“A leader may accomplish less by being carefully reserved in judgement, though it assures opportunities for successful and beneficent influence.” – Today’s Reading

A leader may accomplish less by being carefully reserved in judgement, though it assures opportunities for successful and beneficent influence.

The situation described here is that of one who, finding himself in an influential position in a time of progress, remains gentle and reserved. He might reproach himself for lack of energy in making the most of the propitiousness of the time and obtaining all possible advantage. However, this regret passes away. He must not take either loss or gain to heart; they are minor considerations. What matters much more is the fact that in this way he has assured himself of opportunities for successful and beneficent influence.

Tao Te Ching – Verse 15 – The ancient Masters were profound and subtle

Today: “Nobody should meditate and chant except for realization of self.” Yogi Bhajan

Today: “Nobody should meditate and chant except for realization of self.” Yogi Bhajan

Practice this:

Meditation: Melt Negativity – From the Master’s Touch 19970425

M134 970325 Working on the Upper Chakras

Meditation: Breath to Conquer Time Space and Destiny

Previous reading: “Allow your achievements to speak for themselves. You lose yourself seeking fame and [mis]fortune.”

Previous previous reading: “You do not have to have a following. Engaging every encounter with humility and sincerity creates an exponential potentiality for new awareness and, ultimately, peace.”

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See Richard Wilhelm's translation for this reading
35 – Thirty-Five.  Chin / Aspiration

The Sun shines down upon the Earth:
Constantly honing and refining his brilliance, the Superior Person is a Godsend to his people.
They repay his benevolence with a herd of horses, and he is granted audience three times in a single day.



This is a time of reward for good works.
Those you have helped want to show their gratitude.
Benefits come both from on high and from the humble you uplifted.
Accept all gifts graciously, though the reward may not be what you truly need or hoped for.
Some may bestow more than they can afford to give, but you must realize that they need to feel that they have repaid you.

Six in the fifth place means:

Advancing along this path will prove rewarding if you don’t lose your focus with visions of success or failure.

Remorse disappears.
Take not gain and loss to heart.
Undertakings bring good fortune.
Everything serves to further.

Collage - Mixed Media

Collage – Mixed Media

The situation described here is that of one who, finding himself in an influential position in a time of progress, remains gentle and reserved. He might reproach himself for lack of energy in making the most of the propitiousness of the time and obtaining all possible advantage. However, this regret passes away. He must not take either loss or gain to heart; they are minor considerations. What matters much more is the fact that in this way he has assured himself of opportunities for successful and beneficent influence.

12 – Twelve.  P’i / Stagnation

Heaven and Earth move away from each other.
In the ensuing void, the small invade where the great have departed.
There is no common meeting ground, so the Superior Person must fall back on his inner worth and decline the rewards offered by the inferior invaders.

Difficult trials as you hold to your course.


It is natural to assume that, if Earth above Heaven forms the hexagram for Peace and Paradise, then the opposite configuration, with Heaven over Earth would represent the antithesis of Paradise, Hell.
Not so.
This hexagram is actually the Dark side of Peace, its unsavory byproduct, Stagnation.
In a time when most of our wants are provided, there is little need for the heroes, the artists, the great thinkers and innovators.
As they recede into the shadows, Idleness, Apathy, and Lassitude come to the forefront.
Peace has become boring, bland, unchallenging — Stagnant.
Now our attention turns to the quick fix, the instant celebrity, the fad, the one-nighter, the current buzz.
There is no room for depth.
If you are a passionate soul, you must wait for a better time to find kindred spirits.
In these times, they are only curious legends, bas-relief, dead poets.

Today: “Nobody should meditate and chant except for realization of self.” Yogi Bhajan

“Nobody should meditate and chant except for realization of self. Your self is very precious. If you want to experience the infinite consciousness, which is God, you can only experience that through the self.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: LA877-19960604 – Self Realization

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What else Yogi Bhajan said

Tao Te Ching – Verse 15 – The ancient Masters were profound and subtle

Tao Te Ching – Verse 15

The ancient Masters were profound and subtle.
Their wisdom was unfathomable.
There is no way to describe it;
all we can describe is their appearance.
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