Today: “A firm commitment is required to hold the group together in common practice.  Once this happens the leader will respond.”- from the I Ching

A firm commitment is required to hold the group together in common practice.  Once this happens the leader will respond. See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for today. Tao Te Ching – Verse 76 – Men are born soft and supple; dead, they are stiff and hard. Plants are born tender and pliant; dead, they are brittle and dry. Meditation: Breath to Conquer Time Space and Destiny See Previous reading See Previous previous reading See related posts
Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's, Thomas Cleary's, Brian Arnold's and other translations of the I Ching
45 – Forty-Five  Ts’ui / Gathering
The Lake rises by welcoming and receiving Earth’s waters: The King approaches his temple. It is wise to seek audience with him there. Success follows this course. Making an offering will seal your good fortune. A goal will be realized now. SITUATION ANALYSIS: This is an important Convergence, and you must be part of it. Look for the Center of this convergence. Like waters running to the sea, like an astronomical convergence of planets revolving around the sun, you should let the gravity of this Center draw you near. Others are also drawn to this Center, and among them you will find shared bonds and kindred spirits. This tribal convergence will give you a clarity of purpose. You will no longer be alone.
Six at the beginning [yin at bottom] means:
You seem to blow both hot and cold, sometimes seeking to join in, sometimes shrinking away. Admit your fears out loud, and a true companion will answer. Joy returns.

If you’re sincere, but not to the end, There will sometimes be confusion, sometimes gathering together. If you call out, Then after one grasp of the hand you can laugh again. Regret not. Going is without blame.

Laughing Buddha

Laughing Buddha

The situation is this: People desire to gather around a leader to whom they look up. But they are in a large group, by which they allow themselves to be influenced, so that they waver in their decision. Thus they lack a firm center around which to gather. But if expression is given to this need, and if they call for help, one grasp of the hand from the leader is enough to turn away all distress. Therefore they must not allow themselves to be led astray. It is undoubtedly right that they should attach themselves to this leader.
17 – Seventeen  Sui / Following
Thunder beneath the Lake’s surface. The Superior Person allows himself plenty of sheltered rest and recuperation while awaiting a clear sign to follow. Supreme success. No mistakes if you keep to your course. SITUATION ANALYSIS: Thunder from the Lake — the lulling, rhythmic roar of the faithful tide, eternally wearing away the stone of the shoreline, forever obedient to the phases of the moon. The pull of the moon on the tide is the Following called for now. As mighty as the tide is in its own right, it is ever the puppet of the invisible, irresistible gravity of the moon. What cyclical forces pull you along? Are you futilely attempting to resist a natural attraction?

Today: “What use is a flower with no fragrance? What use is a mirror in which you cannot see yourself? You must know your soul and project it.” Yogi Bhajan

“What use is a flower with no fragrance? What use is a mirror in which you cannot see yourself? You must know your soul and project it.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: M043-19890623 See Your Soul Within Your Third Eye

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Today: “Let go of those who look up to you as a leader.  Everyone will be stronger and more effective when once they gain more self reliance.”- from the I Ching

Let go of those who look up to you as a leader.  Everyone will be stronger and more effective when once they gain more self reliance. See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for today. Tao Te Ching – Verse 75 – When taxes are too high, people go hungry. When the government is too intrusive, people lose their spirit Meditation: LA041-780525- Control the Mind See Previous reading See Previous previous reading See related posts
Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's, Thomas Cleary's, Brian Arnold's and other translations of the I Ching
59 – Fifty-Nine  Huan / Dissolution
Wind carries the Mists aloft: Sage rulers dedicated their lives to serving a Higher Power and built temples that still endure. The King approaches his temple. Success if you stay on course. You may cross to the far shore. SITUATION ANALYSIS: Walls meant to protect have instead separated and isolated. Your defenses have kept you apart from those whom you most need to touch. Whatever the reason for discord between you, it is time to lay down your arms. Dispel the inflexible demands and fears of the Mind so that you may reunite in the Heart. If you have begrudged, forgive. If you have torn down, repair. If you have injured, heal. If you have judged, pardon. If you have grasped, let go.
Six in the fourth place means:
He dissolves his bond with his group.1 Supreme good fortune. Dispersion leads in turn to accumulation. This is something that ordinary men do not think of. He scatters his group far and wide. Those who return will be of firmer resolve and leaner, stronger fibre. An ingenious move.
6 – Six  Sung / Conflict
The high Heavens over a yawning Deep chasm: An expansive void where nothing can dwell. Even though he sincerely knows he is right, the Superior Person anticipates opposition and carefully prepares for any incident. Good fortune if your conflict results in compromise. Misfortune if your conflict escalates to confrontation. Seek advice. Postpone your crossing to the far shore. SITUATION ANALYSIS: Conflict is a necessary part of life. Tension upon the strings of a violin can make majestic music. The critical mass of two hydrogen atoms trying to occupy the same space fuel the sun that nourishes our solar system. Most conflicts you face in life are the result of your Path converging with another’s. Your Path is not his, and one Path is not necessarily more right than the other. Can you work together to remove the blockage?