Meditation & Healing Workshops at Park Slope Brooklyn May 15-16, 2015

Two workshops were conducted on May 15 and 16 at Kundalini Yoga Park Slope.

Friday, Healing and the Subtle Body explored the 9th body.

The ninth body, the Subtle Body, is the fundamental component of our forming a healing relation with our event.  Transcending space and time, it can give us a direct experience of something that is not ourself.

The subtle body transcends our physical existence and survives our incarnation. Through our subtle body we can know the unknown. In relation with another person’s subtle body, we can know something of that person’s existence.  The subtle body is integral to healing in our tradition.

Meditations included:
M0512-890312-For Mastery of Time and Space
NM0190-19951031-Connect Yourself to the Reality
LA097-790327-YONI KRIYA

Saturday, Healing and the Radiant Body explored the tenth body.

The tenth body – Radiant Body
Through the radiant body we choose how we relate with ourselves and others. The radiant body projects our presence externally to others and internally to ourselves. In this tradition, we practice developing a healing presence.  With a strong radiant body, our very presence has a profound healing impact on our environment.


NM0163-20010618-Polish the Radiant Body


Meditation: LA097-790327-Yoni Kriya

Yogi Bhajan March 27, 1979

Sit in easy pose with a straight spine.LA097-790327-YoniKriya  Relax the arms down with the elbows bent. Draw the forearms up and in toward each other until the hands meet in front of the chest at the level of the heart. Press the thumbs and little fingers of the opposite hands together. The other fingers remain separated. Point the fingers out in front of the body.
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Meditation: NM190-19951031-Connect Yourself to the Reality

Yogi Bhajan – NM190 – New Mexico October 31, 1995
NM190-951031-ConnectYourselfToTheRealityLeft elbow down, forearm forward at heart, palm up.
Right elbow a little forward front, at shoulder level.  Forearm forward, palm down, inside the line of the shoulder.
Eyes closed.
Continue reading “Meditation: NM190-19951031-Connect Yourself to the Reality”

Meditation: NM0163 – 20010618 – Polish the Radiant Body

We have ten bodies.  The projection of the radNM0163iant Body, the tenth body, determines how other people see us and how we see ourselves.  It can be shiny and protective, or dull and porous.  We also use our Radiant Body to heal.
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Review of Meditation and Sat Nam Rasayan® Healing Workshop with Hari Nam Singh 05/24/2015 – “Healing and the Radiant Body”

We held a Meditation and Sat Nam Rasayan® Healing Workshop with Hari Nam Singh at the Healing Heart Center in Hollywood. The topic of the workshop was “Healing and the Radiant Body”.

We performed a meditation to polish the radiant body:

NM0163 – 2001-06-18 – Polish the Radiant Body

The tenth body – Radiant Body
Through the radiant body we choose how we relate with ourselves and others. The radiant body projects our presence externally to others and internally to ourselves. In this tradition, we practice developing a healing presence.  With a strong radiant body, our very presence has a profound healing impact on our environment.

Workshop Audio:    

A vegetarian lunch  followed, prepared by Dev Atma Suroop Kaur