A Recipe for living in interesting times – a meditation and healing class at Yoga West (review)

On 02/01/2017, we held a meditation and healing class at Yoga West:

A recipe for living in interesting times

When we are anxious, at odds or even depressed with the way external events are going, often we are unsure that we can contain or meet the challenges that are presented to us.  This can come from self denial.  We doubt our strength, endurance, wherewithal to keep up and our ability to lead.  Self denial can also cause chronic insecurity and crushing self doubt.  We worked on mitigating that with the meditation  https://www.harinam.com/meditation-nm0394-live-above-denial/.

If we can repair our inner projection and feel comfortable in our skin we can then modify how we are trained to relate with externals.  Where we have withdrawn or checked out from what is going on around us and separated from other people we can reengage and participate again in reality.  For that we performed the meditation

When the circulation between our self and the outer world is reestablished and flowing, then we can ask the universe for good things to happen.  This meditation addresses that.

We performed healing exercises that reestablish the flow of prana between the hara and the heart chakra.  Prana from the earth enters the hara.  The flow through the heart supports our intentions and stamina.  This can resolve obstacles in our life.  Balancing the hemispheres of the brain also supports this.

Author: harinam

Yogi, teacher, healer

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