to elevation and enrichment, whether a person or or situation, don’t struggle with it. If you don’t feed its influence over you, it will leave of its own accord and you will regain awesome personal power.


I Ching: Today

How can you get rid of a complex?…


“How can you get rid of a complex? Make one complex: “I am the Grace of God. I am the Will of God. I am God.” If you’re going to make a complex, make it a big one, so all can be contained.” Yogi Bhajan

 (via Ram Anand)