Meditation: Shuniya Meditations as Taught by Yogi Bhajan, Yoga West, 1994

“Any nervous disorder you can conquer by this exercise”
“I want you to go home just enriched with something.  Not just came to a class and learned something.  No, come to class, be something.  Don’t come here to learn with me.  There are so many people who teach you to learn things.  There is a difference.  Here, you have to be, not to learn.  Learning, go somewhere else”.


Yogi Bhajan came to Yoga West in October-November 1994. He taught a series of classes designed to break the hypnotic trance that locks our psyches in a habitual pattern of perception. Going beyond the familiar forms that limit our perception we can stabilize a state of Shuniya in ourselves that allows us to perceive reality as it is.

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