Today: As better times return, do not be tempted to hasten the fall of the wicked people whose dark alliance is imploding.  Your message of renewal will be widely received.- from the I Ching

As better times return, do not be tempted to hasten the fall of the wicked people whose dark alliance is imploding.  Your message of renewal will be widely received.

A quote from Yogi Bhajan

Tao Te Ching – Verse 10 – Can you coax your mind from its wandering and keep to the original oneness?

Meditation: Contemplate in Shuniya from the Spine

No Superstition and the Vagus Nerve – HNS Class Golden Bridge 2012-12-12

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Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's, Thomas Cleary's, Brian Arnold's and other translations of the I Ching
23 – Twenty-Three. Po / Splitting Apart

The weight of the Mountain presses down upon a weak foundation of Earth:
The Superior Person will use this time of oppression to attend to the needs of those less fortunate.

Any action would be ill-timed.
Stand fast.


This is a situation easily mistaken for Stagnation (Hexagram 12) or Revolution (Hexagram 49).
It just depends on which side you’re on.
During a time of Stagnation, human worms invade to feed on the decay.
During a time of Revolution, oppression is being overthrown.
But in this situation, oppressors are violently seizing power.
Pay special heed when you receive this hexagram, because the oracle is often warning you of a situation of which you are totally unaware.
You are about to be blindsided.

Nine at the top means:

Refusing fruit offered by the serpent, he gains a carriage when the snake swallows its own tail and the light is restored.

There is a large fruit still uneaten.
The superior man receives a carriage.
The house of the inferior man is split apart.

Large fruit

Here the splitting apart reaches its end. When misfortune has spent itself, better times return. The seed of the good remains, and it is just when the fruit falls to the ground that good sprouts anew from its seed. The superior man again attains influence and effectiveness. He is supported by public opinion as if in a carriage. But the inferior man’s wickedness is visited upon himself. His house is split apart. A law of nature is at work here. Evil is not destructive to the good alone but inevitably destroys itself as well. For evil, which lives solely by negation, cannot continue to exist on its own strength alone. The inferior man himself fares best when held under control by a superior man.
2 – Two. K’un / Receptive Force

Earth above and Earth below:
The Earth contains and sustains.
In this situation, the Superior Person should not take the initiative; he should follow the initiative of another.
He should seek receptive allies in the southwest; he should break ties with immovable allies in the northeast.

Responsive devotion.
Receptive influence.
Sublime Success if you keep to your course.


This is a time for dealing with reality as it is, not as you would have it be.
If you realize that in this situation you are the receptor, not the transmitter of the stimulus, you will find yourself reaching goals that seemed unattainable under your own steam.
If you persist in futile efforts to be the Shaper rather than the Shaped, you will completely miss this unique opportunity.


Today:”Mind is like a pendulum. It can only be controlled when your breath will be one-minute.” Yogi Bhajan

“Mind is like a pendulum. It can only be controlled when your breath will be one-minute. You will not dream, you will sleep like a baby when you want, you can get up when you want, your time clock will be fine. But you have to breathe one minute: twenty seconds inhale, twenty seconds hold, twenty seconds exhale. Mind then has nothing left but to serve you, serve you, serve you.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: Breath to Conquer Time Space and Destiny

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