The greatest education is the science of self.” Yogi Bhajan

SSSYWaThe greatest education is the science of self. The science of self and self-awareness is the highest knowledge a man can possess because then you can pull yourself through all circumstances.” Yogi Bhajan

(via Ram Anand)

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Chinese Snowballs at Huntington Gardens

Chinese Snowballs

For a few hours our minds are happy prisoners
of plants and trees in full April bloom,
recent rains returning a truer green
to our LA landscape, even the cacti
grateful for the plentiful showers
which broke years of drought.
We forget the danger that fills our nightly
news, the warnings from journalists,
that feeling of being bombarded
from every direction with no escape –
yet we do, set free in these gardens
seeded from every continent.
Who would guess there are so many
types of aloe, both local and as faraway
as Madagascar and Brazil?
The Japanese maples are peaking
in bright red and crimson, while
Chinese snowball trees burst
with festive white pom-poms.
So much beauty, enough for
all who pay attention – whether
hummingbird or freeway driver,
honey bee, lizard, or goose –
the world raging outside impossible
to bring into this conversation.
Amy Uyematsu

Amy Uyematsu


Raul, Hari Nam, Ellen

Today: accomplish great things together – from the I Ching

yinyang02paperEngage your friends in joyful comradery.  Together, you can accomplish great things.  Also be mindful of who is worthy of your friendship.  Reserve friendship for those you would hold close with genuine mutual affection.
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“Even if you have everything…” Yogi Bhajan

SSSYWa“Even if you have everything and you do not know forgiveness, you have nothing.” Yogi Bhajan

(via Ram Anand)

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Today: Persevere and set things right – from the I Ching

yinyang02paperGradually, and with tenacity, progress can be made in setting things right.  Without much help, progress is initially slow and fought with obstacles and needless opposition.  This serves to instill caution and perseverance.  Adaptability and integrity are the key ingredients to success.  A delicate balance can be achieved which will require vigilance to maintain, lest it fall into decay.  This has happened before as a result of apathy.  Don’t let it happen again.
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Today: Retreat and wait for a more favorable time to advance – from the I Ching

yinyang02paperInferior people have seized control.  In this dark time, remain true to your principles.  Conditions will change.  Wait for a time when you able to reverse the flow and exert real influence again.
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Today: Strong leadership and competence – from the I Ching

yinyang02paperWhat is required is strong leadership and competence.  Do not recruit anyone who is not up to the tasks that lie ahead nor anyone without the proper experience.  You may reward those who have already helped to come this far, but only with payment, and not with the bestowal of any significant role or position of authority.  If you already have, fire them immediately.
Continue reading “Today: Strong leadership and competence – from the I Ching”

“When you come upon a difficult task … start.” Yogi Bhajan

SSSYWa“When you come upon a difficult task … start.” Yogi Bhajan

(via Ram Anand)

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Today: Be creative in all of your endeavors – from the I Ching

yinyang02paperBe creative and confident in all of your endeavors.  Then everything you do will succeed and flourish.  You have the wind at your back. All the powers of the universe are gathering to support you.  Supreme good fortune.
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“The attitude of gratitude is the highest yoga” Yogi Bhajan

SSSYWa“The attitude of gratitude is the highest yoga.” Yogi Bhajan

(via Ram Anand)

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Today: A change of direction – from the I Ching

yinyang02paperSigns of renewal are appearing in a time of decay. Light is beginning to dispel the darkness.  Don’t miss this opportunity to engage it, for it will not return again for a long time.  Approach this time with simplicity.  Do not presume a state of wealth before it happens.  The lowly have been robbed by the wealthy, reaching a crisis point.  What we have is simply a change of direction.  Our participation now prevents a total collapse.  The last time this happened, it was ignored, to our peril.  Carpe diem.
Continue reading “Today: A change of direction – from the I Ching”

“Fantasy and anger totally destroy the human body…” Yogi Bhajan

SSSYWa“Fantasy and anger totally destroy the human body. Tolerance is the greatest human asset.” Yogi Bhajan

(via Ram Anand)

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