You have much to offer. Coming out of isolation and engaging will open new pathways to do some good.
Tao Te Ching – Verse 42 – The Tao gives birth to One
Today: “Left nostril breathing gives you self-endurance, self effectiveness, and self respect. ” – Yogi Bhajan
Try these meditations:
Meditation: KWTC 19970630 – For Faculty of Self Engagement
Meditation: NM091 – 19921110 – Self Emboldenment, Engagement, Vision
Share The Magical Story of Mushkil Gusha with friends over a meal today.
Meditation: One Minute Breath
See lecture on cold showers
See Meditation: Breath of Fire
Previous reading: “Interlopers are usurping authority and power that is not rightly theirs. Be careful of questionable engagements. Know who you re dealing with.”
Previous previous reading: “Be a source of inexhaustible sustenance that pervades all consciousness.”
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The teacher
17 – Seventeen. Sui / Following
Thunder beneath the Lake’s surface.
The Superior Person allows himself plenty of sheltered rest and recuperation while awaiting a clear sign to follow.
Supreme success.
No mistakes if you keep to your course.
Thunder from the Lake — the lulling, rhythmic roar of the faithful tide, eternally wearing away the stone of the shoreline, forever obedient to the phases of the moon.
The pull of the moon on the tide is the Following called for now.
As mighty as the tide is in its own right, it is ever the puppet of the invisible, irresistible gravity of the moon.
What cyclical forces pull you along?
Are you futilely attempting to resist a natural attraction?
Six at the top means:
By virtue of your wise heart, you are followed by a leader.
Come down from your mountain, and you will be rewarded with another.
He meets with firm allegiance
And is still further bound.
The king introduces him
To the Western Mountain.

K’ung Fu Tzu (Confucius), born 551 b.C., lived during the Chou Dynasty
This refers to a man, an exalted sage, who has already put the turmoil of the world behind him. But a follower appears who understands him and is not to be put off. So the sage comes back into the world and aids the other in his work. Thus there develops an eternal tie between the two.
The allegory is chosen from the annals of the Chou dynasty. The rulers of this dynasty honored men who had served them well by awarding them a place in the royal family’s temple of ancestors on the Western Mountain. In this way they were regarded as sharing in the destiny of the ruling family. |
42 – Forty-Two. I / Expansion
Whirlwinds and Thunder:
When the Superior Person encounters saintly behavior, he adopts it; when he encounters a fault within, he transforms it.
Progress in every endeavor.
You may cross to the far shore.
Get ready to ride a tide of accelerated growth toward self-actualization.
A joyful awareness of the best within you, coupled with an acceptance of your Shadow, will provide a greater repertoire, a much bolder vision, and new depth and clarity that will compel you to expand your horizons.
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