“Silence” the Movie by Martin Scorsese

It has been just over four years since I reviewed the movie Lincoln.  Silence has caught my attention as a movie of our time that questions the choices we all must make about who we are.

Some of us recognize our fundamentally spiritual nature and so turn our attention to various teachings in order to inform ourselves of that nature.  There is a long history of religion in the world that purports to do that for us.  While most religions attempt to point directly to that nature in us, and many claim to have found its core, still they are mostly organized around tribal and cultural bases. They can only be described and explained in terms of a dominant culture and among the common experiences of a tribe’s members. Continue reading ““Silence” the Movie by Martin Scorsese”

Today: When you call, your people will hear you – from the I Ching


When you call, your people will hear you.  No need for fame.  You have power and influence among kindred spirits.  Use it wisely.  Nurture those relationships lest external forces come between you and break them apart.


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I Ching: Today


“If you can convince yourself that you are limited…” Yogi Bhajan


“If you can convince yourself that you are limited, you goofed. You will go through depression. You have to rescue yourself.” Yogi Bhajan

(via Ram Anand)

Today: Ego and thoughtless ignorance – from the I Ching


There can be success despite thoughtless ignorance if one puts aside arrogance and submits to tutoring by those who know.  When ego interferes, only turning to the deep tradition of one’s heritage can dissolve this blockage.


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I Ching: Today


“Develop your Intuition so that the changes…” Yogi Bhajan


“Develop your Intuition so that the changes in the years to come may be convenient for you.” Yogi Bhajan

(via Ram Anand)

“Danger is when you are split three ways…” Yogi Bhajan


“Danger is when you are split three ways: Your soul goes one way, your mind goes another way and your body goes yet another way.” Yogi Bhajan

(via Ram Anand)

Today: Face your trials – from the I Ching


Challenged at every turn, meet the dangers with flexibility and sincerity.  Keep it simple and work together with others in your common interests.  Teach what you know and be consistent.


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I Ching: Today


“Sometimes people do go wrong…” Yogi Bhajan


“Sometimes people do go wrong. There is no judgment needed. Wrong will take a short time or a long time to make the individual aware that something is wrong, and that is the beginning of that person’s awakening.” Yogi Bhajan

(via Ram Anand)

Today: Nourishment – from the I Ching


Watch what goes in and comes out of your mouth.  Provide nourishment for people who need it as if you were nourishing yourself. Provide physical nourishment as well as with your words and deeds.


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I Ching: Today


Today: Completion – from the I Ching

yinyang02paperToday marks a completion in a transition to a new order.  It is not final.  A delicate equilibrium has formed which will again change into something else.  The tendencies that have contributed to arriving at this point are now at rest, but be assured that new ones will arise to move the situation in a new direction.  It’s like another chapter in a story.

Don’t get too comfortable. Be flexible.  The scenery will continue to change.


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I Ching: Today


Today: Encroaching darkness, caution & patience – from the I Ching

yinyang02paperWe are experiencing stagnation brought about through apathy and neglect.  The security we have been experiencing will topple as the last measure of stability is compromised.  We cannot look to celebrity, fads or the current buzz, yet that is where we are at.  The poor choices we are living with will have to play out before something new can happen.  Order will be restored, at a cost.  The darkness has to play out before a turning point can be reached.  In the meantime, give up complacency and remain personally vigilant in order to survive the coming time.

The text reads:
Danger arises when a man feels secure in his position. Destruction threatens when a man seeks to preserve his worldly estate. Confusion develops when a man has put everything in order. Therefore the superior man does not forget danger in his security, nor ruin when he is well established, nor confusion when his affairs are in order. In this way he gains personal safety and is able to protect the empire”.


Previous readings

I Ching: Today


“If somebody does bad to you…” Yogi Bhajan


“If somebody does bad to you, let Guru Ram Das decide it, let God be the judge. Don’t judge it yourself because your judgment may be very limited.” Yogi Bhajan

(via Ram Anand)

“When you understand who and what you are…” Yogi Bhajan


“When you understand who and what you are, your radiance projects into the universal radiance and everything around you becomes creative and full of opportunity.” Yogi Bhajan


(via Ram Anand)