Infinity in our projection…

SSSYWa“Your common observations and expressions are not realities, and Infinity itself cannot be spoken. This is the normal situation. And there are so many Infinities in our experience. God is Infinity. Love is Infinity. Commitment is Infinity. In every facet of our life we have the potential for the Infinity of our projection. Projecting with Infinity in our speech is the base of our committed language.” –Yogi Bhajan


What else Yogi Bhajan said

via Ram Anand

Passages from the Bible – Isaiah 10

The Reverend William Barber II has been working with Sister Simone and others, preaching to rehabilitate  spiritual consciousness in America, which has been compromised by materialistic interests and co-opted by politics.  See his sermon on Isaiah 10 at the DNC July 28, 2016:RevWilliamBarberII


Rev William Barber II


Isaiah 10

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