Today: “When you know that all is light, then you are enlightened” – Yogi Bhajan

SSSYWa“When you know that all is light, then you are enlightened. What is enlightened? When you recognize the light. Where? Within you.” Yogi Bhajan

Sat Nam!
Ram Anand



Today: These are difficult and momentous times.  Something has to give. – I Ching

These are difficult and momentous times.  Something has to give.  You can help, as long as you serve selflessly for the whole.  Draw from the inexhaustible wellspring of your divine nature.  You will succeed if in your efforts if you penetrate the real roots of humanity rather than blindly following convention.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's translation of the I Ching

The weight of the great is excessive. The load is too heavy for the strength of the supports. The ridge-pole on which the whole roof rests, sags to the breaking point, because its supporting ends are too weak for the load they bear. It is an exceptional time and situation; therefore extraordinary measures are demanded. It is necessary to find a way of transition as quickly as possible, and to take action. This promises success. For although the strong element is in excess, it is in the middle, that is, at the centre of gravity, so that a revolution is not to be feared. Nothing is to be achieved by forcible measures. The problem must be solved by gentle penetration to the meaning of the situation (as is suggested by the attribute of the inner trigram, Sun); then the change-over to other conditions will be successful. It demands real superiority; therefore the time when the great preponderates is a momentous time.
Through friendly relations with people of lower rank, a responsible man succeeds in becoming master of the situation. But if, instead of working for the rescue of the whole, he were to misuse his connections to obtain personal power and success, it would lead to humiliation.
Men may differ in disposition and in education, the foundations of human nature are the same in everyone. And every human being can draw in the course of his education from the inexhaustible wellspring of the divine in man’s nature. But here likewise two dangers threaten: a man may fail in his education to penetrate to the real roots of humanity and remain fixed in convention-a partial education of this sort is as bad as none- or he may suddenly collapse and neglect his self-development.


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Today: I Ching