Today: “Do not come to depend on those of means to throw you the scraps of what they enjoy (unsustainable).  Connect with everyone for your mutual benefit (sustainable).” – from the I Ching

Do not come to depend on those of means to throw you the scraps of what they enjoy (unsustainable).  Connect with everyone for your mutual benefit (sustainable).

See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for the day

Tao Te Ching – Verse 41 – When a superior man hears of the Tao, he immediately begins to embody it

Meditation: NM142 19940615 – Bless the Planet Earth and Let the Heavens Descend in You

See previous reading

See previous previous reading

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28 – Twenty-Eight. Ta Kuo / Critical Mass

The Flood rises above the tallest Tree:
Amidst a rising tide of human folly, the Superior Person retires to higher ground, renouncing his world without looking back.

Any direction is better than where you now stand.


Several high-priority concerns demand immediate attention.
All are crucial.
None will be denied.
Yet some demand the denial of others.
Like two atoms seeking to occupy the same space, these irresistible forces and immovable objects threaten to ignite a cataclysm that could irreversibly alter your world.
This is no time for fatal heroics.
You are at Ground Point Zero.
Remove yourself from this situation without delay.
Find sanctuary.
Later you may deal with these concerns on your own terms, from a position of strength.

Nine in the fifth place means:

The withered willow blossoms.
An older woman takes a young husband.
No blame, no praise.

A withered poplar puts forth flowers.
An older woman takes a husband.
No blame. No praise.

Poplar forest

Poplar forest

A withered poplar that flowers exhausts its energies thereby and only hastens its end. An older woman may marry once more, but no renewal takes place. Everything remains barren. Thus, though all the amenities are observed, the net result is only the anomaly of the situation.

Applied to politics, the metaphor means that if in times of insecurity we give up alliance with those below us and keep up only the relationships we have with people of higher rank, an unstable situation is created.

32 – Thirty-Two. Hêng / Durability

Arousing Thunder and penetrating Wind.
Close companions in any storm:
The Superior Person possesses a resiliency and durability that lets him remain firmly and faithfully on course.

Such constancy deserves success.


Endurance is the key to success in this situation.
However, durability is not synonymous with stone-like rigidity.
True resilience requires a flexibility that allows adaptation to any adverse condition, while still remaining true to the core.
Can you maintain your integrity under any circumstance?
Can you influence the situation without giving opposing forces anything to resist?
Then you will endure to reach your goal.


Today: “I don’t think anybody has to learn what the truth is. Everybody knows the truth.” Yogi Bhajan

“I don’t think anybody has to learn what the truth is. Everybody knows the truth. All man does need to learn is how to live the truth. And when he lives the truth, he becomes the truth.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: NM190-19951031-Connect Yourself to the Reality

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